Spectra from faint, distant galaxies

The spectra (brightness as a function of wavelength) for ten of the confirmed galaxies in the very distant, young cluster found near the radio galaxy TN J1338-1942 . Each galaxy displays a sharp peak in colour showing the signature of its hydrogen gas - this is the redshifted Lyman-alpha emission line.

The galaxy spectra shown were obtained by FORS2 in the MXU-mode on May 20, 21 and 22, 2001. Exposures of 31500 seconds and 35100 seconds, respectively, were made through two masks under photometric conditions, with seeing 1.0 arcsec and slit sizes of 1 arcsec. The 600RI grism was used; it has peak efficiency 87%, resolution R = 1011 at 663.0 nm and spectral dispersion of 0.132 nm/pixel, corresponding to 290 km/s at z = 4.1.



Sobre la imagen

Fecha de publicación:9 de Abril de 2002
Noticias relacionadas:eso0212
Tamaño:999 x 680 px

Sobre el objeto

Nombre:TN J1338-1942
Tipo:Early Universe : Galaxy : Activity : AGN
Distancia:z=4.11 (desplazamiento al rojo)
Quasars and Black Holes

Formatos de imagen

Tamaño original
188,9 KB
JPEG grande
159,1 KB

Colores y filtros

Very Large Telescope