Poll to Evaluate ESO's Scientific Priorities - Last Chance to Participate!

Published: 26 Feb 2020

ESO's Science Prioritisation Working Group is tasked with reviewing the ESO programme from a scientific perspective. This working group is composed of members of the Scientific Technical committee (STC), the Users Committee (UC) and ESO staff. The working group has devised a survey to better understand the priorities of the ESO community for the upcoming decade. Invitations to answer the survey have been emailed to astronomers registered on the ESO User Portal and/or on the ALMA Science Portal. If you have received a personal invitation, use the provided link with your unique token. In case you have not received an invitation, or you wish to share the poll with unregistered colleagues, please use this registration link. Please answer the poll on 28 February 2020.

The registration and tokens are solely used to ensure uniqueness of the responses. The answers to the poll will be anonymised and not linked to the emails or tokens of the responders. ESO greatly values feedback from the user community and invites you to spend a few minutes participating in the survey. In 2015, ESO polled its users to understand the needs and priorities, the feedback was extremely valuable and is summarised in Primas et al. Messenger 161-6 (2015).