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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 ****************************************************************************
00003 * E.S.O. - VLT Project
00004 *
00005 * "@(#) $Id: ccdit.h,v 2.20 2003/04/03 00:29:55 vltsccm Exp $"
00006 *
00007 * who            when     what
00008 * -------------- -------- ---------------------------------------------------
00009 * N.Fiebig      08/06/94 first implementation
00010 * A.Longinotti  24/11/94 ccditCOMPSTATUS brought to ccdInternal.h
00011 * C.Cumani      03/05/95 ccditTrDxf and ccditTrNfs definitions added
00012 * C.Cumani      02/08/95 transMethod element moved from ccditSETUP
00013 *                        to ccditGLOBALS
00014 * C.Cumani      03/08/95 ccditReadSetup function prototype modified
00015 * C.Cumani      22/08/95 - ccditSTATUS -> ccditSTATE
00016 *                        - ccditINITIALISED added in ccditSTATE
00017 * C.Cumani      19/09/95 - ccditHandleOff() func. prot. added
00018 *                        - ccditHandleOnline() func. prot. added
00019 *                        - ccditHandleStandby() func. prot. added
00020 * C.Cumani      05/10/95 - ccditHandleReady() func. prot. modified
00021 *                          (parbuf parameter added)
00022 *                        - ccditExitTransferTask -> ccditExitSendImage
00023 * C.Cumani      11/10/95 - ccditHandleInit() func. prot. modified
00024 *                          (globals parameter added)
00025 * C.Cumani      18/10/95 made compatible with CMM
00026 * C.Cumani      19/10/95 - ccditMODULE, ccditMODULE_NAME, ccditVERSION, 
00027 *                          and ccditVERSION_DATE introduced
00028 *                        - ccditVersion() func. prot. added
00029 * P.Duhoux         JAN/96 Redesign similar for CCD subsystem modules
00030 *                         New CCD include scheme 
00031 *                         New ACI/API function interfaces
00032 *                         New signal handler interfaces for ccsInit
00033 * P.Duhoux       08/02/96 added ccditHandleStop() function prototype
00034 * A.LOnginotti   12/07/96 ccditMODULE moved to ccdInternal.h
00035 * P.Duhoux       14/01/97 Defined ccditVERSION_DATE = ccdVERSION_DATE
00036 */
00037 /************************************************************************
00038 *  ccdit.h - Server Image Transfer Interface File. 
00039 *************************************************************************
00040 */
00041 #ifndef CCDIT_H
00042 #define CCDIT_H
00044 #ifdef __cplusplus
00045 extern "C" {
00046 #endif
00048 /* 
00049  * CCD include files 
00050  */
00051 #include "ccdLcuInternal.h"
00053 /*
00054  * CCDIT include files
00055  */
00056 #include "ccditDefines.h"
00058 /* module name */
00059 /* AL960712 moved to ccdInternal.h: needed ny ccditWs for dxf JUN96
00060 #define ccditMODULE       "ccdit"
00061 */
00062 #define ccditMODULE_NAME  "Image Transfer Module"
00064 /* module version */
00065 #define ccditVERSION      "$Revision: 2.20 $"   
00066 #define ccditVERSION_DATE ccdVERSION_DATE
00068 /* transfer status */
00069 typedef enum
00070     {
00071     ccditOFF         = ccdOFF,
00072     ccditLOADED      = ccdLOADED,
00073     ccditSTANDBY     = ccdSTANDBY,
00074     ccditONLINE_IDLE = ccdONLINE,     /* on-line but nothing to do */
00075     ccditONLINE_READY,                /* receiver ready for transfer */
00076     ccditONLINE_ACTIVE                /* transfer active*/
00077     } ccditSTATE;
00079 typedef ccditCOMPSTATUS ccditSTATUS;
00081 /*
00082  ******************************************************************************
00083  * CI Function Prototypes
00084  ******************************************************************************
00085  */
00086 ccsCOMPL_STAT ccditMainTask       ( ccdDESCRIPTION *ccdDesc, ccdFIS *fis );
00088 /*
00089  ******************************************************************************
00090  * Signal Handlers
00091  ******************************************************************************
00092  */
00093 void          ccditHandleBreak    ( int signal );
00094 void          ccditHandleKill     ( int signal );
00096 /*
00097  ******************************************************************************
00098  * API Function Prototypes
00099  ******************************************************************************
00100  */
00101 /* Standard Commands for all Sub-Systems */
00102 ccsCOMPL_STAT ccditHandleExit     ( ccdDESCRIPTION *ccdDesc, ccsERROR *error );
00103 ccsCOMPL_STAT ccditHandleStatus   ( ccdDESCRIPTION *ccdDesc, ccsERROR *error );
00104 ccsCOMPL_STAT ccditHandleInit     ( ccdDESCRIPTION *ccdDesc, ccsERROR *error );
00105 ccsCOMPL_STAT ccditHandleOff      ( ccdDESCRIPTION *ccdDesc, ccsERROR *error );
00106 ccsCOMPL_STAT ccditHandleOnline   ( ccdDESCRIPTION *ccdDesc, ccsERROR *error );
00107 ccsCOMPL_STAT ccditHandleReset    ( ccdDESCRIPTION *ccdDesc, ccsERROR *error );
00108 ccsCOMPL_STAT ccditHandleStandby  ( ccdDESCRIPTION *ccdDesc, ccsERROR *error );
00109 ccsCOMPL_STAT ccditHandleStop     ( ccdDESCRIPTION *ccdDesc, ccsERROR *error );
00110 void          ccditVersion        ( char *version );
00112 /* Specific Commands for IT Sub-System */
00113 ccsCOMPL_STAT ccditHandleReady    ( ccdDESCRIPTION *ccdDesc, msgMSG *message,
00114             char *parbuf, ccsERROR *error );
00115 ccsCOMPL_STAT ccditHandleSendImage( ccdDESCRIPTION *ccdDesc, msgMSG *message,
00116             char *parbuf, ccsERROR *error );
00118 #ifdef __cplusplus
00119 }
00120 #endif
00122 #endif  /* ! CCDIT_H */
00124 /************************************************************************/
00126 /*___o0o___*/

Generated on Wed Dec 3 14:52:11 2003 for ATCS API by doxygen1.2.13.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001