With the end of VIRCAM@VISTA operations (first light June 2008, decommissioned March 2023) and OmegaCam@VST becoming a hosted telescope (first light Oct 2011, now managed by INAF), a decade of targeted wide-field imaging at ESO is coming to an end. Both instruments were largely dedicated to public imaging surveys, which have amassed a total of nearly 60,000 hours of telescope time. To commemorate these milestones, ESO organizes a 5-day workshop that reviews the legacy left by these instruments and summarizes the variety of scientific impact that these imaging surveys have on a wide range of research topics in astronomy, both in galactic and extra-galactic science.
A Decade of ESO Wide-field Imaging Surveys
Published: 30 Mar 2023

The main goal of the workshop is to further advance science cases, create international collaborations among research groups and encourage new ideas from/within the community to enlarge the exploitation of the high-quality VIRCAM and OmegaCAM survey data and last but not least, to promote the usage of the archival data from these facilities. The synergy of the VIRCAM/OmegaCAM legacy with the new generation of wide-field imaging facilities and missions, e.g. Euclid, Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, LSST/VRO and others will be discussed.
- Call for abstracts and registration open: 1 April 2023
- Deadline for abstract submission: 1 May 2023
- Program release: Approx. mid-July
- Deadline for registration: 1 September 2023
- Deadline for payment of the registration fee: 15 September 2023
- Workshop dates: 16 - 20 October 2023
More details on the workshop can be found at the conference website