Informal Educators
Many of the products and services from the Department of Communication are aimed at encouraging and supporting the activity of informal educators such as science centres, museums, planetariums, public observatories, astronomy clubs etc.
Products and services available for informal educators:
- Press releases with focus on translated versions you can share on your websites if you have a news section.
- Free access to mega- and gigapixel images in the image archives on (use advanced search) to print and display in your facility
- Free access to thousands of videos
- Free order vouchers to order ESO products from the ESO shop
- Science centres and other institutions that regularly do informal education and outreach projects, events or campaigns with ePOD can apply to become ESO Outreach Partner Organisations. Examples are for instance the GigaGalaxy Zoom project and Hubble’s 15th and 20th anniversaries.
- Planetarium shows e.g. In Search of our Cosmic Origins led by APLF, shown in ~62 planetariums, and a new collaboration initiated with APLF on a planetarium show for ESO’s 50th anniversary.
- Consider inviting our national ESON member and maybe in the future an ESO scientist to talk at an event.
- Join our increased social media activities so that we can support each other’s presence: ESO Facebook, ESO Twitter/X
- Join our group of volunteer translators