Are you looking for a special deck, or do you have one to offer? Please, send an email.

Deck Pick-up Corner
  1998 Champ decks; 4 deck set
    Jason 35,00 Euros -- No more 1998 decks left, they are all gone.



This is a more or less useful collection of links to various Magic resources. If you should find a interesting page mail the URL to Palle or Jonas and we will put it on the list.

    The official Magic the Gathering page.
  Crystal Keep
    Great source for all Magic rules and rulings. Has a nice search engine to find information on individual cards.


Online Stores
    Munich based store - buy online or offline.
  Versender im Netz
    List of german Magic online stores.
    Onlinestore from the list above. This one is interesting because it features a neat combo search engine.
    US based store.


  Magic top 100 Sites
    A lot of links to Magic pages.


Jonas Haase  
Last updated: Fri Oct 25 17:39:49 MEST 2002