Science Announcements

Third Data Release from ESSENCE Project

Published: 10 Feb 2025

The third data release (DR3) of the ESSENCE project contains all VLT/FORS1 spectra taken over the period 2002-2006. It contains and expands on the previous data release (DR2, from 2014), which contained 54 spectra of 50 individual objects. The present release contains 184 spectra of 168 individual objects, of which 79 high-redshift Type Ia supernovae that were the main target of this project. More information about the programme can be found in the accompanying documentation.

First Release of Spectra from the ENTROPY Project - Young Planets Observed with UVES

Published: 08 Jan 2025

The ExoplaNeT accRetion mOnitoring sPectroscopic surveY (ENTROPY) aims at investigating into the until now poorly understood process of accretion among planetary mass companions. The detection of emission lines from accreting gas giants facilitates detailed investigations into this process. The data released via this collection are the high-resolution (R ∼ 50000), stacked, flux-calibrated 1D spectra obtained with the Echelle spectrograph UVES (3200–6800 Å) of the few known young, planetary-mass objects with observed emission.

Release of the VIRAC Version2 Catalogues from the VVV and VVVX Surveys

Published: 23 Dec 2024

ESO is pleased to announce the public release of the VVV Infrared Astrometric Catalogues (VIRAC) Version 2. The catalogues are based on data from the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) Survey and its extension, VVVX, and offer unprecedented precision in astrometric and depth.

Message from the Director General

Published: 19 Dec 2024

Dear colleagues,

From several viewpoints, 2024 was a year when ESO started to move towards new future avenues, while running very strong on its current commitments.

La Silla Paranal Period 115 Phase 2: Deadline

Published: 19 Dec 2024

With the release of the La Silla Paranal telescope schedule, the Phase 2 preparation for runs scheduled in Service Mode begins. The deadline for the submission of the Phase 2 material for Period 115 is Thursday, 6 February 2025. The Service Mode guidelines provide detailed information about Phase 2 material preparation using the web application p2, while the instrument overview table provides quick links to user manuals, tools and p2 tutorials for individual instruments.

Registration and Abstract Submission are Open - Galactic Ecosystems under the Microscope: Lessons from Highly-Resolved Studies

Published: 18 Dec 2024

Registration and abstract submision are now open for the ESO conference "Galactic Ecosystems under the Microscope: Lessons from Highly-Resoved Studies", Garching bei München, Germany, 7th to 11th July 2025. This workshop is dedicated to exploring the latest developments in resolved galaxy properties and evolution. With next-generation observatories like JWST, ELT, and the SKA, upgrades to ALMA and VLA, we are entering a new era in understanding these critical aspects of galaxies throughout cosmic history.

Binary Packages for the Installation of ESO Pipelines under Ubuntu, MacOS and Windows

Published: 13 Dec 2024

ESO is pleased to announce that binary packages for the installation of ESO Pipelines are now available for all commonly used operating systems. This results in a faster and more reliable installation compared to compiling locally from source. Compiled binaries can be installed using the Homebrew package manager under Linux, MacOS or Windows. Alternatively, RPM binaries can be installed within the Apptainer container system or natively in some versions of Linux Fedora or CentOS. Source code installation is still available for all operating systems, including with MacPorts on MacOS. 

ESO Summer Research Programme 2025

Published: 13 Dec 2024

After the great success of the program in the last six editions, ESO is delighted to announce that the call for applications for the 7th ESO Summer Research Programme is now open. This fully funded program is available to students in STEM fields who have not yet started a Ph.D. program and have completed at least two years of their degree. This year, ESO is offering several projects covering a variety of topics. Successful applicants will be invited to work at the ESO Headquarters in Garching for six weeks between 30 June and 8 August 2025.

ESO Workshop "Planetary Formation and Exoplanets in the ELT Era", ESO Garching, 17-21 November 2025

Published: 26 Nov 2024

This is the initial announcement for the upcoming ESO workshop "Planetary Formation and Exoplanets in the ELT era" at ESO Garching, 17 - 21 November 2025. This workshop will discuss the understanding of how giant and rocky planets form and evolve, their internal structure
and that of their atmosphere, in the context of the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT).

The Latest Edition of ESO's Science and Technology Journal, The Messenger, is now Available Online.

Published: 15 Nov 2024

This issue 193 focuses on the potential synergies between ESO and SKAO facilities and what science would be possible with well-planned coordinated surveys. The specific cases of exploring with such surveys the Galaxy, galaxy formation and evolution, cosmology, and the epoch of reionisaiton are presented in a series of articles. Further in this issue the VST-SMASH survey and its first results are presented, as well as the latest news on the ongoing upgrades of GRAVITY+. 

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Showing 1 to 10 of 966 announcements