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UVES trending system: HEALTH CHECK report
Last update: 2025-03-07T00:26:30 (UT)
  | now: 2025-03-07T02:46:10 (UT) muc02 QC pipeline: uves-6.1.11 (installed 2023-06-22)
same group: Resolution   B_CD2_A B_CD2_B RU_CD3_A RU_CD3_B RL_CD3_A RL_CD3_B Thermal FWHM
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DATE*: [?] 2025-02-28
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*Date on this monitor changes at 21:00 UT
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The old MIT/LL upper chip R (replaced 2009-09) was expected to be a bit lower due to charge diffusion. The dotted curves plots 5/6 gives the "nominal" resolution (black) and one 5% lower (green).
Average ? Thresholds ? N_
method value unit method value
1 QC1DB FIXED 92.5 NONE VAL85,103 191 resol_med this | last_yr | all Mean resolving power R, BLUE 437.0nm 1x1 0.4arcs slit. Lower threshold set normally to the value in the user manual
2 QC1DB MEDIAN 113 NONE VAL105,125. 185 resol_med this | last_yr | all same, REDL 580.0nm 1x1 0.3arcs slit. Lower threshold set normally to the value in the user manual
3 QC1DB MEDIAN 103 NONE VAL95,125. 185 resol_med this | last_yr | all same, REDU 580.0nm 1x1 0.3arcs slit. Lower threshold set normally to the value in the user manual
4 +QC1DB none   NONE none  264 resol_med this | last_yr | all Correlation Resolution vs. Slit Width, BLUE 437.0nm 1x1, all slit widths (in black: theoretical values from User Manual)
5 +QC1DB none   NONE none  456 resol_med this | last_yr | all same, REDL 580.0nm 1x1
6 +QC1DB none   NONE none  454 resol_med this | last_yr | all same, REDU 580.0nm 1x1
*Data sources: QC1DB: QC1 database; LOCAL: local data source
Plot 1
scores: 9|
data source:uves_wave
(QC1 database)
fixed average:92.5NONE
fixed thresholds:85...103NONE
N_data plotted:191
[click plot for closeup]
Plot 2
scores: 9|
data source:uves_wave
(QC1 database)
fixed thresholds:105...125.0NONE
N_data plotted:185
[click plot for closeup]
Plot 3
scores: 9|
data source:uves_wave
(QC1 database)
fixed thresholds:95...125.0NONE
N_data plotted:185
[click plot for closeup]
Plot 4
scores: not implemented
data source:uves_wave
(QC1 database)
N_data plotted:264
[click plot for closeup]
Plot 5
scores: not implemented
data source:uves_wave
(QC1 database)
N_data plotted:456
[click plot for closeup]
Plot 6
scores: not implemented
data source:uves_wave
(QC1 database)
N_data plotted:454
[click plot for closeup]
This plot

This is the trending report for monitoring UVES Resolution based on QC parameters derived from wavelength calibration frames (WAVE_ECH). It trends the measured resolution in the Health Check calibrations which are taken in one BLUE (437nm) and one RED (580nm) setting. It also displays a comparison of measured resolutions to the nominal values.

The lower thresholds of plots 1-3 are set to the nominal expected resolution. Therefore results below these thresholds should be investigated closely.

The individual plots describe:

  1. measured resolution for the BLUE 437.0nm, 1x1, 0.4 arcs slit
  2. measured resolution for the REDL chip of the 580.0nm, 1x1, 0.3 arcs slit
  3. measured resolution for the REDU chip of the 580.0nm, 1x1, 0.3 arcs slit
    For these plots the value of the lower threshold is set to the value given in the user manual. The Upper Chip red lower threshold is set to 95% because of charge diffusion.
  4. measured resolution as a function of slit-width for all BLUE 437.0nm, 1x1 data
  5. measured resolution as a function of slit-width for all REDL 580.0nm, 1x1 data
  6. measured resolution as a function of slit-width for the REDU 580.0nm, 1x1 data
In black dotted curve plots 4/5/6: calculated values from the User Manual (see table below). Find more information about UVES wavelength solution monitoring here.

Note: The Upper chip R is expected to be a bit lower due to charge diffusion. This was especially true of the old MIT/LL chip, seems to be better for the new Upper chip.The dotted curves plots 5/6/7/8 gives the "nominal" resolution (black) and one 5% lower (green).

SLITW R_blue R_red(L) old_R_red(U)
#2.1 20000 20000 19000
#2.0 22000 22000 20900
#1.50 31000 31000 29450
#1.40 32000 32000 30400
#1.30 34000 34000 32300
#1.20 37000 37000 35150
#1.10 39000 39000 37050
#1.00 41000 42000 39900
#0.90 44000 46000 43700
#0.80 50000 53000 50350
#0.70 54000 60000 57000
#0.60 59000 68000 64600
#0.50 65000 78000 74100
#0.40 71000 91000 86450
#0.30 78000 108000 102600
#0.20 82000 129000 122550  

General information

Click on any of the plots to see a close-up version.

The latest date is indicated on top of the plot.

If configured,

  • data points belonging to the latest date are specially marked
  • statistical averages are indicated by a solid line, and thresholds by broken lines
  • outliers are marked by a red asterisk. They are defined as data points outside the threshold lines
  • "aliens" (= data points outside the plot Y limits) are marked by a red arrow ( or )
  • you can download the data for each parameter set if the 'Data downloads' link shows up