ESO Confidentiality Agreement
This is a copy of the confidentiality agreement which all DPR reviewers have to sign before accessing the proposals assigned to them. It is presented here only for illustration purposes.
For the Reviewers of the ESO Distributed Peer Review
In accordance with the VLT/VLTI Science Operations Policy document (approved by ESO Council on 10.06.2020) and the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure of the ESO Observing Programmes Committee (approved by ESO Council on 04.12.2013), I acknowledge that during my service in the ESO Distributed Peer Review (DPR) I may be given or have access to confidential information which may be supplied in tangible form or verbally or by demonstration (‘the Confidential Information’). I understand that observing proposals and any respective discussion (in written or oral form) are considered Confidential Information, as they may contain unpublished research and/or proprietary information. I further acknowledge that the Confidential Information will be made available to me only for the purpose to
- fulfil my duties as Reviewer of the ESO DPR in accordance with the applicable sections of the VLT/VLTI Science Operations Policy document and the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure of the ESO Observing Programmes Committee (‘the Permitted Purpose’)
(a) to use the Confidential Information only for the Permitted Purpose;
(b) to keep the Confidential Information secret and confidential and not to disclose it in any form to any third party (including to any persons or party at my employer, including research colleagues, graduate students, post-doctoral or research associates) without the prior written consent of ESO;
(c) on the written request of ESO to deliver to ESO any tangible items of Confidential Information in my possession;
I understand that this Confidentiality Agreement does not apply to any item of Confidential Information, which is disclosed to me by any third party without the breach of the present Confidentiality Agreement, or which comes into the public domain through no fault of mine, but that otherwise this Agreement will continue in force without limit of time. ESO may release me in writing from the Agreement.

I hereby confirm that I understood and will comply with the above confidentiality requirements.