Common Pipeline Library Reference 7.3.2
No Matches


cpl_error_code cpl_array_abs (cpl_array *array)
 Compute the absolute value of array elements.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_add (cpl_array *to_array, const cpl_array *from_array)
 Add the values of two numeric or complex arrays.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_add_scalar (cpl_array *array, double value)
 Add a constant value to a numerical array.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_add_scalar_complex (cpl_array *array, double complex value)
 Add a constant complex value to a complex array.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_arg (cpl_array *array)
 Compute the phase angle value of array elements.
cpl_array * cpl_array_cast (const cpl_array *array, cpl_type type)
 Cast a numeric array to a new numeric type array.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data (cpl_array *array, const double *data)
 Copy buffer of numerical data to a numerical array.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data_complex (cpl_array *array, const double complex *data)
 Copy buffer of complex data to a complex array.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data_cplsize (cpl_array *array, const cpl_size *data)
 Copy existing data to a cpl_size array.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data_double (cpl_array *array, const double *data)
 Copy existing data to a double array.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data_double_complex (cpl_array *array, const double complex *data)
 Copy existing data to a double complex array.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data_float (cpl_array *array, const float *data)
 Copy existing data to a float array.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data_float_complex (cpl_array *array, const float complex *data)
 Copy existing data to a float complex array.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data_int (cpl_array *array, const int *data)
 Copy existing data to an integer array.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data_long (cpl_array *array, const long *data)
 Copy existing data to a long integer array.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data_long_long (cpl_array *array, const long long *data)
 Copy existing data to a long long integer array.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data_string (cpl_array *array, const char **data)
 Copy existing data to a string array.
cpl_size cpl_array_count_invalid (const cpl_array *array)
 Count number of invalid elements in an array.
void cpl_array_delete (cpl_array *array)
 Delete an array.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_divide (cpl_array *to_array, const cpl_array *from_array)
 Divide the values of two numeric or complex arrays.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_divide_scalar (cpl_array *array, double value)
 Divide a numerical array by a constant value.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_divide_scalar_complex (cpl_array *array, double complex value)
 Divide a complex array by a constant complex value.
void cpl_array_dump (const cpl_array *array, cpl_size start, cpl_size count, FILE *stream)
 Print an array.
void cpl_array_dump_structure (const cpl_array *array, FILE *stream)
 Describe the structure and the contents of an array.
cpl_array * cpl_array_duplicate (const cpl_array *array)
 Make a copy of an array.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_erase_window (cpl_array *array, cpl_size start, cpl_size count)
 Delete a segment of an array.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_exponential (cpl_array *array, double base)
 Compute the exponential of array elements.
cpl_array * cpl_array_extract (const cpl_array *array, cpl_size start, cpl_size count)
 Create an array from a section of another array.
cpl_array * cpl_array_extract_imag (const cpl_array *array)
 Extract the imaginary value of array elements.
cpl_array * cpl_array_extract_real (const cpl_array *array)
 Extract the real value of array elements.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window (cpl_array *array, cpl_size start, cpl_size count, double value)
 Write the same value within a numerical array segment.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_complex (cpl_array *array, cpl_size start, cpl_size count, double complex value)
 Write the same value within a complex array segment.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_cplsize (cpl_array *array, cpl_size start, cpl_size count, cpl_size value)
 Write the same value within a cpl_size array segment.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_double (cpl_array *array, cpl_size start, cpl_size count, double value)
 Write the same value within a double array segment.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_double_complex (cpl_array *array, cpl_size start, cpl_size count, double complex value)
 Write the same value within a double complex array segment.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_float (cpl_array *array, cpl_size start, cpl_size count, float value)
 Write the same value within a float array segment.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_float_complex (cpl_array *array, cpl_size start, cpl_size count, float complex value)
 Write the same value within a float complex array segment.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_int (cpl_array *array, cpl_size start, cpl_size count, int value)
 Write the same value within an integer array segment.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_invalid (cpl_array *array, cpl_size start, cpl_size count)
 Set an array segment to NULL.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_long (cpl_array *array, cpl_size start, cpl_size count, long value)
 Write the same value within a long integer array segment.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_long_long (cpl_array *array, cpl_size start, cpl_size count, long long value)
 Write the same value within a long long integer array segment.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_string (cpl_array *array, cpl_size start, cpl_size count, const char *value)
 Write a string to a string array segment.
double cpl_array_get (const cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, int *null)
 Read a value from a numerical array.
double complex cpl_array_get_complex (const cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, int *null)
 Read a value from a complex array.
cpl_size cpl_array_get_cplsize (const cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, int *null)
 Read a value from a cpl_size array.
cpl_sizecpl_array_get_data_cplsize (cpl_array *array)
 Get a pointer to cpl_size array data.
const cpl_sizecpl_array_get_data_cplsize_const (const cpl_array *array)
 Get a pointer to constant cpl_size array data.
double * cpl_array_get_data_double (cpl_array *array)
 Get a pointer to double array data.
double complex * cpl_array_get_data_double_complex (cpl_array *array)
 Get a pointer to double complex array data.
const double complex * cpl_array_get_data_double_complex_const (const cpl_array *array)
 Get a pointer to constant double complex array data.
const double * cpl_array_get_data_double_const (const cpl_array *array)
 Get a pointer to constant double array data.
float * cpl_array_get_data_float (cpl_array *array)
 Get a pointer to float array data.
float complex * cpl_array_get_data_float_complex (cpl_array *array)
 Get a pointer to float complex array data.
const float complex * cpl_array_get_data_float_complex_const (const cpl_array *array)
 Get a pointer to constant float complex array data.
const float * cpl_array_get_data_float_const (const cpl_array *array)
 Get a pointer to constant float array data.
int * cpl_array_get_data_int (cpl_array *array)
 Get a pointer to integer array data.
const int * cpl_array_get_data_int_const (const cpl_array *array)
 Get a pointer to constant integer array data.
long * cpl_array_get_data_long (cpl_array *array)
 Get a pointer to long integer array data.
const long * cpl_array_get_data_long_const (const cpl_array *array)
 Get a pointer to constant long integer array data.
long long * cpl_array_get_data_long_long (cpl_array *array)
 Get a pointer to long long integer array data.
const long long * cpl_array_get_data_long_long_const (const cpl_array *array)
 Get a pointer to constant long long integer array data.
char ** cpl_array_get_data_string (cpl_array *array)
 Get a pointer to string array data.
const char ** cpl_array_get_data_string_const (const cpl_array *array)
 Get a pointer to constant string array data.
double cpl_array_get_double (const cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, int *null)
 Read a value from a double array.
double complex cpl_array_get_double_complex (const cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, int *null)
 Read a value from a double complex array.
float cpl_array_get_float (const cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, int *null)
 Read a value from a float array.
float complex cpl_array_get_float_complex (const cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, int *null)
 Read a value from a float complex array.
int cpl_array_get_int (const cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, int *null)
 Read a value from an integer array.
long cpl_array_get_long (const cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, int *null)
 Read a value from a long integer array.
long long cpl_array_get_long_long (const cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, int *null)
 Read a value from a long long integer array.
double cpl_array_get_max (const cpl_array *array)
 Get maximum value in a numerical array.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_get_maxpos (const cpl_array *array, cpl_size *indx)
 Get position of maximum in a numerical array.
double cpl_array_get_mean (const cpl_array *array)
 Compute the mean value of a numeric array.
double complex cpl_array_get_mean_complex (const cpl_array *array)
 Compute the mean value of a complex array.
double cpl_array_get_median (const cpl_array *array)
 Compute the median of a numeric array.
double cpl_array_get_min (const cpl_array *array)
 Get minimum value in a numerical array.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_get_minpos (const cpl_array *array, cpl_size *indx)
 Get position of minimum in a numerical array.
cpl_size cpl_array_get_size (const cpl_array *array)
 Get the length of an array.
double cpl_array_get_stdev (const cpl_array *array)
 Compute the standard deviation of a numeric array.
const char * cpl_array_get_string (const cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx)
 Read a value from a string array.
cpl_type cpl_array_get_type (const cpl_array *array)
 Get the type of an array.
int cpl_array_has_invalid (const cpl_array *array)
 Check if an array contains at least one invalid element.
int cpl_array_has_valid (const cpl_array *array)
 Check if an array contains at least one valid value.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_insert (cpl_array *target_array, const cpl_array *insert_array, cpl_size start)
 Merge two arrays.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_insert_window (cpl_array *array, cpl_size start, cpl_size count)
 Insert a segment of new elements into array.
int cpl_array_is_valid (const cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx)
 Check if an array element is valid.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_logarithm (cpl_array *array, double base)
 Compute the logarithm of array elements.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_multiply (cpl_array *to_array, const cpl_array *from_array)
 Multiply the values of two numeric or complex arrays.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_multiply_scalar (cpl_array *array, double value)
 Multiply a numerical array by a constant value.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_multiply_scalar_complex (cpl_array *array, double complex value)
 Multiply a complex array by a constant complex value.
cpl_array * cpl_array_new (cpl_size length, cpl_type type)
 Create a new array of given type.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_power (cpl_array *array, double exponent)
 Compute the power of numerical array elements.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_power_complex (cpl_array *array, double complex exponent)
 Compute the complex power of complex, numerical array elements.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_set (cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, double value)
 Write a value to a numerical array element.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_complex (cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, double complex value)
 Write a value to a complex array element.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_cplsize (cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, cpl_size value)
 Write a value to a cpl_size array element.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_double (cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, double value)
 Write a value to a double array element.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_double_complex (cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, double complex value)
 Write a value to a double complex array element.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_float (cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, float value)
 Write a value to a float array element.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_float_complex (cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, float complex value)
 Write a value to a float complex array element.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_int (cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, int value)
 Write a value to an integer array element.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_invalid (cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx)
 Invalidate an array element.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_long (cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, long value)
 Write a value to a long integer array element.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_long_long (cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, long long value)
 Write a value to a long long integer array element.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_size (cpl_array *array, cpl_size new_length)
 Resize an array.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_string (cpl_array *array, cpl_size indx, const char *string)
 Write a character string to a string array element.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_subtract (cpl_array *to_array, const cpl_array *from_array)
 Subtract the values of two numeric or complex arrays.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_subtract_scalar (cpl_array *array, double value)
 Subtract a constant value from a numerical array.
cpl_error_code cpl_array_subtract_scalar_complex (cpl_array *array, double complex value)
 Subtract a constant complex value from a complex array.
void * cpl_array_unwrap (cpl_array *array)
 Delete an array, without losing the data buffer.
cpl_array * cpl_array_wrap_cplsize (cpl_size *data, cpl_size length)
 Create a new cpl_size array from existing data.
cpl_array * cpl_array_wrap_double (double *data, cpl_size length)
 Create a new double array from existing data.
cpl_array * cpl_array_wrap_double_complex (double complex *data, cpl_size length)
 Create a new double complex array from existing data.
cpl_array * cpl_array_wrap_float (float *data, cpl_size length)
 Create a new float array from existing data.
cpl_array * cpl_array_wrap_float_complex (float complex *data, cpl_size length)
 Create a new float complex array from existing data.
cpl_array * cpl_array_wrap_int (int *data, cpl_size length)
 Create a new integer array from existing data.
cpl_array * cpl_array_wrap_long (long *data, cpl_size length)
 Create a new long integer array from existing data.
cpl_array * cpl_array_wrap_long_long (long long *data, cpl_size length)
 Create a new long long integer array from existing data.
cpl_array * cpl_array_wrap_string (char **data, cpl_size length)
 Create a new character string array from existing data.

Detailed Description

This module provides functions to create, destroy and use a cpl_array.

#include <cpl_array.h>

Function Documentation

◆ cpl_array_abs()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_abs ( cpl_array *  array)

Compute the absolute value of array elements.

arrayPointer to array.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The specified array is not numerical.

Each array element is replaced by its absolute value. Invalid elements are not modified by this operation. If the array is complex, its type will be turned to real (CPL_TYPE_FLOAT_COMPLEX will be changed into CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, and CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE_COMPLEX will be changed into CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE), and any pointer retrieved by calling cpl_array_get_data_float(), cpl_array_get_data_double_complex(), etc., should be discarded.

References cpl_array_get_type(), CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, and CPL_TYPE_COMPLEX.

◆ cpl_array_add()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_add ( cpl_array *  to_array,
const cpl_array *  from_array 

Add the values of two numeric or complex arrays.

to_arrayTarget array.
from_arraySource array.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Any input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT The input arrays have different sizes.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE Any specified array is not numerical.

The arrays are summed element by element, and the result of the sum is stored in the target array. The arrays' types may differ, and in that case the operation would be performed using the standard C upcasting rules, with a final cast of the result to the target array type. Invalid elements are propagated consistently: if either or both members of the sum are invalid, the result will be invalid too. Underflows and overflows are ignored.


◆ cpl_array_add_scalar()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_add_scalar ( cpl_array *  array,
double  value 

Add a constant value to a numerical array.

arrayTarget array
valueValue to add.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The input array is not numerical.

The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the target array type. Invalid elements are are not modified by this operation.


◆ cpl_array_add_scalar_complex()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_add_scalar_complex ( cpl_array *  array,
double complex  value 

Add a constant complex value to a complex array.

arrayTarget array
valueValue to add.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The input array is not complex.

The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the target array type. Invalid elements are are not modified by this operation.


◆ cpl_array_arg()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_arg ( cpl_array *  array)

Compute the phase angle value of array elements.

arrayPointer to array.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The specified array is not numerical.

Each array element is replaced by its phase angle value. The phase angle will be in the range of [-pi,pi]. Invalid elements are not modified by this operation. If the array is complex, its type will be turned to real (CPL_TYPE_FLOAT_COMPLEX will be changed into CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, and CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE_COMPLEX will be changed into CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE), and any pointer retrieved by calling cpl_array_get_data_float(), cpl_array_get_data_double_complex(), etc., should be discarded.

References cpl_array_get_data_double(), cpl_array_get_data_float(), cpl_array_get_size(), cpl_array_get_type(), CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, CPL_ERROR_NONE, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, CPL_TYPE_COMPLEX, CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, and CPL_TYPE_FLOAT.

◆ cpl_array_cast()

cpl_array * cpl_array_cast ( const cpl_array *  array,
cpl_type  type 

Cast a numeric array to a new numeric type array.

arrayPointer to array.
typeType of new array.
New array.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The specified column is not numerical.
CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT The specified type is not numerical.

A new array of the specified type is created, and the content of the input numeric array is cast to the new type. If the input array type is identical to the specified type the array is duplicated as is done by the function cpl_array_duplicate().


◆ cpl_array_copy_data()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data ( cpl_array *  array,
const double *  data 

Copy buffer of numerical data to a numerical array.

arrayExisting array.
dataExisting data buffer.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If the array is not numerical, a CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE is returned. At any NULL input pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT would be returned.

The input data are copied into the specified array. If the type of the accessed array is not CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, the data values will be truncated according to C casting rules. The size of the input data buffer is not checked in any way, and the values are all considered valid: invalid values should be marked using the functions cpl_array_set_invalid(). If N is the length of the array, the first N values of the input data buffer would be copied to the column buffer. If the array had length zero, no values would be copied.


◆ cpl_array_copy_data_complex()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data_complex ( cpl_array *  array,
const double complex *  data 

Copy buffer of complex data to a complex array.

arrayExisting array.
dataExisting data buffer.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If the array is not complex, a CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE is returned. At any NULL input pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT would be returned.

The input data are copied into the specified array. If the type of the accessed array is not CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, the data values will be truncated according to C casting rules. The size of the input data buffer is not checked in any way, and the values are all considered valid: invalid values should be marked using the functions cpl_array_set_invalid(). If N is the length of the array, the first N values of the input data buffer would be copied to the column buffer. If the array had length zero, no values would be copied.


◆ cpl_array_copy_data_cplsize()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data_cplsize ( cpl_array *  array,
const cpl_size data 

Copy existing data to a cpl_size array.

arrayExisting array.
dataExisting data buffer.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If the input array is not of type CPL_TYPE_SIZE, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is returned. At any NULL input pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT would be returned.

The input data are copied into the specified array. The size of the input data buffer is not checked in any way, and the data values are all considered valid: invalid values should be marked using the functions cpl_array_set_invalid(). If N is the length of the array, the first N values of the input data buffer would be copied to the array buffer. If the array had length zero, no values would be copied.


◆ cpl_array_copy_data_double()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data_double ( cpl_array *  array,
const double *  data 

Copy existing data to a double array.

arrayExisting array.
dataExisting data buffer.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If the input array is not of type CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is returned. At any NULL input pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT would be returned.

See documentation of function cpl_array_copy_data_int().


◆ cpl_array_copy_data_double_complex()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data_double_complex ( cpl_array *  array,
const double complex *  data 

Copy existing data to a double complex array.

arrayExisting array.
dataExisting data buffer.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If the input array is not of type CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is returned. At any NULL input pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT would be returned.

See documentation of function cpl_array_copy_data_int().


◆ cpl_array_copy_data_float()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data_float ( cpl_array *  array,
const float *  data 

Copy existing data to a float array.

arrayExisting array.
dataExisting data buffer.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If the input array is not of type CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is returned. At any NULL input pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT would be returned.

See documentation of function cpl_array_copy_data_int().


◆ cpl_array_copy_data_float_complex()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data_float_complex ( cpl_array *  array,
const float complex *  data 

Copy existing data to a float complex array.

arrayExisting array.
dataExisting data buffer.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If the input array is not of type CPL_TYPE_FLOAT_COMPLEX, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is returned. At any NULL input pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT would be returned.

See documentation of function cpl_array_copy_data_int().


◆ cpl_array_copy_data_int()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data_int ( cpl_array *  array,
const int *  data 

Copy existing data to an integer array.

arrayExisting array.
dataExisting data buffer.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If the input array is not of type CPL_TYPE_INT, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is returned. At any NULL input pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT would be returned.

The input data are copied into the specified array. The size of the input data buffer is not checked in any way, and the data values are all considered valid: invalid values should be marked using the functions cpl_array_set_invalid(). If N is the length of the array, the first N values of the input data buffer would be copied to the array buffer. If the array had length zero, no values would be copied.


◆ cpl_array_copy_data_long()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data_long ( cpl_array *  array,
const long *  data 

Copy existing data to a long integer array.

arrayExisting array.
dataExisting data buffer.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If the input array is not of type CPL_TYPE_LONG, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is returned. At any NULL input pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT would be returned.

The input data are copied into the specified array. The size of the input data buffer is not checked in any way, and the data values are all considered valid: invalid values should be marked using the functions cpl_array_set_invalid(). If N is the length of the array, the first N values of the input data buffer would be copied to the array buffer. If the array had length zero, no values would be copied.


◆ cpl_array_copy_data_long_long()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data_long_long ( cpl_array *  array,
const long long *  data 

Copy existing data to a long long integer array.

arrayExisting array.
dataExisting data buffer.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If the input array is not of type CPL_TYPE_LONG_LONG, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is returned. At any NULL input pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT would be returned.

The input data are copied into the specified array. The size of the input data buffer is not checked in any way, and the data values are all considered valid: invalid values should be marked using the functions cpl_array_set_invalid(). If N is the length of the array, the first N values of the input data buffer would be copied to the array buffer. If the array had length zero, no values would be copied.


◆ cpl_array_copy_data_string()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_copy_data_string ( cpl_array *  array,
const char **  data 

Copy existing data to a string array.

arrayExisting array.
dataExisting data buffer.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If the input array is not of type CPL_TYPE_STRING, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is returned. At any NULL input pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT would be returned.

See documentation of function cpl_array_copy_data_int().

The input data are copied into the specified array. The size of the input buffer is not checked in any way. The strings pointed by the input buffer are all duplicated, while the strings contained in the array are released before being overwritten.


◆ cpl_array_count_invalid()

cpl_size cpl_array_count_invalid ( const cpl_array *  array)

Count number of invalid elements in an array.

arrayArray to inquire.
Number of invalid elements in an array. -1 is always returned in case of error.

Count number of invalid elements in an array. If the array itself is a NULL pointer, an error CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is set.


◆ cpl_array_delete()

void cpl_array_delete ( cpl_array *  array)

Delete an array.

arrayArray to be deleted.

This function deletes an array. If the input array is NULL, nothing is done, and no error is set.

References cpl_free().

Referenced by cpl_array_extract(), cpl_fit_image_gaussian(), cpl_matrix_get_determinant(), cpl_matrix_invert_create(), cpl_matrix_solve(), cpl_ppm_match_points(), cpl_table_compare_structure(), cpl_wcs_convert(), cpl_wcs_delete(), and cpl_wcs_platesol().

◆ cpl_array_divide()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_divide ( cpl_array *  to_array,
const cpl_array *  from_array 

Divide the values of two numeric or complex arrays.

to_arrayTarget array.
from_arraySource array.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Any input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT The input arrays have different sizes.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE Any specified array is not numerical.

The arrays are divided element by element, and the result is stored in the target array. See the documentation of the function cpl_array_add() for further details.


◆ cpl_array_divide_scalar()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_divide_scalar ( cpl_array *  array,
double  value 

Divide a numerical array by a constant value.

arrayTarget array
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The input array is not numerical.
CPL_ERROR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO The input value is zero.

The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the target array type. Invalid elements are not modified by this operation.


◆ cpl_array_divide_scalar_complex()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_divide_scalar_complex ( cpl_array *  array,
double complex  value 

Divide a complex array by a constant complex value.

arrayTarget array
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The input array is not complex.
CPL_ERROR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO The input value is zero.

The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the target array type. Invalid elements are not modified by this operation.


◆ cpl_array_dump()

void cpl_array_dump ( const cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  start,
cpl_size  count,
FILE *  stream 

Print an array.

arrayPointer to array
startFirst element to print
countNumber of elements to print
streamThe output stream

This function is mainly intended for debug purposes. Array elements are counted from 0, and their sequence number is printed at the left of each element. Invalid elements are represented as a sequence of "-" as wide as the field occupied by the array. Specifying a start beyond the array boundaries, or a non-positive count, would generate a warning message, but no error would be set. The specified number of elements to print may exceed the array end, and in that case the array would be printed up to its last element. If the specified stream is NULL, it is set to stdout. The function used for printing is the standard C fprintf().


◆ cpl_array_dump_structure()

void cpl_array_dump_structure ( const cpl_array *  array,
FILE *  stream 

Describe the structure and the contents of an array.

arrayPointer to array.
streamThe output stream

This function is mainly intended for debug purposes. Some information about the structure of an array and its contents is printed to terminal:

  • Data type of the array
  • Number of elements
  • Number of invalid elements

If the specified stream is NULL, it is set to stdout. The function used for printing is the standard C fprintf().


◆ cpl_array_duplicate()

cpl_array * cpl_array_duplicate ( const cpl_array *  array)

Make a copy of an array.

arrayArray to be duplicated.
Pointer to the new array, or NULL in case of error.

If the input array is a NULL pointer, a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. Copy is "in depth": in the case of a string array, also the string elements are duplicated.

References cpl_array_get_size(), cpl_array_get_type(), cpl_array_new(), and CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.

Referenced by cpl_array_extract_imag(), and cpl_array_extract_real().

◆ cpl_array_erase_window()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_erase_window ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  start,
cpl_size  count 

Delete a segment of an array.

arrayInput array
startFirst element to delete.
countNumber of elements to delete.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE The input array has length zero, or start is outside the table range.
CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT count is negative.

A portion of the array data is physically removed. The pointers to data may change, therefore pointers previously retrieved by calling cpl_array_get_data_int(), cpl_array_get_data_string(), etc., should be discarded. The specified segment can extend beyond the end of the array, and in that case elements will be removed up to the end of the array.

References cpl_array_get_size(), CPL_ERROR_NONE, and CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.

◆ cpl_array_exponential()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_exponential ( cpl_array *  array,
double  base 

Compute the exponential of array elements.

arrayPointer to array.
baseExponential base.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The specified array is not numerical or complex.
CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT The input base is not positive.

Each column element is replaced by its exponential in the specified base. The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the array type. Invalid elements are not modified by this operation.


◆ cpl_array_extract()

cpl_array * cpl_array_extract ( const cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  start,
cpl_size  count 

Create an array from a section of another array.

arrayInput array
startFirst element to be copied to new array.
countNumber of elements to be copied.
Pointer to the new array, or NULL in case or error.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE The input array has zero length, or start is outside the array boundaries.
CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT count is negative.

A number of consecutive elements are copied from an input array to a newly created array. If the sum of start and count goes beyond the end of the input array, elements are copied up to the end.

References cpl_array_delete(), cpl_array_get_size(), cpl_array_get_type(), cpl_array_new(), and CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.

◆ cpl_array_extract_imag()

cpl_array * cpl_array_extract_imag ( const cpl_array *  array)

Extract the imaginary value of array elements.

arrayPointer to array.
New array with imaginary part of input array elements.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The specified array is not numerical.

A new array is created with the imaginary part of all input array elements. If the input array is complex, the output type will be CPL_TYPE_FLOAT if input is CPL_TYPE_FLOAT_COMPLEX, and CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE if input is CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE_COMPLEX).

References cpl_array_duplicate(), cpl_array_get_type(), cpl_array_new(), CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, CPL_TYPE_COMPLEX, and CPL_TYPE_FLOAT.

◆ cpl_array_extract_real()

cpl_array * cpl_array_extract_real ( const cpl_array *  array)

Extract the real value of array elements.

arrayPointer to array.
New array with real part of input array elements.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The specified array is not numerical.

A new array is created with the real part of all input array elements. If the input array is complex, the output type will be CPL_TYPE_FLOAT if input is CPL_TYPE_FLOAT_COMPLEX, and CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE if input is CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE_COMPLEX).

References cpl_array_duplicate(), cpl_array_get_type(), cpl_array_new(), CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, CPL_TYPE_COMPLEX, and CPL_TYPE_FLOAT.

◆ cpl_array_fill_window()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  start,
cpl_size  count,
double  value 

Write the same value within a numerical array segment.

arrayArray to be accessed.
startPosition where to begin write value.
countNumber of values to write.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of numerical type, a CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE is returned. If start is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length zero, the CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned.

Write the same value to a numerical array segment. The value is cast to the accessed array type. The written values are automatically flagged as valid. To invalidate an array interval use cpl_array_fill_window_invalid().


Referenced by cpl_table_where_selected().

◆ cpl_array_fill_window_complex()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_complex ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  start,
cpl_size  count,
double complex  value 

Write the same value within a complex array segment.

arrayArray to be accessed.
startPosition where to begin write value.
countNumber of values to write.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of numerical type, a CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE is returned. If start is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length zero, the CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned.

Write the same value to a complex array segment. The value is cast to the accessed array type. The written values are automatically flagged as valid. To invalidate an array interval use cpl_array_fill_window_invalid().


◆ cpl_array_fill_window_cplsize()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_cplsize ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  start,
cpl_size  count,
cpl_size  value 

Write the same value within a cpl_size array segment.

arrayArray to be accessed.
startPosition where to begin write value.
countNumber of values to write.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is returned. If start is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length zero, the error CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned. If count is negative, a CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT is returned.

Write the same value to a cpl_size array segment. The written values are automatically flagged as valid. To invalidate an array interval use cpl_array_fill_window_invalid(). The count argument can go beyond the array end, and in that case the specified value will be written just up to the end of the array. If count is zero, the array is not modified and no error is set.


◆ cpl_array_fill_window_double()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_double ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  start,
cpl_size  count,
double  value 

Write the same value within a double array segment.

arrayArray to be accessed.
startPosition where to begin write value.
countNumber of values to write.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is returned. If start is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length zero, the error CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned. If count is negative, a CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT is returned.

Write the same value to a double array segment. The written values are automatically flagged as valid. To invalidate an array interval use cpl_array_fill_window_invalid(). The count argument can go beyond the array end, and in that case the specified value will be written just up to the end of the array. If count is zero, the array is not modified and no error is set.


◆ cpl_array_fill_window_double_complex()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_double_complex ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  start,
cpl_size  count,
double complex  value 

Write the same value within a double complex array segment.

arrayArray to be accessed.
startPosition where to begin write value.
countNumber of values to write.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is returned. If start is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length zero, the error CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned. If count is negative, a CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT is returned.

Write the same value to a double complex array segment. The written values are automatically flagged as valid. To invalidate an array interval use cpl_array_fill_window_invalid(). The count argument can go beyond the array end, and in that case the specified value will be written just up to the end of the array. If count is zero, the array is not modified and no error is set.


◆ cpl_array_fill_window_float()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_float ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  start,
cpl_size  count,
float  value 

Write the same value within a float array segment.

arrayArray to be accessed.
startPosition where to begin write value.
countNumber of values to write.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is returned. If start is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length zero, the error CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned. If count is negative, a CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT is returned.

Write the same value to a float array segment. The written values are automatically flagged as valid. To invalidate an array interval use cpl_array_fill_window_invalid(). The count argument can go beyond the array end, and in that case the specified value will be written just up to the end of the array. If count is zero, the array is not modified and no error is set.


◆ cpl_array_fill_window_float_complex()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_float_complex ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  start,
cpl_size  count,
float complex  value 

Write the same value within a float complex array segment.

arrayArray to be accessed.
startPosition where to begin write value.
countNumber of values to write.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is returned. If start is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length zero, the error CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned. If count is negative, a CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT is returned.

Write the same value to a float complex array segment. The written values are automatically flagged as valid. To invalidate an array interval use cpl_array_fill_window_invalid(). The count argument can go beyond the array end, and in that case the specified value will be written just up to the end of the array. If count is zero, the array is not modified and no error is set.


◆ cpl_array_fill_window_int()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_int ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  start,
cpl_size  count,
int  value 

Write the same value within an integer array segment.

arrayArray to be accessed.
startPosition where to begin write value.
countNumber of values to write.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is returned. If start is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length zero, the error CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned. If count is negative, a CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT is returned.

Write the same value to an integer array segment. The written values are automatically flagged as valid. To invalidate an array interval use cpl_array_fill_window_invalid(). The count argument can go beyond the array end, and in that case the specified value will be written just up to the end of the array. If count is zero, the array is not modified and no error is set.


◆ cpl_array_fill_window_invalid()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_invalid ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  start,
cpl_size  count 

Set an array segment to NULL.

arrayArray to be accessed.
startPosition where to start writing NULLs.
countNumber of column elements to set to NULL.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If start is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length zero, the error CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned. If count is negative, a CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT is returned.

Invalidate values contained in an array segment. The count argument can go beyond the array end, and in that case the values will be invalidated up to the end of the array. If count is zero, the array is not modified and no error is set. In the case of a string array, the invalidated strings are set free and their pointers are set to NULL; for other data types, the corresponding elements are flagged as invalid.


◆ cpl_array_fill_window_long()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_long ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  start,
cpl_size  count,
long  value 

Write the same value within a long integer array segment.

arrayArray to be accessed.
startPosition where to begin write value.
countNumber of values to write.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is returned. If start is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length zero, the error CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned. If count is negative, a CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT is returned.

Write the same value to a long integer array segment. The written values are automatically flagged as valid. To invalidate an array interval use cpl_array_fill_window_invalid(). The count argument can go beyond the array end, and in that case the specified value will be written just up to the end of the array. If count is zero, the array is not modified and no error is set.


◆ cpl_array_fill_window_long_long()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_long_long ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  start,
cpl_size  count,
long long  value 

Write the same value within a long long integer array segment.

arrayArray to be accessed.
startPosition where to begin write value.
countNumber of values to write.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is returned. If start is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length zero, the error CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned. If count is negative, a CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT is returned.

Write the same value to a long long integer array segment. The written values are automatically flagged as valid. To invalidate an array interval use cpl_array_fill_window_invalid(). The count argument can go beyond the array end, and in that case the specified value will be written just up to the end of the array. If count is zero, the array is not modified and no error is set.


◆ cpl_array_fill_window_string()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_fill_window_string ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  start,
cpl_size  count,
const char *  value 

Write a string to a string array segment.

arrayArray to be accessed.
startPosition where to begin write value.
countNumber of values to write.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is returned. If start is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length zero, the error CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned. If count is negative, a CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT is returned.

Copy the same string to a string array segment. If the input string is not a NULL pointer, it is duplicated for each accessed array element. If the input string is NULL, this call is equivalent to cpl_array_fill_window_invalid(). The count argument can go beyond the array end, and in that case the specified value will be copied just up to the end of the array. If count is zero, the array is not modified and no error is set.


◆ cpl_array_get()

double cpl_array_get ( const cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
int *  null 

Read a value from a numerical array.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition of element to be read.
nullFlag indicating null values, or error condition.
Value read. In case of an invalid array element, or in case of error, 0.0 is returned.

Read a value from a numerical array. A CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is set in case array is a NULL pointer. A CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE is set in case a non-numerical array is accessed. CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is set if the indx is outside the array range. Indexes are counted starting from 0. If the input array has length zero, CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always set. The null flag is used to indicate whether the accessed array element is valid (0) or invalid (1). The null flag also signals an error condition (-1). The null argument can be left to NULL.

References CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_errorstate_get(), and cpl_errorstate_is_equal().

◆ cpl_array_get_complex()

double complex cpl_array_get_complex ( const cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
int *  null 

Read a value from a complex array.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition of element to be read.
nullFlag indicating null values, or error condition.
Value read. In case of an invalid array element, or in case of error, 0.0 is returned.

Read a value from a complex array. A CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is set in case array is a NULL pointer. A CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE is set in case a non-complex array is accessed. CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is set if the indx is outside the array range. Indexes are counted starting from 0. If the input array has length zero, CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always set. The null flag is used to indicate whether the accessed array element is valid (0) or invalid (1). The null flag also signals an error condition (-1). The null argument can be left to NULL.

References CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_errorstate_get(), and cpl_errorstate_is_equal().

◆ cpl_array_get_cplsize()

cpl_size cpl_array_get_cplsize ( const cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
int *  null 

Read a value from a cpl_size array.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition of element to be read.
nullFlag indicating null values, or error condition.
The cpl_size value read. In case of an invalid array element, or in case of error, 0 is returned.

Read a value from an array of type CPL_TYPE_SIZE. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is set. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set. If indx is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is set. Indexes are counted starting from 0. If the input array has length zero, the CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always set. If the null flag is a valid pointer, it is used to indicate whether the accessed array element is valid (0) or invalid (1). The null flag also signals an error condition (-1).

References CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_errorstate_get(), and cpl_errorstate_is_equal().

◆ cpl_array_get_data_cplsize()

cpl_size * cpl_array_get_data_cplsize ( cpl_array *  array)

Get a pointer to cpl_size array data.

arrayArray to get the data from.
Pointer to cpl_size array data. If array contains no data (zero length), a NULL is returned. If array is a NULL, a NULL is returned, and an error is set.

If the array is not of type CPL_TYPE_SIZE, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set.

Use at your own risk: direct manipulation of array data rules out any check performed by the array object interface, and may introduce inconsistencies between the array information maintained internally and the actual array data.


