The ESO Archive Science Portal (ASP) provides the primary entry point for interactive searching and browsing of the ESO Science Archive in terms of processed datasets. Until recently, the ASP supported searching for only one target at a time. Because many users have requested it, the possibility of searching by a user-provided list of targets has now been added. In the first implementation of this feature the list may contain up to 1000 target names or coordinates (J2000 or Galactic). The power of the existing graphical user interface remains fully available in the list search mode, including the option of adding and adjusting any of the seventeen non-positional search parameters. The new software release also features a refurbished download menu to accommodate downloading the results of the list search and it includes several bug fixes.
New Feature for the ESO Archive Science Portal: Searching by Target Lists
Published: 14 Apr 2019
As usual, we would love to hear from you. Please provide your feedback on the usefulness of the current implementation, or suggest new features by sending an e-mail to the User Support Department or by visiting the ESO Archive Community Forum. The archive contains both pipeline-processed data streams of many La Silla-Paranal instruments and a large collection of coherent data releases provided by users of ESO telescope time including the results of Public Surveys. Currently, the ESO Archive Science Portal provides access to over 2.4 million individual datasets totalling a volume of 94 terabytes and is steadily growing.