
The ObsPrep tab of p2 allows interactive planning of the observations, e.g. the fine-tuning of the science field pointing, the selection of blind offset stars, or AO guide stars, and/or the selection of VLT guide stars. The choices made are directly reflected by an update of the respective parameters in the OB acquisition template, the science templates, and the target tab. Note that the target tab must be filled in and an acquisition template in the Obs Description tab has to be chosen before ObsPrep can be used.

Observation preparation support is provided with the p2/ObsPrep tool for the following instruments and modes:

  • CRIRES (since P108)
  • ESPRESSO (all modes)
  • FLAMES (Argus fast acquisition)
  • HAWK-I (all modes)
  • MUSE (all modes)
  • SPHERE (IRDIS, IRDIFS, and ZIMPOL imaging modes)
  • UVES (all modes)
  • VISIR (all modes)
  • X-Shooter (all modes)
  • ERIS

In particular, ObsPrep has replaced GUCT aka GuideCamTool for MUSE, HAWKI and VISIR.

The latest release of ObsPrep has minor bugs fixed and includes the visualization and interactive planning of observing offsets (except for SPHERE), such as generic offsets for imaging and IFU, and nod-on-slit for spectroscopic observations. Furthermore, ObsPrep has an interface to upload user provided background images which are also automatically used to create finding charts.


Here we present a short video illustrating how to use ObsPrep in p2.