What makes ESO's fellowship programme unique

As the foremost ground-based astronomy organisation and the world’s most productive observatory with three cutting- edge observing sites in Chile, ESO is clearly a special place to work and to do astronomy. ESO offers unique opportunities for Fellows that cannot be obtained elsewhere:

  • ESO Fellowships are well supported research positions that allow young researchers to blossom as independent scientists.
  • ESO provides an innovative and creative environment where Fellows are mentored, valued and empowered to make an individual contribution.
  • Working closely with ESO’s facilities and staff astronomers provides a unique catalyst for astronomical research, such that ESO Fellows can develop their own independent programmes and engage in fruitful scientific collaborations with the broader astronomical community.
  • The Garching campus, with MPE, MPA, TUM and LMU nearby, provides a genuinely world-class science environment in which ESO Fellows can learn and contribute.
  • The Santiago/Chile university and observatory environment provides a lively scientific domain hosting the operations of many world-leading ground-based telescopes.
  • The inclusion in ESO projects and operations through functional responsibilities opens career options for Fellows who want to explore alternative paths in astronomy, such as working at observatories and combining research and functional duties. Former ESO Fellows have moved on to a wide variety of new positions, including professorships at universities, support astronomer positions at international observatories, science communication and public outreach positions, and senior management positions at national and international scientific organisations.
  • ESO Fellows have an opportunity to share a truly international environment where they work closely with people from different cultures and disciplines.
  • ESO is an intergovernmental organisation and offers an attractive remuneration and benefits package for Fellows, and relocation support for their families.

In summary, there are very few other post-doctoral programmes in astronomy that offer the unique combination of professional and personal development that ESO’s fellowship programme does.