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probeDevices.h File Reference

#include "acm.h"

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Boundary class to access data of devices controlled by probe

typedef vltDOUBLE * theta
typedef vltDOUBLE ccsERROR * error
typedef const vltDOUBLE const
typedef const vltDOUBLE const
typedef const vltDOUBLE const
ccsTIMEVAL const vltDOUBLE 
typedef const vltDOUBLE yOffset
typedef const vltDOUBLE const
typedef const vltDOUBLE vltLOGICAL * isVignetting
typedef const vltDOUBLE vltLOGICAL * isInField
typedef ccsCOMPL_STAT probeCALC_REM_TRK_TIME (const vltDOUBLE ra, const vltDOUBLE decl, const vltDOUBLE lowLim, const vltDOUBLE highLim, const vltDOUBLE siderealTime, const vltDOUBLE lat, vltDOUBLE *remTime, ccsERROR *error)
typedef const vltDOUBLE v
typedef const vltDOUBLE const
typedef const vltDOUBLE const
vltDOUBLE const vltLOGICAL
const vltLOGICAL 
typedef ccsCOMPL_STAT (probeGET_RTHETA)(vltDOUBLE *r
void probeDevicesInstallGetRTheta (probeGET_RTHETA *f)
void probeDevicesInstallGetPosErr (probeGET_POSERR *f)
typedef ccsCOMPL_STAT (probeSET_PROBE)(const vltDOUBLE r
void probeDevicesInstallSetProbe (probeSET_PROBE *f)
void probeDevicesInstallParkProbe (probePARK_PROBE *f)
void probeDevicesInstallUserOffsetProbe (probeUSER_OFFSET *f)
void probeDevicesInstallVignettingCheck (probeVIGNETTING_CHECK *f)
void probeDevicesInstallCheckInField (probeCHECK_IN_FIELD *f)
void probeDevicesInstallCalcNoTrk (probeCALC_NO_TRK *f)
void probeDevicesInstallCalcRemTrkTime (probeCALC_REM_TRK_TIME *f)
void probeDevicesInstallSetUVW (probeSET_UVW *f)
void probeDevicesInstallUpdate (probeUPDATE *f)
probeGET_RTHETA probeDevicesGetRTheta
probeGET_POSERR probeDevicesGetPosErr
probeSET_PROBE probeDevicesSetProbe
probeUSER_OFFSET probeDevicesUserOffsetProbe
probePARK_PROBE probeDevicesParkProbe
probeVIGNETTING_CHECK probeDevicesVignettingCheck
probeCHECK_IN_FIELD probeDevicesCheckInField
probeCALC_NO_TRK probeDevicesCalcNoTrk
probeCALC_REM_TRK_TIME probeDevicesCalcRemTrkTime
probeSET_UVW probeDevicesSetUVW
probeUPDATE probeDevicesUpdate

Typedef Documentation

typedef const vltDOUBLE theta

typedef const vltDOUBLE const vltDOUBLE const vltLOGICAL const vltLOGICAL ccsERROR* error

typedef const vltDOUBLE const acmSEND_REFS_SET_POINTS setPoints

typedef const vltDOUBLE const acmSEND_REFS_SET_POINTS const ccsTIMEVAL timeStamp

typedef const vltDOUBLE const acmSEND_REFS_SET_POINTS const ccsTIMEVAL const vltDOUBLE telAzDeg

typedef const vltDOUBLE yOffset

typedef const vltDOUBLE const vltDOUBLE const vltLOGICAL tracking

typedef const vltDOUBLE vltLOGICAL* isVignetting

typedef const vltDOUBLE vltLOGICAL* isInField

typedef ccsCOMPL_STAT probeCALC_REM_TRK_TIME( const vltDOUBLE ra, const vltDOUBLE decl, const vltDOUBLE lowLim, const vltDOUBLE highLim, const vltDOUBLE siderealTime, const vltDOUBLE lat, vltDOUBLE *remTime, ccsERROR *error )

typedef const vltDOUBLE v

typedef const vltDOUBLE const vltDOUBLE w

typedef const vltDOUBLE const vltDOUBLE const vltLOGICAL const vltLOGICAL moveRel

Function Documentation

typedef ccsCOMPL_STAT probeGET_RTHETA   

void probeDevicesInstallGetRTheta probeGET_RTHETA *    f

Install device specific function to get the actual r and theta. A default implementation is provided that always returns 0.0.

