KMOS Call for Public Survey Proposals

Following a call for Letters of Intent issued in 2024, ESO is inviting selected teams to submit a full proposal for KMOS public surveys. A public survey is understood to be an observing programme in which the investigators commit to produce and make publicly available a fully reduced and scientifically usable data set that is likely to answer a major scientific question, be of general use and of legacy value to the astronomical community. The raw data are public immediately.

The deadline for sending proposals for KMOS public surveys is: 

17 April 2025, 12:00 CET.

Proposals should be submitted using the Phase-1 web-based proposal submission system using either the latex or word document template for the preparation of the extended rationale for the KMOS public survey proposal.

The ESO Director General will select the successful public surveys based on the recommendations of the Public Survey Panel (PSP) and Observing Programmes Committee (OPC), which will evaluate their scientific excellence and their technical feasibility.  The selected teams will be invited to prepare a survey management plan, whose approval by ESO is mandatory before final acceptance of a public survey.

Step-by-step guide to the proposal submission

  1. Log into the P1 system and create a KMOS public survey proposal in the system.
  2. Use either the latex or the word template and complete the extended science and technical rationale, including data management plan. A pdf version of the latex extended science and technical rationale (template) is available here.
  3. The total maximum length of the extended rationale is 12 pages.
  4. Upload the PDF proposal template to the P1 submission system and fill in all other requested elements in the P1 system.
  5. (Re-)Submit the full proposal on the P1 system before the deadline of 17 April 2025, 12:00 CET.

Useful information

  1. A LaTeX template for the extended rationale is available here.
  2. A pdf example of the extended rationale is available here.
  3. A Word template for the extended rationale is available here
  4. Please submit any enquire to

Please consider the following conditions:

  • No proprietary time will be granted; raw data will become immediately available via the ESO Science Archive Facility.
  • The ESO Science Archive Facility will be the repository of the survey products and provide the primary access of these products to the ESO community.  Survey data products are to be prepared according to the ESO science data product standard and submitted in agreement with the policies for ESO Phase 3. The teams will be responsible for the processing and validating the data products. Regular survey data product releases are expected every year.
  • Progress of the approved KMOS surveys will be reviewed regularly by ESO and the PSP. Corrective steps will need to be identified in cases where the survey execution is delayed, or the data product delivery schedule cannot be maintained. 
Figure 1
Figure1: the full 24 pick-off arms in the front end of the KMOS cryostat.