What’s new in PyEsoRex 0.9

PyEsoRex 0.9 is an early release, which is made available to the public in order to obtain feedback from a wider audience.


  • New PyEsoRex options/parameters:

    • –params command line option and Pyesorex.get_params_text() method. (pycpl!129)

    • –help [recipe name] and –man-page [recipe name] command line options added, along with a rework of their associated doc functions now properly printing the parameters. (pycpl!130)

    • –time option and parameter. (pycpl!133)

    • JSON format support for –config and –create-config options, and read_config(), read_recipe_config(), write_config() and write_recipe_config() methods. (pycpl!132)

    • –products-sof option and corresponding write_sof() method, and new –products-sof-abspaths option. (pycpl!132)

    • –link-dir and –suppress-link options and parameters, and link_dir property. (pycpl!138)


  • PyEsoRex now uses cpl.ui.CRecipe.recipe_dir to set the default value for the recipe directory. (pycpl!132)

  • The pyesorex CLI will no longer display Python Tracebacks in the terminal, a short human readable message will be displayed instead. Tracebacks will be added to the log if log level is debug. (pycpl!138)

  • Pyesorex now defers validation of output and link directories until recipe run time (which means ouput_mkdir can be set at any time), and will apply settings from PYESOREX_CONFIG before any other environment variable settings. (pycpl!138)


  • PyEsoRex bug always using compile-time directory when searching for recipes is fixed (pycpl!145)

  • Removed an errant print() from PyEsoRex. (pycpl!146)