Public Member Functions

maci::Administrator Interface Reference

import "maci.idl";

Inheritance diagram for maci::Administrator:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for maci::Administrator:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

oneway void client_logged_in (in ClientInfo info, in ACS::Time timestamp, in ExecutionId execution_id)
oneway void client_logged_out (in Handle h, in ACS::Time timestamp)
oneway void container_logged_in (in ContainerInfo info, in ACS::Time timestamp, in ExecutionId execution_id)
oneway void container_logged_out (in Handle h, in ACS::Time timestamp)
oneway void components_requested (in HandleSeq clients, in HandleSeq components, in ACS::Time timestamp)
oneway void components_released (in HandleSeq clients, in HandleSeq components, in ACS::Time timestamp)
oneway void component_activated (in ComponentInfo info, in ACS::Time timestamp, in ExecutionId execution_id)
oneway void component_deactivated (in Handle h, in ACS::Time timestamp)

Detailed Description

Administrator is a special-purpose client that can monitor the functioning of the domain that it administers. Monitoring includes obtaining the status of the MACI components (the Manager and containers) as well as notification about the availability of the component components. The command center client is granted special access permissions (INTROSPECT_MANAGER).

Member Function Documentation

oneway void maci::Administrator::client_logged_in ( in ClientInfo  info,
in ACS::Time  timestamp,
in ExecutionId  execution_id 

Notification that a client has just logged in.

Notice that this is a oneway method and therefore there cannot be return values or user exceptions. Only CORBA runtime exceptions due to communication issues can be thrown

info Information about the client that has just logged in. If the handle of the client (info.h) is 0, the Client failed to authenticate.
timestamp Time of this event.
execution_id Execution ID.
oneway void maci::Administrator::client_logged_out ( in Handle  h,
in ACS::Time  timestamp 

Notification that a client has just logged out.

Notice that this is a oneway method and therefore there cannot be return values or user exceptions. Only CORBA runtime exceptions due to communication issues can be thrown

h Handle of the client that has logged out.
timestamp Time of this event.
oneway void maci::Administrator::component_activated ( in ComponentInfo  info,
in ACS::Time  timestamp,
in ExecutionId  execution_id 

Notification that some component has just been activated (through Container::activate_component).

Notice that this is a oneway method and therefore there cannot be return values or user exceptions. Only CORBA runtime exceptions due to communication issues can be thrown

info Component info of activated component.
timestamp Time of this event.
execution_id Execution ID.
oneway void maci::Administrator::component_deactivated ( in Handle  h,
in ACS::Time  timestamp 

Notification that some component has just been deactivated (through Container::deactivate_component).

Notice that this is a oneway method and therefore there cannot be return values or user exceptions. Only CORBA runtime exceptions due to communication issues can be thrown

h Handle of deactivated component.
timestamp Time of this event.
oneway void maci::Administrator::components_released ( in HandleSeq  clients,
in HandleSeq  components,
in ACS::Time  timestamp 

Notification that some components have just been released (through release_component).

Notice that this is a oneway method and therefore there cannot be return values or user exceptions. Only CORBA runtime exceptions due to communication issues can be thrown

clients Handles of clients requesting components.
components Handles of requested components. component at the i-th place in the sequence was requested by the i-th client of sequence clients.
timestamp Time of this event.
oneway void maci::Administrator::components_requested ( in HandleSeq  clients,
in HandleSeq  components,
in ACS::Time  timestamp 

Notification that some components have just been requested (through get_component or get_components).

Notice that this is a oneway method and therefore there cannot be return values or user exceptions. Only CORBA runtime exceptions due to communication issues can be thrown

clients Handles of clients requesting components.
components Handles of requested components. component at the i-th place in the sequence was requested by the i-th client of sequence clients.
timestamp Time of this event.
oneway void maci::Administrator::container_logged_in ( in ContainerInfo  info,
in ACS::Time  timestamp,
in ExecutionId  execution_id 

Notification that a container has just logged in.

Notice that this is a oneway method and therefore there cannot be return values or user exceptions. Only CORBA runtime exceptions due to communication issues can be thrown

info Information about the container that has just logged in. If the handle of the container (info.h) is 0, the container failed to authenticate.
timestamp Time of this event.
execution_id Execution ID.
oneway void maci::Administrator::container_logged_out ( in Handle  h,
in ACS::Time  timestamp 

Notification that a client has just logged out.

Notice that this is a oneway method and therefore there cannot be return values or user exceptions. Only CORBA runtime exceptions due to communication issues can be thrown

h Handle of the container that has logged out.
timestamp Time of this event.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: