What’s new in PyEsoRex 1.0

PyEsoRex 1.0 is the first, official release meant for production use.


  • Support for in-memory sof handling in PyEsoRex. Can assign iterable containing cpl.ui.Frame objects via sof setter. Backwards compatible with sof_location setter. (pycpl!160)

  • Provide package version attribute pyesorex.__version__. (pyesorex!1)


  • PyEsoRex moved to a separate GitLab repo.

  • Build system modernized: switch to a PEP-517 compliant build system replacing the obsolete setup.py by pyproject.toml and setup.cfg. (pyesorex!1)

  • Building packages uses the pyesorex.__version__ attribute to dynamically determine and set the package version. (pyesorex!1)


  • Fixed code style in most Python files (pycpl!157)