QC documentation system: QC procedure QCsinfo_flat.py for SINFONI

This documentation is intended both for QC scientists and SciOps astronomers (who may want to ignore the technical information displayed in grey).
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NAME QCsinfo_flat.py
VERSION 1.0 -- 2006-06-19 fill template by handbook
1.1 -- 2006-07-07 certified
2.0 -- 2009.01.20 completely re-written in Python with added QC functions and images
CALL measureQuality
QCsinfo_flat.py -a $AB_name -i $level_of_interaction: 0-2
PURPOSE a) generates QC report
b) writes QC1 parameters into local database
PROCINPUT No input is required:
a) $DATE is now read from AB
b) primary file is set in QCsinfo_flat.py and is the PRO.CATG=MASTER_FLAT_LAMP product with the _0000.fits extension.
c) raw frames are implicitly read from the AB.
d) Reference MASTER_FLAT_LAMP and MASTER_BP_MAP, and BP_MAP_NO are found and read in from $DFO_QC_DIR/references/FLAT/.
QC1TABLE trending | table(s) in QC1 database:
TRENDPLOT trending | HealthCheck plot(s) associated to this procedure:
QC1PAGE trending | associated documentation:

display MASTER_FLAT_LAMP on RealTimeDisplay
display MASTER_BP_MAP on RealTimeDisplay
UL: a) three single column traces of the current product through:
x = 500 (dark grey)
x = 1000 (middle grey)
x = 1500 (light grey)
b) average of all columns (normalized) of current product (thick blue line)
c) average of all columns (normalized) of reference product (thick red line)
d) average of all columns (normalized) of (reference - current) product (black line). Should be near zero.
UC: a) three single row traces of the current product through:
y = 500 (dark grey)
y = 1000 (middle grey)
y = 1500 (light grey)
b) average of all rows (normalized) of current product (thick blue line)
c) average of all rows (normalized) of reference product (thick red line)
d) average of all rows (normalized) of (reference - current) product (black line). Should be near zero.
UR: a) logarithmic histogram of current product (blue line)
b) logarithmic histogram of reference product (red line)
c) logarithmic histogram of (reference - current) product (black line). Should straddle zero.
LL: Image of current product (master flat lamp) listing number of bad pixels in title
LC: Image of (reference - current) product
LR: a) logarithmic histogram of the difference between the first two lamp_on raw flats (magenta line)
b) logarithmic histogram of the difference between the first two lamp_off raw flats (turqoise line)
QC1PARAM QC1 parameters written into QC1 table:
FITSNAME, DBNAME , typical value, description:
QC.BP-MAP.METHOD , qc_bpm_method, (Noise), bad pixel map method (here hot pixel map)
QC.BP-MAP.NBADPIX, qc_bpm_nbadpix, (200), number deviating pixels
QC.MBP_MAP.NBADPIX, qc_mbp_map_nbadpix, (200), number of bad pixel s
QC.SPECFLAT.NCNTSAVG,qc_specflux_cavg, (18500), mean of (5) on-lamp frame medians
QC.SPECFLAT.NCNTSSTD,qc_specflux_cstd, (35), stdev of (5) on-lamp frame medians
QC.SPECFLAT.OFFFLUX,qc_specflux_coff, (5.5) mean of (5) off-lamp frame medians
QC.LFLAT.FPN1 ,qc_lflat_fpn1, (2.4) Fixed pattern noise of chip area #1
QC.LFLAT.FPN2 ,qc_lflat_fpn2, (23.5) Fixed pattern noise of chip area #2
ALGORITHM Description of algorithms:
qc_bpm_method: Bad pixel map method = NORMAL
qc_bpm_nbadpix: All pixel that deviate more than kappa * sigma from a mean spectral slope per column. This gives the BP_MAP_NO.
qc_mbp_map_nbadpix The BP_MAP_NO map is merged with the BP_MAP_NL (an associated master calibration generated by the the linearity recipe) to give the MASTER_BP_MAP. The integral of this final map gives the QC1 parameter.
qc_specflat_ncntsavg From the raw input set of 10 raw flat frames (5 with lamp=on and 5 with lamp=off, alternating) derive 5 off-lamp subtrcated flat frames and 5 median values. The QC1 parameter is the average of the 5 medians
qc_specflat_ncntsstd is the stdev of the 5 medians
qc_specflat_offflux, is the average of the 5 off-lamp medians
qc_lflat_fpn1, The stddev of a region (default is central 1024x1024 pixel). The area on the chip is configurable via command line parameters.
qc_lflat_fpn2, The stddev of a region (default is a stripe within one slitlet). The area on the chip is configurable via command line parameters.
CERTIF Tolerated
- The FOV outer slilet #32 can be subject of vignetting, in particular after interventions. Inform PSO!!
- Slitlet #18 is subject of non-reproducible bad pixel columns, accepted
- Slitlet #25 can be subject of sporadically occuring odd-even signal, accepted
COMMENTS Local difference frames (current product minus last one) and reference difference frames (current product minus reference) are provided in the detailed section of certifyProducts. Cube reconstructed and median/average collapsed lamp flats are used to check illumination. These formats are part of stdstar/psf/science raw types QC.
In a cube reconstructed and collapsed frame with initially 32x32 pixel (expanded to 64x64 pixel) the slitlets are from top to bottom #1, #2, #3 ... #32. The order of these slitlests in a raw frame is quite different. In a raw frame these are (from left to right) #9, #8, #10, #7, #11, ... #16, (the striking bad pixel circle), #1, #32, #17 ... #25, #24 (at the right edge of the array); see the user manaul for details.
The MASTER_FLAT_LAMP is not corrected for optical distortion. The optical distortion corrected flat occurs as LAMP_FLAT_STACKED_DIST product of the wavecal recipe. The cube-reconstruced flat appears as MFLAT_AVG and MFLAT_MED product of the si_rec_jitter recipe. Hence LAMP_FLAT_STACKED_DIST products are certfied/checked as part of the WAVE certificication; MFLAT_AVG and MFLAT_MED products are certified as part of the STD certification.
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