Referenced by cpl_table_where_selected().

◆ cpl_array_get_data_cplsize_const()

const cpl_size * cpl_array_get_data_cplsize_const ( const cpl_array *  array)

Get a pointer to constant cpl_size array data.

arrayConstant array to get the data from.
Pointer to constant cpl_size array data. If array contains no data (zero length), a NULL is returned. If array is a NULL, a NULL is returned, and an error is set.

If the array is not of type CPL_TYPE_SIZE, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set.


◆ cpl_array_get_data_double()

double * cpl_array_get_data_double ( cpl_array *  array)

Get a pointer to double array data.

arrayArray to get the data from.
Pointer to double array data. If array contains no data (zero length), a NULL is returned. If array is a NULL, a NULL is returned, and an error is set.

If the array is not of type CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set.

See documentation of function cpl_array_get_data_int().


Referenced by cpl_array_arg().

◆ cpl_array_get_data_double_complex()

double complex * cpl_array_get_data_double_complex ( cpl_array *  array)

Get a pointer to double complex array data.

arrayArray to get the data from.
Pointer to double complex array data. If array contains no data (zero length), a NULL is returned. If array is a NULL, a NULL is returned, and an error is set.

If the array is not of type CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set.

See documentation of function cpl_array_get_data_int().


◆ cpl_array_get_data_double_complex_const()

const double complex * cpl_array_get_data_double_complex_const ( const cpl_array *  array)

Get a pointer to constant double complex array data.

arrayConstant array to get the data from.
Pointer to constant double complex array data. If array contains no data (zero length), a NULL is returned. If array is a NULL, a NULL is returned, and an error is set.

If the array is not of type CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set.

See documentation of function cpl_array_get_data_int_const().


◆ cpl_array_get_data_double_const()

const double * cpl_array_get_data_double_const ( const cpl_array *  array)

Get a pointer to constant double array data.

arrayConstant array to get the data from.
Pointer to constant double array data. If array contains no data (zero length), a NULL is returned. If array is a NULL, a NULL is returned, and an error is set.

If the array is not of type CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set.

See documentation of function cpl_array_get_data_int_const().


Referenced by cpl_wcs_platesol().

◆ cpl_array_get_data_float()

float * cpl_array_get_data_float ( cpl_array *  array)

Get a pointer to float array data.

arrayArray to get the data from.
Pointer to float array data. If array contains no data (zero length), a NULL is returned. If array is a NULL, a NULL is returned, and an error is set.

If the array is not of type CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set.

See documentation of function cpl_array_get_data_int().


Referenced by cpl_array_arg().

◆ cpl_array_get_data_float_complex()

float complex * cpl_array_get_data_float_complex ( cpl_array *  array)

Get a pointer to float complex array data.

arrayArray to get the data from.
Pointer to float complex array data. If array contains no data (zero length), a NULL is returned. If array is a NULL, a NULL is returned, and an error is set.

If the array is not of type CPL_TYPE_FLOAT_COMPLEX, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set.

See documentation of function cpl_array_get_data_int().


◆ cpl_array_get_data_float_complex_const()

const float complex * cpl_array_get_data_float_complex_const ( const cpl_array *  array)

Get a pointer to constant float complex array data.

arrayConstant array to get the data from.
Pointer to constant float complex array data. If array contains no data (zero length), a NULL is returned. If array is a NULL, a NULL is returned, and an error is set.

If the array is not of type CPL_TYPE_FLOAT_COMPLEX, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set.

See documentation of function cpl_array_get_data_int_const().


◆ cpl_array_get_data_float_const()

const float * cpl_array_get_data_float_const ( const cpl_array *  array)

Get a pointer to constant float array data.

arrayConstant array to get the data from.
Pointer to constant float array data. If array contains no data (zero length), a NULL is returned. If array is a NULL, a NULL is returned, and an error is set.

If the array is not of type CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set.

See documentation of function cpl_array_get_data_int_const().


◆ cpl_array_get_data_int()

int * cpl_array_get_data_int ( cpl_array *  array)

Get a pointer to integer array data.

arrayArray to get the data from.
Pointer to integer array data. If array contains no data (zero length), a NULL is returned. If array is a NULL, a NULL is returned, and an error is set.

If the array is not of type CPL_TYPE_INT, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set.

Use at your own risk: direct manipulation of array data rules out any check performed by the array object interface, and may introduce inconsistencies between the array information maintained internally and the actual array data.


Referenced by cpl_wcs_convert().

◆ cpl_array_get_data_int_const()

const int * cpl_array_get_data_int_const ( const cpl_array *  array)

Get a pointer to constant integer array data.

arrayConstant array to get the data from.
Pointer to constant integer array data. If array contains no data (zero length), a NULL is returned. If array is a NULL, a NULL is returned, and an error is set.

If the array is not of type CPL_TYPE_INT, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set.


◆ cpl_array_get_data_long()

long * cpl_array_get_data_long ( cpl_array *  array)

Get a pointer to long integer array data.

arrayArray to get the data from.
Pointer to long integer array data. If array contains no data (zero length), a NULL is returned. If array is a NULL, a NULL is returned, and an error is set.

If the array is not of type CPL_TYPE_LONG, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set.

Use at your own risk: direct manipulation of array data rules out any check performed by the array object interface, and may introduce inconsistencies between the array information maintained internally and the actual array data.


◆ cpl_array_get_data_long_const()

const long * cpl_array_get_data_long_const ( const cpl_array *  array)

Get a pointer to constant long integer array data.

arrayConstant array to get the data from.
Pointer to constant long integer array data. If array contains no data (zero length), a NULL is returned. If array is a NULL, a NULL is returned, and an error is set.

If the array is not of type CPL_TYPE_LONG, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set.


◆ cpl_array_get_data_long_long()

long long * cpl_array_get_data_long_long ( cpl_array *  array)

Get a pointer to long long integer array data.

arrayArray to get the data from.
Pointer to long long integer array data. If array contains no data (zero length), a NULL is returned. If array is a NULL, a NULL is returned, and an error is set.

If the array is not of type CPL_TYPE_LONG_LONG, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set.

Use at your own risk: direct manipulation of array data rules out any check performed by the array object interface, and may introduce inconsistencies between the array information maintained internally and the actual array data.


◆ cpl_array_get_data_long_long_const()

const long long * cpl_array_get_data_long_long_const ( const cpl_array *  array)

Get a pointer to constant long long integer array data.

arrayConstant array to get the data from.
Pointer to constant long long integer array data. If array contains no data (zero length), a NULL is returned. If array is a NULL, a NULL is returned, and an error is set.

If the array is not of type CPL_TYPE_LONG_LONG, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set.


◆ cpl_array_get_data_string()

char ** cpl_array_get_data_string ( cpl_array *  array)

Get a pointer to string array data.

arrayArray to get the data from.
Pointer to string array data. If array contains no data (zero length), a NULL is returned. If array is a NULL, a NULL is returned, and an error is set.

If the array is not of type CPL_TYPE_STRING, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set.

See documentation of function cpl_array_get_data_int().


◆ cpl_array_get_data_string_const()

const char ** cpl_array_get_data_string_const ( const cpl_array *  array)

Get a pointer to constant string array data.

arrayConstant array to get the data from.
Pointer to constant string array data. If array contains no data (zero length), a NULL is returned. If array is a NULL, a NULL is returned, and an error is set.

If the array is not of type CPL_TYPE_STRING, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set.

See documentation of function cpl_array_get_data_int().


◆ cpl_array_get_double()

double cpl_array_get_double ( const cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
int *  null 

Read a value from a double array.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition of element to be read.
nullFlag indicating null values, or error condition.
Array value read. In case of an invalid array element, or in case of error, 0.0 is returned.

Read a value from an array of type CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE. See the documentation of the function cpl_array_get_int().

References CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_errorstate_get(), and cpl_errorstate_is_equal().

Referenced by cpl_fit_image_gaussian(), and cpl_gaussian_eval_2d().

◆ cpl_array_get_double_complex()

double complex cpl_array_get_double_complex ( const cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
int *  null 

Read a value from a double complex array.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition of element to be read.
nullFlag indicating null values, or error condition.
Array value read. In case of an invalid array element, or in case of error, 0.0 is returned.

Read a value from an array of type CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE_COMPLEX. See the documentation of the function cpl_array_get_int().

References CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_errorstate_get(), and cpl_errorstate_is_equal().

◆ cpl_array_get_float()

float cpl_array_get_float ( const cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
int *  null 

Read a value from a float array.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition of element to be read.
nullFlag indicating null values, or error condition.
Array value read. In case of an invalid array element, or in case of error, 0.0 is returned.

Read a value from an array of type CPL_TYPE_FLOAT. See the documentation of the function cpl_array_get_int().

References CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_errorstate_get(), and cpl_errorstate_is_equal().

