Public Member Functions | Public Attributes

ACS::Pdouble Interface Reference

import "baci.idl";

Inheritance diagram for ACS::Pdouble:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ACS::Pdouble:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

double get_sync (out ACSErr::Completion c)
void get_async (in CBdouble cb, in CBDescIn desc)
long get_history (in long n_last_values, out doubleSeq vs, out TimeSeq ts)
Monitordouble create_monitor (in CBdouble cb, in CBDescIn desc)
Monitordouble create_postponed_monitor (in Time start_time, in CBdouble cb, in CBDescIn desc)

Public Attributes

readonly attribute TimeInterval default_timer_trigger
readonly attribute TimeInterval min_timer_trigger
readonly attribute double min_delta_trigger
readonly attribute double default_value
readonly attribute double graph_min
readonly attribute double graph_max
readonly attribute double min_step

Detailed Description

Following are the interfaces for all the properties in alphabetic order of they base type (i.e. double, long, pattern and string). They all follow the same patterns, described in the documents "BACI specifications" and "Application of BACI for ACS 1.0". The patterns are: P<type>, the base class of a Property, which subclasses RO<type>, a read-only version and RW<type>, a read-write version of the Property class. Additional patterns are for Properties that return sequences of values, i.e P<type>Seq, RO<type>Seq and RW<type>Seq. Here, only the double type occurence of a pattern is documented in detail, others are equivalent, unless the difference is explicitely commented.

Note that all Property patterns are typesafe, i.e. they return the explicit type of the property value and its characteristics - no casting or use of type any is required. Even the callbacks and in some cases the Monitors are of the correct type.

The interfaces have been all obtained by a generator, that expands meta-IDL template definitions. The comments that start with the symbol @ denote the templates used by the generator The generator is not yet available for ACS1.0.

Member Function Documentation

Monitordouble ACS::Pdouble::create_monitor ( in CBdouble  cb,
in CBDescIn  desc 

Start continuous monitoring (with default time interval). As in all asynchronous requests, a callback object cb and its descriptor desc have to be provided. See Callback for more details. 3AC90A260281

Monitordouble ACS::Pdouble::create_postponed_monitor ( in Time  start_time,
in CBdouble  cb,
in CBDescIn  desc 

Register a monitor whose beginning will be postponed until the specified start_time, which is given in absolute time. See create_monitor for more details on monitors. 3AC90A2602B2

void ACS::Pdouble::get_async ( in CBdouble  cb,
in CBDescIn  desc 

Request one value through callback. The callback cb and its desciptor desc have to be created by the client. The callback is of type CBdouble, because it explicitely carries a value of type double. 3AC90A26024D

long ACS::Pdouble::get_history ( in long  n_last_values,
out doubleSeq  vs,
out TimeSeq  ts 

Read n_last_lalues or all values (whichever is less) from the server�s local archive. If n_last_values is 0, then read complete local archive. Method returns number of actually transmitted values. 3AC90A260262

double ACS::Pdouble::get_sync ( out ACSErr::Completion  c  ) 

Synchronous call that returns the value of the property in the correct type, no casting is required. 3AC90A26022F

Member Data Documentation

default time interval between two consecutive monitor callbacks

readonly attribute double ACS::Pdouble::default_value

default value, error-free value, etc.

readonly attribute double ACS::Pdouble::graph_max

the recommended maximum for charts and gauges that display the value

readonly attribute double ACS::Pdouble::graph_min

the recommended minimum for charts and gauges that display the value

readonly attribute double ACS::Pdouble::min_delta_trigger

default value, error-free value, etc.

readonly attribute double ACS::Pdouble::min_step

smallest incremental step over whole range

the minimum allowed threshold for value change in value triggers

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: