The Venus Transit 2004
... Links to Websites with Live Images, TV and Radio Transmissions
This page contains links to other websites at which photos and webcasts of the Venus Transit are expected to appear in (near-)real-time (weather permitting), divided into ground-based (arranged by country) and space observatories. Many of the organisations responsible for these pages are VT-2004 Network Members. Provided information is received in time, there will also be (links to) information about radio and satellite-based TV transmissions.
About the links on this page
The links included in the present list are known from announcements received by email or have been collected from other sources; all links have been checked and found to be in order (at least at the time of the test). Nevertheless, despite a dedicated search, this list is likely to be incomplete. Please note also that the organisers of VT-2004 programme can take no responsibility for the information displayed on these websites.
Proposals for additional links to be displayed here are welcome. Send the relevant information, with the name of the responsible organisation and the web-address (URL) by email to vt-2004@eso.org.
Please feel free to copy this list and place it at other websites! Note, however, that it is being updated at short intervals as we receive emails from other organisers of webcam transmissions.
Images from Ground-based Observers
- Theodore Lunar Observatory - Sydney
- Öserreichische Gesellschaft für Astronomie und Astrophysik (ÖGA 2 ) - Innsbruck/Wien
- Sonnenobservatorium Kanzelhoehe - Graz
- Universitäts-Sternwarte Wien
- Mira Public Observatory - Grimbergen
- Université Libre de Bruxelles
- Royal Observatory of Belgium
- Public Observatory - Hove
- Groupe Astronomie Spa
Czech Republic
- Observatory and Planetarium Hradec Kralove
- Express Astronomical Information - Karlovy Vary
- Express Astronomical Information - Brno
- Express Astronomical Information [Streaming video]
- Dansk Rumforskningsinstitut - Copenhagen
- Astronomibladet
- Expedicion Sonora VT-2004 Egipto - Cairo
- Observatoire de l'Ecole Supérieure d’Optique - St. Etienne
- Observatoire Pic du Midi
- Observatoire du Pic de Chateau Renards (Association "Astroqueyras") -Hautes-Alpes
- Observatoire de Paris-Meudon
- Observatoire de la Côte-d'Azur
- Association Reunionnaise pour l'Etude du Ciel Austral (ARECA) - St. Paul, Ile de Reunion
- Observatoire de Makes - Ile de Reunion
- Astro-LiveCam Sternwarte - Hattingen
- Observationszentrum - NoRa
- Sternwarte Lohfeld - Bad Salzuflen
- Raumflugplanetarium "Juri Gagarin" - Cottbus
- Wendelstein-Observatorium - LMU München
- Sternwarte Peterberg
- Astronomische Vereinigung Karlsruhe
- VdS - Vereignigung der Sternfreunde
- Kiepenheuer- Institut für Sonnenphysik (KIS) - Freiburg
- Exploratorium - Athens
- Polaris Observatory - Budapest
- Vygyan Prasar
- University of North Dakota V2K4 Expedition - New Delhi
- Nehru Planetarium and Amateur Astronomers Association - New Delhi
- Nayoro Astronomical Observatory
- Yokohama Science Center
- Nagoya City Science Museum
- Toyama Astronomical Observatory
- Nishiharima Astoronomical Observatory
- Kawabe Cosmic Park
- Hoshinoko Yakata
- Nakagawa Science Center
- Nagasaki Science Museum
The Netherlnads
- Astronet
- Venusvoordezon.nl - in Dutch
- Venusvoordezon.nl - English
- Venusvoordezon.nl
New Zealand
- National Maritime Museum - Auckland
- One Tree Hill Domain
- Astronomy.no - Oslo
- Astronomical Institute of Wroclaw University (in H-alpha line)
- Center of Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences - Warszaw
- Center of Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences - Warszaw
- Lodz Planetarium
- Institut of Physics of Szczecin University
- Polish Amateur Astronomy Association - Section of Solar Observations
- Obserwatorium Astronomiczne UAM
- COAA Centro de Observacao Astronomica no Algarve Poio - Portimão