◆ cpl_array_get_float_complex()

float complex cpl_array_get_float_complex ( const cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
int *  null 

Read a value from a float complex array.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition of element to be read.
nullFlag indicating null values, or error condition.
Array value read. In case of an invalid array element, or in case of error, 0.0 is returned.

Read a value from an array of type CPL_TYPE_FLOAT_COMPLEX. See the documentation of the function cpl_array_get_int().

References CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_errorstate_get(), and cpl_errorstate_is_equal().

◆ cpl_array_get_int()

int cpl_array_get_int ( const cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
int *  null 

Read a value from an integer array.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition of element to be read.
nullFlag indicating null values, or error condition.
Integer value read. In case of an invalid array element, or in case of error, 0 is returned.

Read a value from an array of type CPL_TYPE_INT. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is set. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set. If indx is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is set. Indexes are counted starting from 0. If the input array has length zero, the CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always set. If the null flag is a valid pointer, it is used to indicate whether the accessed array element is valid (0) or invalid (1). The null flag also signals an error condition (-1).

References CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_errorstate_get(), and cpl_errorstate_is_equal().

Referenced by cpl_fit_image_gaussian().

◆ cpl_array_get_long()

long cpl_array_get_long ( const cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
int *  null 

Read a value from a long integer array.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition of element to be read.
nullFlag indicating null values, or error condition.
Long integer value read. In case of an invalid array element, or in case of error, 0 is returned.

Read a value from an array of type CPL_TYPE_LONG. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is set. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set. If indx is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is set. Indexes are counted starting from 0. If the input array has length zero, the CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always set. If the null flag is a valid pointer, it is used to indicate whether the accessed array element is valid (0) or invalid (1). The null flag also signals an error condition (-1).

References CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_errorstate_get(), and cpl_errorstate_is_equal().

◆ cpl_array_get_long_long()

long long cpl_array_get_long_long ( const cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
int *  null 

Read a value from a long long integer array.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition of element to be read.
nullFlag indicating null values, or error condition.
Long long integer value read. In case of an invalid array element, or in case of error, 0 is returned.

Read a value from an array of type CPL_TYPE_LONG_LONG. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is set. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set. If indx is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is set. Indexes are counted starting from 0. If the input array has length zero, the CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always set. If the null flag is a valid pointer, it is used to indicate whether the accessed array element is valid (0) or invalid (1). The null flag also signals an error condition (-1).

References CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_errorstate_get(), and cpl_errorstate_is_equal().

◆ cpl_array_get_max()

double cpl_array_get_max ( const cpl_array *  array)

Get maximum value in a numerical array.

arrayInput array.
Maximum value. In case of error, this is set to 0.0.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The specified array is not numerical.
CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND The specified array has either size zero, or all its elements are invalid.

Array elements marked as invalid are excluded from the search. The array must contain at least one valid value. Arrays of strings or complex are not allowed.

References CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_errorstate_get(), and cpl_errorstate_is_equal().

◆ cpl_array_get_maxpos()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_get_maxpos ( const cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size indx 

Get position of maximum in a numerical array.

arrayPointer to array.
indxReturned position of maximum value.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array or indx is NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The specified array is not numerical.
CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND The specified array has either size zero, or all its elements are invalid.

Array values marked as invalid are excluded from the search. The indx argument will be assigned the position of the maximum value. Indexes are counted starting from 0. If more than one array element correspond to the max value, the position with the lowest indx is returned. In case of error, indx is set to zero. Arrays of strings or complex are not allowed.


◆ cpl_array_get_mean()

double cpl_array_get_mean ( const cpl_array *  array)

Compute the mean value of a numeric array.

arrayInput array.
Mean value. In case of error, this is set to 0.0.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The specified array is not numerical.
CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND The specified array has either size zero, or all its elements are invalid.

Array elements marked as invalid are excluded from the computation. The array must contain at least one valid value. Arrays of strings or complex are not allowed.

References CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_errorstate_get(), and cpl_errorstate_is_equal().

◆ cpl_array_get_mean_complex()

double complex cpl_array_get_mean_complex ( const cpl_array *  array)

Compute the mean value of a complex array.

arrayInput array.
Mean value. In case of error, this is set to 0.0.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The specified array is not complex.
CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND The specified array has either size zero, or all its elements are invalid.

Array elements marked as invalid are excluded from the computation. The array must contain at least one valid value. Arrays of strings or numerical are not allowed.

References CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_errorstate_get(), and cpl_errorstate_is_equal().

◆ cpl_array_get_median()

double cpl_array_get_median ( const cpl_array *  array)

Compute the median of a numeric array.

arrayInput array.
Median. In case of error, this is set to 0.0.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The specified array is not numerical.
CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND The specified array has either size zero, or all its elements are invalid.

Array elements marked as invalid are excluded from the computation. The array must contain at least one valid value. Arrays of strings or complex are not allowed.

References CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_errorstate_get(), and cpl_errorstate_is_equal().

◆ cpl_array_get_min()

double cpl_array_get_min ( const cpl_array *  array)

Get minimum value in a numerical array.

arrayInput array.
Minimum value. In case of error, this is set to 0.0.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The specified array is not numerical.
CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND The specified array has either size zero, or all its elements are invalid.

Array elements marked as invalid are excluded from the search. The array must contain at least one valid value. Arrays of strings or complex are not allowed.

References CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_errorstate_get(), and cpl_errorstate_is_equal().

◆ cpl_array_get_minpos()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_get_minpos ( const cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size indx 

Get position of minimum in a numerical array.

arrayPointer to array.
indxReturned position of minimum value.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array or indx is NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The specified array is not numerical.
CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND The specified array has either size zero, or all its elements are invalid.

Array values marked as invalid are excluded from the search. The indx argument will be assigned the position of the minimum value. Indexes are counted starting from 0. If more than one array element correspond to the min value, the position with the lowest indx is returned. In case of error, indx is set to zero. Arrays of strings or complex are not allowed.


◆ cpl_array_get_size()

cpl_size cpl_array_get_size ( const cpl_array *  array)

Get the length of an array.

arrayInput array.
Length of array, or zero. The latter case can occur either with an array having zero length, or if a NULL array is passed to the function, but in the latter case a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is set.

If the array is NULL, zero is returned.


Referenced by cpl_array_arg(), cpl_array_duplicate(), cpl_array_erase_window(), cpl_array_extract(), and cpl_gaussian_eval_2d().

◆ cpl_array_get_stdev()

double cpl_array_get_stdev ( const cpl_array *  array)

Compute the standard deviation of a numeric array.

arrayInput array.
Standard deviation. In case of error, this is set to 0.0.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The specified array is not numerical.
CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND The specified array has either size zero, or all its elements are invalid.

Array elements marked as invalid are excluded from the computation. The array must contain at least one valid value. Arrays of strings or complex are not allowed.

References CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_errorstate_get(), and cpl_errorstate_is_equal().

◆ cpl_array_get_string()

const char * cpl_array_get_string ( const cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx 

Read a value from a string array.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition of element to be read.
Character string read. In case of an invalid array element, or in case of error, a NULL pointer is returned.

Read a value from an array of type CPL_TYPE_STRING. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is set. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set. If indx is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is set. Indexes are counted starting from 0. If the input array has length zero, the CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always set.

The returned string is a pointer to an array element, not its copy. Its manipulation will directly affect that array element, while changing that array element using cpl_array_set_string() will turn it into garbage. Therefore, if a real copy of a string array element is required, this function should be called as an argument of the function strdup().


Referenced by cpl_table_compare_structure().

◆ cpl_array_get_type()

cpl_type cpl_array_get_type ( const cpl_array *  array)

Get the type of an array.

arrayInput array
Type of array, or CPL_TYPE_INVALID if a NULL array is passed to the function.

If the array is NULL, CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is set.

References CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_error_set, and CPL_TYPE_INVALID.

Referenced by cpl_array_abs(), cpl_array_arg(), cpl_array_duplicate(), cpl_array_extract(), cpl_array_extract_imag(), cpl_array_extract_real(), and cpl_fit_image_gaussian().

◆ cpl_array_has_invalid()

int cpl_array_has_invalid ( const cpl_array *  array)

Check if an array contains at least one invalid element.

arrayArray to inquire.
1 if the array contains at least one invalid element, 0 if not, -1 in case of error.

Check if there are invalid elements in an array. If the input array is a NULL pointer, a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is set.


◆ cpl_array_has_valid()

int cpl_array_has_valid ( const cpl_array *  array)

Check if an array contains at least one valid value.

arrayArray to inquire.
1 if the array contains at least one valid value, 0 if not -1 in case of error.

Check if there are valid values in an array. If the input array is a NULL pointer, a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is set.


◆ cpl_array_insert()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_insert ( cpl_array *  target_array,
const cpl_array *  insert_array,
cpl_size  start 

Merge two arrays.

target_arrayTarget array.
insert_arrayArray to be inserted in the target array.
startElement where to insert the insert array.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Any input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE start is negative.
CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH The input arrays do not have the same type.