r  radius in radians
theta  angle in radians
error  error stack

void probeDevicesInstallGetPosErr probeGET_POSERR *    f

Install device specific function to get the actual position error.

posError  position error; the unit is user defined
error  error stack

typedef ccsCOMPL_STAT probeSET_PROBE    const

void probeDevicesInstallSetProbe probeSET_PROBE *    f

Install device specific function to set the probe to a given r, theta. It's called for the PRABS command is differential tracking is disabled and in the probe tracking loop when differential tracking is enabled. This enables setting of specific device positions that cannot be passed only through the sendRefs fucntion mechnism. A default implementation is provided that does no action.

r  radius in radians
theta  angle in radians
error  error stack

void probeDevicesInstallParkProbe probePARK_PROBE *    f

Install device specific function to park the probe It's called for the PRCNT command, the interface is kept the same as SET_PROBE for backward compatibility, if this functions is not installed then the SET_PROBE function is called instead

r  radius in radians
theta  angle in radians
error  error stack

void probeDevicesInstallUserOffsetProbe probeUSER_OFFSET *    f

Install device specific function to apply a user specific - not accumulated - xy offset to the probe The interpretation of the values is handled in the application specific code (atp, mvp) probe only passes the values to the target dependent code

xOffset  offset in x
yOffset  offset in y
tracking  tell if the probe is tracking
error  error stack

void probeDevicesInstallVignettingCheck probeVIGNETTING_CHECK *    f

Install device specific function to check if vignetting. A default implementation is provided that always returns FALSE.

r  radius in radians
theta  angle in radians
error  error stack

void probeDevicesInstallCheckInField probeCHECK_IN_FIELD *    f

Install device specific function to check if position is in the field. A default implementation is provided that always returns TRUE.

r  radius in radians
theta  angle in radians
error  error stack

void probeDevicesInstallCalcNoTrk probeCALC_NO_TRK *    f

Install device specific function that is called when system is not tracking. A default implementation is provided that does not action. It is called instead of the probeDevicesSetProbe.

See also:

void probeDevicesInstallCalcRemTrkTime probeCALC_REM_TRK_TIME   f

Install device specific function that calculates the remaining tracking time.

A default implementation is provided that returns the maximum tracking time of one day.

ra  RA in radians
decl  DEC in radians
lowLim  low limit (user defined)
highLim  high limit (user defined)
siderealTime  local sideral time in radians
remTime  remaining tracking time in DAYS

void probeDevicesInstallSetUVW probeSET_UVW *    f

Install device specific function to offset the probe device by a constant UVW offset, this offset should be applied to all values passed by SET_PROBE A default implementation is provided that does no action.

u  in radians
v  in radians
w  in radians
tracking  tell if the probe is tracking
moveRel  if movement is absolute or relative, only valid if tracking is TRUE

void probeDevicesInstallUpdate probeUPDATE *    f

Install device specific function to re-read configuration values from the database on-the-fly without doing init or boot. A default implementation is provided that does no action.

Variable Documentation

probeGET_RTHETA probeDevicesGetRTheta

Returns the actual r, theta. If a user function is installed the user function is called. This function is used internally by the probe software.

probeGET_POSERR probeDevicesGetPosErr

Returns the position error. If a user function is installed the user function is called. This function is used internally by the probe software.

probeSET_PROBE probeDevicesSetProbe

Sets the probe position. If a user function is installed the user function is called. This function is used internally by the probe software.

probeUSER_OFFSET probeDevicesUserOffsetProbe

probePARK_PROBE probeDevicesParkProbe

Sets the probe position. If a user function is installed the user function is called. This function is used internally by the probe software.

probeVIGNETTING_CHECK probeDevicesVignettingCheck

Checks if we are vignetting. If a user function is installed the user function is called. This function is used internally by the probe software.

probeCHECK_IN_FIELD probeDevicesCheckInField

Check if position is in the field. If a user function is installed the user function is called. This function is used internally by the probe software.

probeCALC_NO_TRK probeDevicesCalcNoTrk

User function called when not tracking.

It is called when system is not tracking instead of probeDevicesSetProbe

probeCALC_REM_TRK_TIME probeDevicesCalcRemTrkTime

probeSET_UVW probeDevicesSetUVW

Sets the probe UVW offset If a user function is installed the user function is called. This function is used internally by the probe software.

probeUPDATE probeDevicesUpdate

Updates configuration parameters If a user function is installed the user function is called. This function is used internally by the probe software.

Generated on Wed Dec 3 14:55:32 2003 for ATCS API by doxygen1.2.13.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001