Important Links for Period 116

Information on Instruments & Facilities

La Silla Paranal Observatory
Homepage for the La Silla and Paranal Observatory facilities
Instrumentation and Facilities
Links to technical information
Instruments available
Instruments and facilities
Recent changes
Important changes
Foreseen changes for next Periods Planned changes for future Periods
Exposure time calculators (ETCs)
ETCs for Paranal and La Silla instrumentation

Proposal Preparation

p1 The web-based p1 proposal submission interface
Observing conditions Observing constraint definitions for Phase 1 and 2
Offered instruments overheads
Guidelines for calculating overheads
Telescope demand and pressure Telescope demand & large programme commitment
Guaranteed Time Observations GTO targets protected against duplication
Proposal preparation tools and services Ephemerides to determine when objects are best observed, links to weather pages and useful data catalogues and archives
Late Breaking News Information as it becomes available after the release of the Call for Proposals
Users Workshop Part II   Hands-on sessions on p1, session on how to write proposals, and more
Phase 1 Users Workshop event Update on recent changes in the proposal preparation  
Joint VLT/I-ALMA proposals
Information about Joint VLT/I-ALMA proposals

Useful information

Paranal Site Details Paranal Site, climate and seismical information
VLT UT Performance VLT Unit telescope performance, guiding and tracking
Visibility on the VLT Sky accessibility and vignetting by neighbouring telescopes on the VLT
Data Products
Data Products and Phase 3
Pipelines for VLT/I instruments Data Reduction Pipelines for VLT/I instruments
VLTI Configurations Overview Baselines available

If you have any questions about this page, please contact the Observing Programmes Office through the ESO Helpdesk Portal.