- Centro Multimeios Espinho - Centro de Astrofisica da Universidade do Porto
P. R. China
- Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy - Bucharest
- Slovak Union of Amateur Astronomers - Public Observatory Rimavska Sobota
- Parque de las Ciencias de Granada
- Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía
- Agrupación Astronómica de Málaga SIRIO
- Solar Observation Network NSO/GONG - with images from Observatorio del Teide, Izaña - Tenerife (IAC)
- SAROS Live from Gran Canaria, Catania (Italy) and Cartagena
- Agrupación Astronómica Isla de la Palma
- Retransmission together with the Instituto Astrofísico de Canarias (IAC)
- Universitat de Barcelona
- Agrupación Astronómica Vizcaína - Bizkaiko Astronomi Elkartea y el I.E.S. J.M. Barandiaran de Leioa
- Observatorio UCM - Depto. Astrofísica - ASAAF (Madrid)
- Saros Group - Scientific Expeditions - Canary Islands
- Saros Group - Scientific Expeditions - Canary Islands
- Agrupación Astronómica de Sabadell - Barcelona
- Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia - Granada
- Euro6IX
Sri Lanka
- Arthur C. Clarke Institute (ACCIMT) - Katubedda, Moratuwa
- Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) - La Palma (Canary Islands)
United Kingdom
- Armagh Observatory
- East Antrim Astronomical Society (EAAS) - Ballymena
- University of Central Lancashire
- Neatherd High School
- Worth Hill Observatory
Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)
- Astronomy Club "Milutin Milankovic" - Zrejanin
- Mathematical Dept. of Faculty of Science and Mathematics - webcast
- Mathematical Dept. of Faculty of Science and Mathematics - lectures
Images from Space Observatories
- Observations with the EIT instrument on SOHO - MEDOC Centre
- University of Waterloo - Canada
- BBC and The Open University - Special Programme on Venus Transit on June 8th
- WDR (Germany)
TV programmes
TV programmes by satellite
Robyn Higdon (Exploratorium, San Francisco, USA) writes: "We will be webcasting 1st/2nd contact and 3/4th contact live on the web (see above under Greece).
People in Western Europe can view it via satellite at 5:00 UT (for 45 minutes) and at 11:00 UT (for about 45 minutes)."
Channel 1 is designated "image only", while Channel 2 is a program with scientists and astronomers giving commentary. For UK and other Euro locations: Channel 1: AB1 transponder D7/F7 channel G (6.1113 & 3/4) UL 14241.25 Y/ DL X US 11691.25 EUR 12741.25 Channel 2: AB1 XP D7/F7 F (6.1113 & 3/4) UL 14232.25 Y/ DL X US 11682.25 EUR 12732.25
Bob Bruninga (Satellite Lab, US Naval Academy) writes: "This will be the first Venus Transit in history since Marconi discovered Radio and the first time ever that real-time observations can be exchanged via that medium (compared to sailing ship!). We plan on organizing HAM radio operators around the world to communicate live via amateur radio on their observations of the Venus Transit. We have a web page:
If you are aware of any other such on-the-air communications events, please let us know, or tell others about us. Since this is the FIRST transit in all of history since Marconi discovered radio, it will be the FIRST time that distant obwservations can be shared in real time. We plan on emphasizing this instant communications via radio as our niche in this historic event."
Leo Andrews (Channel 27) writes: "Next Tuesday from 0700-0900 GMT, Channel 27 - a high-quality web based radio station will be broadcasting coverage of the Venus Transit. The show will feature commentary and discussion, together with packaged features about the Venus Transit. The show is very much live and will be broadcast from a custom Outside Broadcast facility in London, UK. It's set to be a remarkable spectacle so we hope you and your visitors will be able to listen in whilst the transit is happening. For more information, visit:
and on the day, the link to the live stream (which is free to access) will be posted."