Top 10 CIC Ratings as per 2002-10-18
Rank Rating Player/Deck Matches Deck name, short description Year Place
1 1667 Palle4 14 Kuehn, Red/Green/Stn. rain 2000 5/8
2 1631 Johan6 15 Svend, Green/W-Orb/Eleph. 197 3/4
3 1596 Pall14 10 de Logt Red/Black 2001 1
4 1588 Palle3 13 Finkel Blue/Artif./Ph.Proc. 2000 1
5 1580 Matt10 10 Selden 5 colour/Nightmare 1998 1
6 1564 Palle2 13 de Logt Blue/White Enchant 2000 5/8
7 1543 Patig7 16 Budde Red/Artif./Wildfire 1999 1
8 1533 Jason5 10 Rubin Red burn 1998 2
9 1518 Mick04 10 Kuehn Red/Green/Stn. rain 2000 5/8
10 next you ?? ???

For a complete CIC Rating overview click here. The history of recorded CIC matches can be found here.

If you want to record CIC matches please use the prepared "Recording sheet" and give attention on "How to use the recording sheet". The PDF file contains the sheet and also the instructions.


Palle Møller - pmoller[at]
Last updated: 18 Oct 2002