Science Announcements

The Messenger 184 is Now Available

Published: 16 Sep 2021

The latest edition of ESO's journal for science and technology, The Messenger, is now available online. Issue 184 opens with an article on the impact of satellite constellations to observatories and ESO’s role in supporting the astronomy community. Next our readers will find a report on the scientific prioritisation community poll that took place in 2020. 

CONCERTO Commissioning Data Released

Published: 09 Sep 2021

CONCERTO raw data from the commissioning runs on APEX between April and August 2021 have now been released. Selected astronomical targets were observed to demonstrate the capabilities of the instrument and optimize the observing strategies. These objects cover a range of science targets: the star forming region NGC6334 (Cat Paw Nebula, see also ESO announcement), the Crab nebula supernova remnant, the AS2UDSS deep field, and the galaxy cluster RXCJ1206. These relatively short integration data can be used to plan future observing programmes and, in some cases, for scientific work.

Call for Proposals for Period 109

Published: 27 Aug 2021

The Call for Proposals for observations at ESO telescopes in Period 109 (1 April 2022 - 30 September 2022) has been released. Please consult the Period 109 document for the main news items and policies related to applying for time on ESO telescopes. All technical information about the offered instruments and facilities is contained on ESO webpages that are linked from the Call. The proposal submission deadline is 12:00 CEST 23 September 2021.

La Silla Paranal Observatory Update

Published: 26 Aug 2021

As of the shift starting August 30, all telescopes on Paranal are in science operations. HAWK-I has been recommissioned in the last days and is also ready. CRIRES commissioning concluded mid August, leaving CRIRES ready for P108. VISIR on-sky validation is ongoing, and it is expected to be available for P108. Therefore, all instruments announced for P108 will be available.

DDT Proposals Resume their Full Scope Following the Closure of Special Call for Period 107

Published: 26 Aug 2021

Following the closure of the Special Call for Period 107 on 1st September 2021, users will again be able to submit Director's Discretionary Time (DDT) proposals belonging to all the categories normally eligible through that channel, and not only for Target-of-Opportunity observations.

Second Commissioning of IRLOS+, the Upgraded InfraRed Low-Order Wavefront Sensor of MUSE

Published: 25 Aug 2021

Between 12th and 18 July 2021 the second commissioning of the upgraded InfraRed Low-Order wavefront Sensor of MUSE, IRLOS, was carried out through an efficient collaboration between the local Paranal team and the remote support team in Garching. The goal of the IRLOS upgrade, which uses a new SAPHIRA detector with sub-electron readout noise, was to add at least two magnitudes to the limiting magnitude of the adaptive optics module GALACSI Narrow-Field Mode. Moreover, the low-order loop frame rate was increased to 500 Hz for brighter targets. The results of the second commissioning show that those goals have been met or exceeded.

New Features of the ESO Science Archive's Programmatic Access Layer

Published: 24 Aug 2021

The programmatic layer of the ESO science archive has been recently upgraded. The main new feature is the support of authorized data searches, but there are other improvements useful to the all users of the ESO programmatic layer.

ALMA Cycle 8 2021 Supplemental Call Pre-Announcement

Published: 24 Aug 2021

The Cycle 8 Supplemental Call for Proposals is anticipated to open at 15:00 UT on September 8 with a proposal deadline of 15:00 UT on October 6. ALMA expects to allocate a minimum of 1500 h of observing time on the ACA in the Supplemental Call. Proposals are encouraged between a LST range of 20 to 10 h. Preliminary information is currently available. Complete details of the Supplemental Call will be posted on the ALMA Science Portal on September 8.

Update on the Amplitude Calibration Issue Affecting some ALMA Data

Published: 24 Aug 2021

ALMA has begun work on correcting some Cycle 7 interferometric datasets for a visibility amplitude calibration error that affects fields containing strong astronomical emission -details were described in this previous announcement. For all affected datasets with a >10% flux scale offset that have yet to be delivered, including those that will be observed in the remainder of Cycle 7 and in Cycle 8 2021, ALMA will apply a renormalization correction during data processing to correctly scale the amplitude calibration before being sent to PIs. For affected datasets with flux scale offsets >2% but <10%, ALMA will provide renormalized data on request from the PI as needed. For affected data in the ALMA Archive, an investigation is underway and plans will be described in a future announcement.

ALMA Cycle 8 2021 Proposal Review: Detailed Report

Published: 24 Aug 2021

A detailed report on the outcome of the ALMA Cycle 8 2021 Proposal Review Process is now available. The report details the proposal review process, proposal statistics and regional distributions, as well as the proposal distribution across science categories and receiver bands. The highest priority Cycle 8 2021 projects are listed at this link.


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Showing 231 to 240 of 948 announcements