The input arrays must have the same type. Data from the insert_array are duplicated and inserted at the specified position of the target_array. If the specified start is not less than the target array length, the second array will be appended to the target array. The pointers to array data in the target array may change, therefore pointers previously retrieved by calling cpl_array_get_data_int(), cpl_array_get_data_string(), etc., should be discarded.


◆ cpl_array_insert_window()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_insert_window ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  start,
cpl_size  count 

Insert a segment of new elements into array.

arrayInput array
startElement where to insert the segment.
countLength of the segment.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE start is negative.
CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT count is negative.

Insert a segment of empty (invalid) elements. Setting start to a number greater than the array length is legal, and has the effect of appending extra elements at the end of the array: this is equivalent to expanding the array using cpl_array_set_size(). The input array may also have zero length. The pointers to array data values may change, therefore pointers previously retrieved by calling cpl_array_get_data_int(), cpl_array_get_data_string(), etc., should be discarded.


◆ cpl_array_is_valid()

int cpl_array_is_valid ( const cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx 

Check if an array element is valid.

arrayPointer to array.
indxArray element to examine.
1 if the array element is valid, 0 if invalid, -1 in case of error.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE The input array has zero length, or indx is outside the array boundaries.

Check if an array element is valid.

References CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT, cpl_errorstate_get(), and cpl_errorstate_is_equal().

◆ cpl_array_logarithm()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_logarithm ( cpl_array *  array,
double  base 

Compute the logarithm of array elements.

arrayPointer to array.
baseLogarithm base.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The specified array is not numerical or complex.
CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT The input base is not positive.

Each array element is replaced by its logarithm in the specified base. The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the array type. Invalid elements are not modified by this operation, but zero or negative elements are invalidated by this operation. In case of complex numbers, values very close to the origin may cause an overflow.


◆ cpl_array_multiply()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_multiply ( cpl_array *  to_array,
const cpl_array *  from_array 

Multiply the values of two numeric or complex arrays.

to_arrayTarget array.
from_arraySource array.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Any input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT The input arrays have different sizes.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE Any specified array is not numerical.

The arrays are multiplied element by element, and the result is stored in the target array. See the documentation of the function cpl_array_add() for further details.


◆ cpl_array_multiply_scalar()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_multiply_scalar ( cpl_array *  array,
double  value 

Multiply a numerical array by a constant value.

arrayTarget array
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The input array is not numerical.

The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the target array type. Invalid elements are are not modified by this operation.


◆ cpl_array_multiply_scalar_complex()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_multiply_scalar_complex ( cpl_array *  array,
double complex  value 

Multiply a complex array by a constant complex value.

arrayTarget array
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The input array is not complex.

The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the target array type. Invalid elements are are not modified by this operation.


◆ cpl_array_new()

cpl_array * cpl_array_new ( cpl_size  length,
cpl_type  type 

Create a new array of given type.

lengthNumber of elements in array.
typeType of array
Pointer to the new array, or NULL in case of error.

This function allocates memory for an array, its type is assigned, and its number of elements is allocated. Only arrays of types CPL_TYPE_INT, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT, CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE, CPL_TYPE_FLOAT_COMPLEX, CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE_COMPLEX and CPL_TYPE_STRING, are supported. An error CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE is set in case other types are specified. All array elements are initially flagged as invalid. If a negative length is specified, an error CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT is set. Zero length arrays are allowed.


Referenced by cpl_array_duplicate(), cpl_array_extract(), cpl_array_extract_imag(), cpl_array_extract_real(), cpl_fit_image_gaussian(), cpl_table_get_column_names(), cpl_table_where_selected(), and cpl_wcs_convert().

◆ cpl_array_power()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_power ( cpl_array *  array,
double  exponent 

Compute the power of numerical array elements.

arrayPointer to numerical array.
exponentConstant exponent.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
See also
pow(), cpow()
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The array is not numerical.

Each array element is replaced by its power to the specified exponent. Each column element is replaced by its power to the specified exponent. For float and float complex the operation is performed in single precision, otherwise it is performed in double precision and then rounded if the column is of an integer type. Results that would or do cause domain errors or overflow are marked as invalid.


◆ cpl_array_power_complex()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_power_complex ( cpl_array *  array,
double complex  exponent 

Compute the complex power of complex, numerical array elements.

arrayPointer to numerical array.
exponentConstant exponent.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
See also
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The array is not numerical.

Each array element is replaced by its power to the specified exponent. Each column element is replaced by its power to the specified exponent. For float and float complex the operation is performed in single precision, otherwise it is performed in double precision and then rounded if the column is of an integer type. Results that would or do cause domain errors or overflow are marked as invalid.


◆ cpl_array_set()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_set ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
double  value 

Write a value to a numerical array element.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition where to write value.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of numerical type, a CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE is returned. If indx is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length zero, the CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned.

Write a value to a numerical array element. The value is cast to the accessed array type. The written value is automatically flagged as valid. To invalidate an array value use cpl_array_set_invalid(). Array elements are counted starting from 0.


◆ cpl_array_set_complex()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_complex ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
double complex  value 

Write a value to a complex array element.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition where to write value.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of numerical type, a CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE is returned. If indx is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length zero, the CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned.

Write a value to a numerical array element. The value is cast to the accessed array type. The written value is automatically flagged as valid. To invalidate an array value use cpl_array_set_invalid(). Array elements are counted starting from 0.


◆ cpl_array_set_cplsize()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_cplsize ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
cpl_size  value 

Write a value to a cpl_size array element.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition where to write value.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set. If indx is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length 0, the CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned.

Write a value to a cpl_size array element. The written value is automatically flagged as valid. To invalidate an array value use cpl_array_set_invalid(). Array elements are counted starting from 0.


◆ cpl_array_set_double()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_double ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
double  value 

Write a value to a double array element.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition where to write value.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set. If indx is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length 0, the CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned.

Write a value to a double array element. The written value is automatically flagged as valid. To invalidate an array value use cpl_array_set_invalid(). Array elements are counted starting from 0.


Referenced by cpl_fit_image_gaussian().

◆ cpl_array_set_double_complex()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_double_complex ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
double complex  value 

Write a value to a double complex array element.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition where to write value.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set. If indx is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length 0, the CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned.

Write a value to a double array element. The written value is automatically flagged as valid. To invalidate an array value use cpl_array_set_invalid(). Array elements are counted starting from 0.


◆ cpl_array_set_float()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_float ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
float  value 

Write a value to a float array element.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition where to write value.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set. If indx is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length 0, the CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned.

Write a value to a float array element. The written value is automatically flagged as valid. To invalidate an array value use cpl_array_set_invalid(). Array elements are counted starting from 0.


◆ cpl_array_set_float_complex()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_float_complex ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
float complex  value 

Write a value to a float complex array element.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition where to write value.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set. If indx is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length 0, the CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned.

Write a value to a float complex array element. The written value is automatically flagged as valid. To invalidate an array value use cpl_array_set_invalid(). Array elements are counted starting from 0.


◆ cpl_array_set_int()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_int ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
int  value 

Write a value to an integer array element.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition where to write value.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set. If indx is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length 0, the CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned.

Write a value to an integer array element. The written value is automatically flagged as valid. To invalidate an array value use cpl_array_set_invalid(). Array elements are counted starting from 0.


◆ cpl_array_set_invalid()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_invalid ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx 

Invalidate an array element.

arrayArray to be accessed
indxPosition of element to invalidate
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If indx is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is set. If the input array has length 0, the CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always set.

In the case of a string array, the string is set free and its pointer is set to NULL; for other data types, the corresponding element of the null flags buffer is flagged. Array elements are counted starting from zero.


Referenced by cpl_fit_image_gaussian().

◆ cpl_array_set_long()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_long ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
long  value 

Write a value to a long integer array element.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition where to write value.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set. If indx is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length 0, the CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned.

Write a value to a long integer array element. The written value is automatically flagged as valid. To invalidate an array value use cpl_array_set_invalid(). Array elements are counted starting from 0.


◆ cpl_array_set_long_long()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_long_long ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
long long  value 

Write a value to a long long integer array element.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition where to write value.
valueValue to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is set. If indx is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length 0, the CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned.

Write a value to a long long integer array element. The written value is automatically flagged as valid. To invalidate an array value use cpl_array_set_invalid(). Array elements are counted starting from 0.


◆ cpl_array_set_size()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_size ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  new_length 

Resize an array.

arrayInput array.
new_lengthNew number of elements in array.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. The new array size must not be negative, or a CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT is returned. The input array pointer should not be NULL, or a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned.

Reallocate an array to a new number of elements. The contents of the array data buffer will be unchanged up to the lesser of the new and old sizes. If the array size is increased, the new array elements are flagged as invalid. The pointer to data may change, therefore pointers previously retrieved by calling cpl_array_get_data_int(), cpl_array_get_data_string(), etc. should be discarded). Resizing to zero is allowed, and would produce a zero-length array. In case of failure, the old data buffer is left intact.

