QC documentation system: QC procedure QCocam_std.py for OMEGACAM

This documentation is intended both for QC scientists and SciOps astronomers (who may want to ignore the technical information displayed in grey).
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QCocam_std.py QCocam_sci.py
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NAME QCocam_std.py
VERSION 1.0 -- 2012-06-10 First draft of this QC report
CALL measureQuality of data contained in $DFS_PRODUCT/STD/$DATE
within processQC: processQC -a $AB
explicit call: QCocam_std.py -a [$AB_name] -e [$ext_number: 1-32] -i [$level_of_interaction: 0-2]
PURPOSE a) generates 3 QC reports for each OmegaCAM CCD
b) writes QC1 parameters into local QC1 database omegacam_std
PROCINPUT No input is required:
a) $DATE is read from AB
b) the primary file is set in QCocam_std.py and is the PRO.CATG=REDUCED_STD product with the _0000.fits extension.
c) raw frames are implicitly read from the AB.
d) All reference products: REDUCED_STD, PHOTOMETRIC_TABLE, ZEROPOINTS, and REDUCED_STD_MASK are found and read in from $DFO_ROOT_DIR_FC/calib/references/STD/.
QC1TABLE trending | table(s) in QC1 database:
TRENDPLOT trending | HealthCheck plot(s) associated to this procedure:
QC1PAGE trending | associated documentation:

display each of 32 REDUCED_STD frames on ds9 display.

display each of 32 PHOTOMETRIC_TABLE frames on skycat display.

display each of 32 ZEROPOINTS frames on skycat display.

display each of 32 REDUCED_STD_MASK frames on ds9 display.

left: full-field image of the reduced standard star field of the extension listed at the top of the image
center: full-field image of the reduced standard star field with detected USNO-A2 stars marked with blue circles. If the USNO-A2 star has an ellipticity >= 0.20 the marking circle is black.
right: a 4x zoom of the center area of the reduced standard star field. At the far right of these images, a number of data parameters are listed.

top left: A histogram of the FWHM measured for all detected sources having CLASS_STAR <= 0.90 and mag_auto <= 19.0.
A Gaussian fit to the FWHM histogram is shown (dotted red line) and its values indicated in the legend. The QC header STD.SEEING is shown as a vertical green line and the corrected DIMM seeing (corrected to the wavelength of the STD observation and the airmass) is shown as a vertical red line.
top right: A histogram of the ellipticity (1 - B/A) measured for all detected sources having CLASS_STAR <= 0.90 and mag_auto <= 19.0.
A Gaussian fit to the ellipticity histogram is shown (dotted red line) and its values indicated in the legend. The QC header STD.ELLIPTICITY is shown as a vertical green line and the critical ellipticity limit of 0.20 is marked as a red vertical line.
bottom: The background level (in ADU) measured around each detected source as a function of its radial position from the bottom left-hand corner of the image. A least-square fit to the radial dependence of the background and the background median is given in the legend.

