Public Member Functions | Public Attributes

ACS::Ppattern Interface Reference

import "baci.idl";

Inheritance diagram for ACS::Ppattern:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ACS::Ppattern:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

pattern get_sync (out ACSErr::Completion c)
void get_async (in CBpattern cb, in CBDescIn desc)
long get_history (in long n_last_values, out patternSeq vs, out TimeSeq ts)
Monitorpattern create_monitor (in CBpattern cb, in CBDescIn desc)
Monitorpattern create_postponed_monitor (in Time start_time, in CBpattern cb, in CBDescIn desc)

Public Attributes

readonly attribute TimeInterval default_timer_trigger
readonly attribute TimeInterval min_timer_trigger
readonly attribute pattern default_value
readonly attribute stringSeq bitDescription
readonly attribute ConditionSeq whenSet
readonly attribute ConditionSeq whenCleared

Detailed Description

The pattern Property has no monitor with value trigger, as a difference of values makes no sense. However, it has three other attributes that provide sequences that describe the meaning of each bit in the pattern: bitDescription, whenSet and whenCleared. The latter two keep one value of type condition per bit, which is an enum that describes the meaning of a bit in the status being set (to one) or cleared (to zero). The values correspond to usual colors of status LEDs.

The rest of the interface is equivalent to the Pdouble property.

Member Function Documentation

Monitorpattern ACS::Ppattern::create_monitor ( in CBpattern  cb,
in CBDescIn  desc 


Monitorpattern ACS::Ppattern::create_postponed_monitor ( in Time  start_time,
in CBpattern  cb,
in CBDescIn  desc 


void ACS::Ppattern::get_async ( in CBpattern  cb,
in CBDescIn  desc 


long ACS::Ppattern::get_history ( in long  n_last_values,
out patternSeq  vs,
out TimeSeq  ts 


pattern ACS::Ppattern::get_sync ( out ACSErr::Completion  c  ) 


Member Data Documentation

one description for each bit

for each bit, defines the colour of LED when bit is cleared

for each bit, defines the colour of LED when bit is set

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