The Spell-Weavers of Dietersheim assemble roughly once every second week, and mostly on Thursdays. The primary purpose of the assemblies is to play some Magic and have a good time. Therefore, bring your decks and play for fun.

If you would like to try and measure your talent against other players, then we are currently rating/ranking games in three permanently running tournaments:


Champion Impersonation Challenge Tour

The idea here is to learn how to master the art of playing highly tuned power decks against other highly tuned power decks. We do this by playing "best of three" matches using the "World Championships Decks". You are strongly encouraged to play only one single deck for a good long while (minimum 8 games) such that you can get to really understand the deck you play. The "Champion Impersonation Challenge" concept is that you should really get to think like the one who build the deck in the first place.

Ratings/rankings are calculated for each player/deck combination. A minimum of 12 matches is required to obtain a rough rating for a given combination. Therefore, when you have picked up a deck, then please try and play minimum 12 challenges with it.

Since you should "impersonate" the original player of the deck, it is a good idea to pick a deck which matches your own play-style. Here you find short descriptions of the decks we currently play with:

CIC decks


Continous Draft Tour

...description follows...


Mixed-Media Magic Tournaments

...description follows...


Palle Møller - pmoller[at]
Last updated: 14 Oct 2002