top: The ellipticity (1 - B/A) of each detected source as a function of its radial position from the bottom left-hand corner of the image. The median ellipticity is shown as a green line and is given in the legend. The critical ellipticity limit of 0.20 is marked as a red dotted line.
bottom: for ALL detectors the zeropoints are plotted for both the current standard star field (blue points) and the reference standard field (red points). The zeropoint of the current detector viewed in the other QC reports is marked with a circle. The median zeropoint of all detectors is shown as a blue (current) and red (reference) dotted line and is listed in the legend. The shaded green area is the +/- 1sigma scatter of the current zeropoints.
QC1PARAM QC1 parameters written into QC1 table(omegacam_twilight)
SOURCE(header or script)     DBNAME                    value       description
PRO.DATANCOM datancom 5 the number of raw files combined in pipeline processing QC.ZEROPOINT qc_zeropoint 25.434556 detector zeropoint computed from flux units of ADU/sec. QC.ZEROPOINT.ERR qc_zeropoint_err 0.434556 error in detector zeropoint computed from flux units of ADU/sec. QC.ZEROPOINT_ELECTRON qc_zeropoint_electron 27.434556 detector zeropoint computed from flux units of e-/sec. QC.ZEROPOINT_ELECTRON.ERR qc_zeropoint_electron_err 0.494556 error in the detector zeropoint computed from flux units of e-/sec. QC.STD.NUMBER.STARS qc_std_number_stars 202 number of stars used to compute zeropoint QC.EXTINCTION qc_extinction 0.43432 detector extinction QC.EXTINCTION.ERR qc_extinction_err 0.004556 error in detector extinction QC.STD.MATCHES qc_std_matches 130 number of matches between USNO-A2 catalogue and stars detected in CCD QC.STD..RATIO.MATCHES qc_std_ratio_matches 0.574335 ratio of matches between USNO-A2 catalogue/stars detected in CCD QC.STD.SEEING qc_std_seeing 0.6578 median Sextractor FWHM of detected sources with STAR_CLASS>=0.9 (arcsec) QC.STD.ELLIPTICITY qc_std_ellipticity 0.06578 median Sextractor ellipticity of detected sources with STAR_CLASS>=0.9 QCocam_std.py qc_airmass 1.215 airmass average [(start + end)/2] (QCscript) QCocam_std.py qc_ambi_seeing 0.85 average DIMM seeing corrected for central wavelength and airmass (arcsec) (QCscript) QCocam_std.py qc_delta_fwhm -0.15 difference (qc_std_seeing - qc_ambi_seeing) (arcsec) (QCscript) TEL.AMBI.TAU0 qc_ambi_tau0 0.00675 average coherence time (seconds) QCocam_std.py qc_ambi_pressure 743.48 observatory ambient air pressure average [(start + end)/2] (hPa) (QCscript) TEL.AMBI.RHUM qc_ambi_rhum 6.42 observatory ambient relative humidity (%) QCocam_std.py qc_temp_mosaic_plate 146.5 average temperature probe of mosaic plates from DET.TLM5/8 (QC script) (Kelvin) TEL.AMBI.TEMP qc_ambi_temp 14.5 ambient observatory temperature (Celsius)
ALGORITHM Description of algorithms:
qc_zeropoint: the standard star frame is created from 1 input, standard field in the band observed for the science data. The standard frame is bias corrected, flat-fielded, background subtracted, and trimmed. SExtractor is run on the image and is cross-matched to sources present in the external standard star catalogue (REFERENCE_STAR_CATALOG). The apparent magnitudes of the SExtractor catalogue and the absolute magnitudes of the REFERENCE_STAR_CATALOG is used to define the zeropoints for each detector. qc_zeropoint is this value derived from flux units of ADU/second.
qc_zeropoint_err: the error in the detector-specific zeropoints computed from flux units of ADU/second.
qc_zeropoint_electron: the detector-specific zeropoint computed from flux units of electrons/second. This zeropoint is the one used for all OmegaCAM standard star zeropoint health check plots.
qc_zeropoint_electron_err: the error in the detector-specific zeropoints computed from flux units of electrons/second.
qc_std_number_stars: the number of stars found both in the SExtractor catalogue created from the frame itself and the REFERENCE_STAR_CATALOG. Thus, only for a standard star frame that overlaps with the polar or equatorial standard star fields will provide zeropoints.
qc_extinction: the extinction used for the detector. If the standard is STD,EXTINCTION then the extinction is computed from the frame itself using: ext = -(mag - mag0)/airmass.
qc_extinction_err: the error in detector extinction.
qc_std_matches: the astrometry of the standard star frame is computed using the USNO-A2 catalogue (the input is the MASTER_USNOA2_CATALOGUE). The number of matches between USNO-A2 stars in this catalogue and those detected in the frame itself (SExtractor pass) is given by this parameter. The ratio of matches between USNO-A2 catalogue and the stars detected in CCD is given by the related parameter qc_std_ratio_matches.
qc_std_seeing: the median SExtractor catalogue FWHM of detected sources with STAR_CLASS>=0.9 (arcsec).
qc_std_ellipticity: the median SExtractor catalogue ellipticity (1 - B/A) of detected sources with STAR_CLASS>=0.9.
qc_airmass: the average airmass measured during the exposure (start + end)/2.
qc_ambi_seeing: the average DIMM seeing after correcting it for the central wavelength and airmass of the observation (arcsec).
CERTIF - On many occasions the STD,ZEROPOINT frames are obtained in fields OUTSIDE of the coverage given by the REFERENCE_STAR_CATALOG. In this case no zeropoints can be derived for the image. This will appear as all zeropoints in the AB summary being red (the health check zeropoints are NOT scored. This is, however, acceptable and can be certified OK.
- At the moment there is no coverage within the REFERENCE_STAR_CATALOG for standard exposures of the polar field (with the u_g_r_i_SDSS filter and DPR.TYPE = STD,EXTINCTION). This is also OK.
COMMENTS OmegaCAM standard stars are obtained in two flavours. One type, normally taken daily to match the science filters used, has DPR.TYPE = STD,ZEROPOINT. The other, is obtained three times per night in the u_g_r_i_SDSS filter of the polar field and has DPR.TYPE = STD,EXTINCTION. The intent is to monitor the extinction during the night.
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