RTC Toolkit  2.0.0
comms.deployment Namespace Reference


class  RtcDeploymentControl
 This is an abstract class providing a Qt signal/slot interface for triggering the starting and stopping of Deployment Sets and individual SRTC components. More...
class  RtcDeploymentControlNomadImpl
 Implements the RtcDeploymentControl interface using Nomad as the backend. More...
class  RtcDeploymentData
 Interface for Deployment Data access. More...
class  RtcDeploymentDataFileImpl
 Implementation of :class:RtcDeploymentData using files. More...
class  RtcDeploymentDataNomadImpl
 Implementation of :class:RtcDeploymentData using Nomad. More...
class  RtcDeploymentDataServiceImpl
 Implementation of :class:RtcDeploymentData using :class:rtctk.framekwork.ServiceDiscovery. More...