Important Links for Period 116
Information on Instruments & Facilities
La Silla Paranal Observatory |
Homepage for the La Silla and Paranal Observatory facilities |
Instrumentation and Facilities |
Links to technical information |
Instruments available |
Instruments and facilities |
Recent changes |
Important changes |
Foreseen changes for next Periods | Planned changes for future Periods |
Exposure time calculators (ETCs) |
ETCs for Paranal and La Silla instrumentation |
Proposal Preparation
p1 | The web-based p1 proposal submission interface |
Observing conditions | Observing constraint definitions for Phase 1 and 2 |
Offered instruments overheads |
Guidelines for calculating overheads |
Telescope demand and pressure | Telescope demand & large programme commitment |
Guaranteed Time Observations | GTO targets protected against duplication |
Proposal preparation tools and services | Ephemerides to determine when objects are best observed, links to weather pages and useful data catalogues and archives |
Late Breaking News | Information as it becomes available after the release of the Call for Proposals |
Users Workshop Part II | Hands-on sessions on p1, session on how to write proposals, and more |
Phase 1 Users Workshop event | Update on recent changes in the proposal preparation |
Joint VLT/I-ALMA proposals |
Information about Joint VLT/I-ALMA proposals |
Useful information
Paranal Site Details | Paranal Site, climate and seismical information |
VLT UT Performance | VLT Unit telescope performance, guiding and tracking |
Visibility on the VLT | Sky accessibility and vignetting by neighbouring telescopes on the VLT |
Data Products |
Data Products and Phase 3 |
Pipelines for VLT/I instruments | Data Reduction Pipelines for VLT/I instruments |
VLTI Configurations Overview | Baselines available |
If you have any questions about this page, please contact the Observing Programmes Office through the ESO Helpdesk Portal.