Public Member Functions

maci::CBComponentInfo Interface Reference

import "maci.idl";

Inheritance diagram for maci::CBComponentInfo:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for maci::CBComponentInfo:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

oneway void working (in ComponentInfo value, in ACSErr::Completion c, in ACS::CBDescOut desc)
oneway void done (in ComponentInfo value, in ACSErr::Completion c, in ACS::CBDescOut desc)

Detailed Description

CBComponentInfo objects are used to asynchronously execute an action which takes a large amount of time to complete and returns ComponentInfo value.

When the callback is used for asynchronous notification in response to some action, the done method will be invoked when the action terminates, either with error condition or success (discovered by examining the Completion parameter). When the client processes the done invocation, it may discard the callback. The completion condition and the timestamp are reported through the Completion structure as a part of the callback notification. If the action is time consuming, i.e. it cannot be completed before the normal_timeout parameter found in the CBDescIn structure, the server must issue a working notification periodically (the server works under presupposition that each invocation resets the client's timeout timer to the normal_timeout period). The client must not discard the callback before done notification is called or one of the notifications timeouts on the client side.

See the BACI specifications for a detailed discussion on timeouts.

Member Function Documentation

oneway void maci::CBComponentInfo::done ( in ComponentInfo  value,
in ACSErr::Completion  c,
in ACS::CBDescOut  desc 

The done method is invoked only one time by the servant and signifies the end of future method invocations on this particular callback instance. Once this method has been invoked, the instance can be discarded.

value Result of the activation.
c A completion structure containing a description of how the operation completed (success or failure) and a timestamp.
desc A structure used to inform the client how long it will take the callback to finish (i.e., invoke done) or invoke this method again.
oneway void maci::CBComponentInfo::working ( in ComponentInfo  value,
in ACSErr::Completion  c,
in ACS::CBDescOut  desc 

The working method can be invoked by the servant any number of times provided it sets the appropriate timeout fields in the CBDescOut structure to inform the client. This is a oneway method so the developer need not be worried about how long it takes their implementation of the method to complete.

value Current status of the activation.
c A completion structure containing a description of current operation status and a timestamp.
desc A structure used to inform the client how long it will take the callback to finish (i.e., invoke done) or invoke this method again.

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