ann18088 — Announcement
ESO’s Second #MeetESO winners announced
4 December 2018: To coincide with the 2019 Total Solar Eclipse, eight social media users have been hand-picked from the pool of users that have signed up for the competition to attend ESO’s second #MeetESO social media gathering. The winners of the competition have been selected based on their social media presence and their creativity, dedication, and passion for sharing interesting and relevant content about astronomy and ESO with their communities. The winners are, in alphabetical order: Eric Benedetti, United States of America. Eric can be found on Instagram and Facebook. Paul Davies, United Kingdom. Paul can be found on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Guillaume Doyen, France. Guillaume can be found on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and on his blog. Tara Foster, Ireland/Australia. Tara can be found on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and on her blog. Olivia Haider, Austria. Olivia can be found on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Felipe Hime Miranda, Brazil. Felipe can ...