Solar Eclipse in La Silla 2019

Maximum of the total solar eclipse in La Silla on 2 July 2019. The image is result of resourceful combination of different exposures, featuring as natural as possible view to the totality, including structures of solar-minimum corona as it was seen by naked eyes. Low over the horizon, bright planet Venus can be found. Bright stars on left part of the sky belong to well known Orion constellation, which was also visible during the deep darkness in the lunar shadow.


ESO/P. Aniol, M. Druckmüller, P. Horálek

Über das Bild

Veröffentlichungsdatum:3. Juli 2019 02:00
Dazugehörige Veröffentlichungen:eso1912
Größe:5472 x 3648 px

Über das Objekt

Typ:Solar System : Sky Phenomenon : Eclipse : Solar : Total
Kategorie:La Silla


Großes JPEG
2,2 MB
