QC documentation system: QC procedure QCocam_dark.py for OMEGACAM

This documentation is intended both for QC scientists and SciOps astronomers (who may want to ignore the technical information displayed in grey).
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NAME QCocam_dark.py
VERSION 1.0 -- 2012-06-10 First draft of this QC report
CALL measureQuality of data contained in $DFS_PRODUCT/DARK/$DATE
within processQC: processQC -a $AB
explicit call: QCocam_dark.py -a [$AB_name] -e [$ext_number: 1-32] -i [$level_of_interaction: 0-2]
PURPOSE a) generates 2 QC reports for each OmegaCAM CCD
b) writes QC1 parameters into local QC1 database omegacam_bias
PROCINPUT No input is required:
a) $DATE is read from AB
b) the primary file is set in QCocam_dark.py and is the PRO.CATG=MEAN_DARK product with the _0000.fits extension.
c) raw frames are implicitly read from the AB.
d) Reference product: MEAN_DARK is found and read in from $DFO_ROOT_DIR_FC/calib/references/DARK/.
QC1TABLE trending | table(s) in QC1 database:
TRENDPLOT trending | HealthCheck plot(s) associated to this procedure:
QC1PAGE trending | associated documentation:

display each of 32 MEAN_DARK frames on ds9 display.

left: full-field image of the master dark of the extension listed at the top of the image
center left: 4x zoom of the center area of the master dark
right: the difference of the reference master dark and the current master dark frames.
The median level of the difference image is listed to the right of the frame.

top left: a) three single column traces of the current/reference master dark through:
x = 256 (dark grey)
x = 1024 (middle grey)
x = 1792 (light grey)
b) average of all columns (normalized) of current master dark (thick blue line)
c) average of all columns (normalized) of reference master dark (thick red line)
top center: a) three single row traces of the current/reference master dark through:
y = 256 (dark grey)
y = 2048 (middle grey)
y = 3840 (light grey)
b) average of all rows (normalized) of current master dark (thick blue line)
c) average of all rows (normalized) of reference master dark (thick red line)
top right: a) logarithmic histogram of current master dark (blue line)
b) logarithmic histogram of reference master dark (red line)
The median levels (as computed from a Gaussian fit) are shown as vertical dashed lines and the values are listed in the legend
lower left: difference between the average column traces of the reference and current master dark frames
lower center: difference between the average row traces of the reference and current master dark frames
In both plots, the zero line is shown in orange as a reference.
lower right: logarithmic histogram of the difference between the reference and current master dark frames.
Ideally, the histogram should straddle the zero line (shown in orange).
The median difference (as computed from a Gaussian fit) is shown as vertical dashed green line.

top: the dark current (ADU/pixel/hour) summarized for ALL detectors. The dark current of the detector under investigation is circled, while the reference dark current values are given as red points. The median dark current levels are given in the legend of the figure.
bottom: the particle rate (events/hour) summarized for ALL detectors. The particle rate of the current detector is circled, while the reference values are given as red points. The median particle rates are given in the legend of the figure.
QC1PARAM QC1 parameters written into QC1 table(omegacam_dark)
SOURCE(header or script)   DBNAME                  value       description
PRO.DATANCOM datancom 3 number of raw files combined in pipeline processing QC.DARK.CURRENT qc_dark_current 1.4556445 the dark current in units of ADU/pixel/hour QC.PARTICLE.RATE qc_particle_rate 2016.6733 the mean number of particles events in units of particles/cm^2/hour QCocam_dark.py qc_dark_diff 0.7234 the median difference between the current and the reference dark frames (ADU) (QC script) QCocam_dark.py qc_temp_mosaic_plate 146.5 the average temperature probe of mosaic plates from DET.TLM5/8 (QC script)
ALGORITHM Description of algorithms:
qc_dark_current: the OmegaCAM dark template consists of three, one-hour exposures taken with the camera shutter closed. The processing consists of rejecting the cosmic ray events and subtracting the bias level. The remaining signal above the bias level is the dark signal, given in units of ADU/pixel/hour. For the reduction of subsequent on-sky observations the subtraction of the sky brightness will include the dark current, and a separation of both contributions is normally not required.
qc_particle_rate: the particle event rate is determined by the detected number of cosmic ray events (particles/cm^2/hour).
qc_dark_diff: the median difference between the current and the reference dark frames (ADU).
CERTIF - The master dark frames, dark current, and particle rates have been very stable for all OmegaCAM detectors.
- A sudden change in the dark current level of any detector, or the presence of pronounced structure should be reported to Paranal and the master dark rejected.
COMMENTS OmegaCAM dark frames are normally taken every ~10 days and consist of three, one hour, closed-shutter, opaque filter exposures.
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