If the array is NULL, zero is returned.


◆ cpl_array_set_string()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_set_string ( cpl_array *  array,
cpl_size  indx,
const char *  string 

Write a character string to a string array element.

arrayArray to be accessed.
indxPosition where to write character string.
stringCharacter string to write.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success. If array is a NULL pointer a CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT is returned. If the array is not of the expected type, a CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH is returned. If indx is outside the array range, a CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned. If the input array has length 0, the CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE is always returned.

Copy a character string to a string array element. The written value can also be a NULL pointer. Note that the input character string is copied, therefore the original can be modified without affecting the column content. To "plug" a character string directly into an array element, use the function cpl_array_get_data_string(). Array elements are counted starting from zero.


Referenced by cpl_table_get_column_names().

◆ cpl_array_subtract()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_subtract ( cpl_array *  to_array,
const cpl_array *  from_array 

Subtract the values of two numeric or complex arrays.

to_arrayTarget array.
from_arraySource array.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Any input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT The input arrays have different sizes.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE Any specified array is not numerical.

The arrays are subtracted element by element, and the result is stored in the target array. See the documentation of the function cpl_array_add() for further details.


◆ cpl_array_subtract_scalar()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_subtract_scalar ( cpl_array *  array,
double  value 

Subtract a constant value from a numerical array.

arrayTarget array
valueValue to subtract.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The input array is not numerical.

The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the target array type. Invalid elements are are not modified by this operation.


◆ cpl_array_subtract_scalar_complex()

cpl_error_code cpl_array_subtract_scalar_complex ( cpl_array *  array,
double complex  value 

Subtract a constant complex value from a complex array.

arrayTarget array
valueValue to subtract.
CPL_ERROR_NONE on success.
CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT Input array is a NULL pointer.
CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE The input array is not complex.

The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the target array type. Invalid elements are are not modified by this operation.


◆ cpl_array_unwrap()

void * cpl_array_unwrap ( cpl_array *  array)

Delete an array, without losing the data buffer.

arrayArray to be deleted.
Pointer to the internal data buffer.

This function deletes an array, but its data buffer is not destroyed. Supposedly, the developer knows that the data are static, or the developer holds the pointer to the data obtained with the functions cpl_array_get_data_int(), cpl_array_get_data_float(), etc. If the input array is NULL, nothing is done, and no error is set.

References cpl_free().

Referenced by cpl_wcs_delete().

◆ cpl_array_wrap_cplsize()

cpl_array * cpl_array_wrap_cplsize ( cpl_size data,
cpl_size  length 

Create a new cpl_size array from existing data.

dataExisting data buffer.
lengthNumber of elements in array.
Pointer to the new array, or NULL in case of error.

This function creates a new cpl_size array that will encapsulate the given data. Note that the size of the data buffer is not checked in any way, and that the data values are all considered valid: invalid values should be marked using the functions cpl_array_set_invalid(). The data array is not copied, so it should never be deallocated: to deallocate it, the function cpl_array_delete() should be called instead. Alternatively, the function cpl_array_unwrap() might be used, and the data array deallocated afterwards. A zero or negative length is illegal, and would cause an error CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT to be set. An input NULL pointer would set an error CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.

Functions that handle arrays assume that an array data buffer is dynamically allocated: with a statically allocated data buffer any function implying memory handling (cpl_array_set_size(), cpl_array_delete(), etc.) would crash the program. This means that a static data buffer should never be passed to this function if memory handling is planned. In case of a static data buffer, only the cpl_array_unwrap() destructor can be used.

References cpl_calloc().

◆ cpl_array_wrap_double()

cpl_array * cpl_array_wrap_double ( double *  data,
cpl_size  length 

Create a new double array from existing data.

dataExisting data buffer.
lengthNumber of elements in array.
Pointer to the new array, or NULL in case of error.

See documentation of function cpl_array_wrap_int().

References cpl_calloc().

◆ cpl_array_wrap_double_complex()

cpl_array * cpl_array_wrap_double_complex ( double complex *  data,
cpl_size  length 

Create a new double complex array from existing data.

dataExisting data buffer.
lengthNumber of elements in array.
Pointer to the new array, or NULL in case of error.

See documentation of function cpl_array_wrap_int().

References cpl_calloc().

◆ cpl_array_wrap_float()

cpl_array * cpl_array_wrap_float ( float *  data,
cpl_size  length 

Create a new float array from existing data.

dataExisting data buffer.
lengthNumber of elements in array.
Pointer to the new array, or NULL in case of error.

See documentation of function cpl_array_wrap_int().

References cpl_calloc().

◆ cpl_array_wrap_float_complex()

cpl_array * cpl_array_wrap_float_complex ( float complex *  data,
cpl_size  length 

Create a new float complex array from existing data.

dataExisting data buffer.
lengthNumber of elements in array.
Pointer to the new array, or NULL in case of error.

See documentation of function cpl_array_wrap_int().

References cpl_calloc().

◆ cpl_array_wrap_int()

cpl_array * cpl_array_wrap_int ( int *  data,
cpl_size  length 

Create a new integer array from existing data.

dataExisting data buffer.
lengthNumber of elements in array.
Pointer to the new array, or NULL in case of error.

This function creates a new integer array that will encapsulate the given data. Note that the size of the data buffer is not checked in any way, and that the data values are all considered valid: invalid values should be marked using the functions cpl_array_set_invalid() The data array is not copied, so it should never be deallocated: to deallocate it, the function cpl_array_delete() should be called instead. Alternatively, the function cpl_array_unwrap() might be used, and the data array deallocated afterwards. A zero or negative length is illegal, and would cause an error CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT to be set. An input NULL pointer would set an error CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.

Functions that handle arrays assume that an array data buffer is dynamically allocated: with a statically allocated data buffer any function implying memory handling (cpl_array_set_size(), cpl_array_delete(), etc.) would crash the program. This means that a static data buffer should never be passed to this function if memory handling is planned. In case of a static data buffer, only the cpl_array_unwrap() destructor can be used.

References cpl_calloc().

Referenced by cpl_matrix_get_determinant(), cpl_matrix_invert_create(), cpl_matrix_solve(), and cpl_wcs_platesol().

◆ cpl_array_wrap_long()

cpl_array * cpl_array_wrap_long ( long *  data,
cpl_size  length 

Create a new long integer array from existing data.

dataExisting data buffer.
lengthNumber of elements in array.
Pointer to the new array, or NULL in case of error.

This function creates a new long integer array that will encapsulate the given data. Note that the size of the data buffer is not checked in any way, and that the data values are all considered valid: invalid values should be marked using the functions cpl_array_set_invalid() The data array is not copied, so it should never be deallocated: to deallocate it, the function cpl_array_delete() should be called instead. Alternatively, the function cpl_array_unwrap() might be used, and the data array deallocated afterwards. A zero or negative length is illegal, and would cause an error CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT to be set. An input NULL pointer would set an error CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.

Functions that handle arrays assume that an array data buffer is dynamically allocated: with a statically allocated data buffer any function implying memory handling (cpl_array_set_size(), cpl_array_delete(), etc.) would crash the program. This means that a static data buffer should never be passed to this function if memory handling is planned. In case of a static data buffer, only the cpl_array_unwrap() destructor can be used.

References cpl_calloc().

◆ cpl_array_wrap_long_long()

cpl_array * cpl_array_wrap_long_long ( long long *  data,
cpl_size  length 

Create a new long long integer array from existing data.

dataExisting data buffer.
lengthNumber of elements in array.
Pointer to the new array, or NULL in case of error.

This function creates a new long long integer array that will encapsulate the given data. Note that the size of the data buffer is not checked in any way, and that the data values are all considered valid: invalid values should be marked using the functions cpl_array_set_invalid() The data array is not copied, so it should never be deallocated: to deallocate it, the function cpl_array_delete() should be called instead. Alternatively, the function cpl_array_unwrap() might be used, and the data array deallocated afterwards. A zero or negative length is illegal, and would cause an error CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT to be set. An input NULL pointer would set an error CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT.

Functions that handle arrays assume that an array data buffer is dynamically allocated: with a statically allocated data buffer any function implying memory handling (cpl_array_set_size(), cpl_array_delete(), etc.) would crash the program. This means that a static data buffer should never be passed to this function if memory handling is planned. In case of a static data buffer, only the cpl_array_unwrap() destructor can be used.

References cpl_calloc().

◆ cpl_array_wrap_string()

cpl_array * cpl_array_wrap_string ( char **  data,
cpl_size  length 

Create a new character string array from existing data.

dataExisting data buffer.
lengthNumber of elements in array.
Pointer to the new array, or NULL in case of error.

See documentation of function cpl_array_wrap_int().

References cpl_calloc().