General Monitoring: PWV monitor
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General Monitoring: PWV monitor


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PWV monitor  
Last update: 2020-10-01T10:59:23 (UT)
  | now: 2024-12-21T12:26:03 (UT)  
same group: PWV:_last_60d last_10d   PWV_WLAMBDA PWV_fits_(calista)
General news: NOTE: The Health Check and calChecker services are moved to qcFlow on an instrument by instrument basis. The current pages will not be updated any longer once the move has been finished.
Report news: The update of this plot has been terminated on 2020-10-01. Please refer to the ASM for current PWV values. The historical plots remain available under the 60days plot. [contact:]
png: Information and research:
- png file - advanced studies: QC1 browser | QC1 plotter
Average ? Thresholds ? N_
method value unit method value
1 LOCAL none   mm none  8139 PWV n/a PWV (in mm) of atmosphere above Paranal; closeup of last 10 days.
a) Radiometer (LHATPRO) data
1 QC1DB none   mm none  0 PWV this | last_yr | all b) PWV from XSHOOTER telluric standard stars
1 ΔQC1DB none   mm none  7 PWV this | last_yr | all c) same, from UVES standard star equivalent widths
2 LOCAL none   mm none  8139 PWV n/a same as plot no. 1, zoom in to lowest 5 mm.
a) LHATPRO data
2 QC1DB none   mm none  0 PWV this | last_yr | all b) XSHOOTER
2 ΔQC1DB none   mm none  7 PWV this | last_yr | all c) UVES
*Data sources: QC1DB: QC1 database; LOCAL: local data source
Plot 1
data source:ambient_PWV
(QC1 database)
(numbers below apply to this dataset)
N_data plotted:0
[click plot for closeup]
Plot 2
data source:ambient_PWV
(QC1 database)
(numbers below apply to this dataset)
N_data plotted:0
[click plot for closeup]
This plot

This plot displays PWV values for Paranal, from radiometer (LHATPRO) data, and from UVES and X-SHOOTER standard stars. Since April 2015 the LHATPRO data are available in the ambient database, retrieved from there and displayed here. Until 2013-12-12, there were also data from CRIRES emission line fits.

It displays a closeup of the last 10 days. This format is intended to assist with operational planning based on the PWV situation. Plot #2 is a closeup of plot #1, emphasizing data values below 5 mm.

Find more information about the underlying data in the "This plot" section of the main plot ("PWV").  

General information

Click on any of the plots to see a close-up version.

The latest date is indicated on top of the plot.

If configured,

  • data points belonging to the latest date are specially marked
  • statistical averages are indicated by a solid line, and thresholds by broken lines
  • outliers are marked by a red asterisk. They are defined as data points outside the threshold lines
  • "aliens" (= data points outside the plot Y limits) are marked by a red arrow ( or )
  • you can download the data for each parameter set if the 'Data downloads' link shows up