Public Attributes

maci::ComponentInfo Struct Reference

import "maci.idl";

List of all members.

Public Attributes

string type
string code
Object reference
string name
HandleSeq clients
Handle container
string container_name
Handle h
AccessDescriptor access
stringSeq interfaces

Detailed Description

Structure in which the Manager stores information about a component.

Member Data Documentation

Required access rights to access this component. When a client attempts to access the component (via Manager's get_service), the bitwise AND of client's access and component's access must yield component's access in order for the client to have the permission to access the component.

Specifies the clients that have requested and successfuly obtained a reference to this component from the Manager. If a client has done so more than once, its handle is repeated.

For immortal and startup components this list always contains at least one handle: the Manager. Thus, the only way to deactivate these components is by deactivating the Manager.

The code of the component, e.g. shread library name, java class name, python code.

Handle to the container which hosts the component. This handle is 0 if the component has not been activated by an container, but by some other means, and has only been registered with the Manager through register_component.

Name of the container which hosts the component.

Component's handle. The handle is automatically assigned by the Manager.

A list of all interfaces supported by the component. The interface names are in the CORBA repository_id format, and are prefixed with "IDL". The first interface in the list is the default interface.

Name of the component (without the domain). The name of the component must be unique within the domain, and can be used to identify the component. The name can imply hierarchy, which it does by separating name components with a '/' (slash).

Reference to the component. nil if the component has not yet been activated.

The type of the component. Uniquely identifies the code-base which the component's servant is executing. Given the type name and a hypothetical type library it is possible to infer supported interfaces, version information, etc.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: