The ESO Offices for Science in Garching and in Chile are happy to announce the new Early-Career Scientist Visitor Programme. The programme is meant to allow early-career scientists (PhD students and postdoc up to three years from the PhD) to spend from one to four months working on their science projects at ESO.
ESO Early-Career Scientific Visitor Programme in Garching and in Chile

While working independently on their research projects, the early-career astronomers can enrich their professional profile with short-term research experience in the vibrant scientific environment of one of the world's leading observatories. With this programme, ESO aims to promote scientific interaction with its community and research institutions worldwide and enhance ESO's role as an astronomical centre of excellence. ESO can provide family support on demand for visitors with child care responsibilities.
Eligible candidates are encouraged to apply by following the instructions available on the dedicated web pages for Garching and Santiago.
Later stage career astronomers interested in visiting ESO are welcome to apply to the Scientific Visitor Programme.
The number of accepted visitors will depend on the evolution of the pandemic.