Punching Mos Plates

  1. Do login to wefosc user mos passwd ********
  2. Check STAP wheel lock pin OUT and the X/Y table on PARK position. If not the case follow this procedure
  3. After any LCU or manual functions reset, a COLD START is needed then:
    • Check wmos environment active.
    • With wmos environment Ok, use script command efoopsMosRun to do
      the MOS init functions ( ~5 minutos ...).
  4. From mosuifMOS panel use option Move STAP to load plates as it's shown on the picture (Zoom clicking here)

    NB, mosuifMOS is not recommended! Use efoopsMosMaint instead.

  5. The white cross on the plate shows the face to be DOWN on EFOSC aperture wheel
  6. Press button Load to load mask files from directory /vltdata/tmp/EFOSC-MASK
  7. Select STAP plate position (2,...5) and OverPunch
  8. To punch press button Start