Standard Adapters

The CCF shall be considered as an SDK, used to develop DCS solutions. It is therefore considered that for specific CCF instances, it will be necessary to develop one or more adapters of various types. This is typically Communication Adapters, to support a specific camera properties.

However, some adapters considered of common interest, will be provided by the CCF Package. It may be possible to use these, or to use them as base classes for new adapters, adjusted to the specific use cases.

In general it is recommended to attempt to use camera models already in use and to attempt to re-use the Standard Adapter provided by the CCF Package.

If developers identify adapters that might be of general interest, they are encourage to design/develop these in a way that they can be re-used and to propose these for inclusion in the CCF Package.

The Standard Adapters of the three categories 1) Communication Adapters, 2) Processing Recipe Adapters, and 3) Data Publisher Adapters, are described in the following sections.

Standard Communication Adapters

In this release, the following Standard Communication Adapters are provided:

  • Aravis SDK Communication Adapter - “ccf::protocols::aravis::ComAdptAravis”: This is based on the Aravis SDK, and implements the GigE Vision protocol.

  • Simulation Communication Adapter - “ccf::control::ComAdptSim”: This provides in-application simulation. For now only play-back of an existing FITS file, typically a FITS cube, is provided.

These adapters are described in more detail in the following sections.

Note: At this point in time only support for GigE Vision is provided by CCF. For the moment, users of CCF will have to implement a customised solution for other protocols.

Aravis (GigE Vision) Communication Adpater

This adapter is based on the GenICam standard and provides support for the GigE Vision communication protocol. Eventhough Aravis is a GenICam implementation, the CCF Aravis Communication Adapter only supports the GigE Vision protocol. Moreover, the present implementation is not a ‘true’ generic GigE Vision adapter; there are a few camera specific features implemented in the adapter and in general, there will usually always be differences between the various cameras to deal with

The Camera Name Mapping feature provided by CCF, may be capable of coping with at least simple differences in the parameter namespaces. It is being investigated how to make the present CCF Aravis Adapter more generic, e.g. to make it possible to provide support for the Pleora iPort device (work on-going). This requires a re-engineering of the present adapter. Once this work is successfully completed an update to CCF and this manual will be provided. Providing support for the Pleora iPort device, would facilitate interfacing with CameraLink and possibly USB cameras.

Note: The whole issue in the context of the communication with COTS cameras is under-going evaluation, with the aim of establishing a better and simpler way of implementing the communcation with system specific cameras. It goes without saying that it is not a straightforward task to provide common tools to cover all possible physical interfaces, communication protocols and specific camera SDKs. This raises some concerns in terms of the long-term prospects for ESO, having to handle a plethora of different cameras, interfaces and SDKs. It is the hope that more information and maybe more viable solutions in this context, will be available in connection with the release of ICSv4 (TBD). Users of CCF shall therefore be prepared to replace a possible communication solution, put in place, with the new (more generic) solution, provided by ESO.

To use the CCF Aravis Communication Adapter to communicate with a camera with a GigE Vision interface, a first quick test may be carried out:

  • Connect and configure the camera according to the camera user’s guide.

  • Launch the example Aravis Communication Adapter executable, “ccfCtrlAravis”. The IP address in the configuration shall be set to the allocated IP address of the camera (refer to “Installation & Deployment” for information about how to execute a CCF Control instance). The “sys.sim” parameter in the configuration should be set to “false”.

  • Bring CCF Control to “Operational::Idle” by submitting an “stdif::Init” and “stdif::Enable” request.

  • If this was successful, start the image acquisition by issuing a “dcsif::Start” request.

  • If executing these commands are successfully executed, it could be attempted to display frames in the DDT Viewer (see “Installation & Deployment”).

If issues are encountered, which seem related to the invalid names, it may be attempted to provide a camera specific Name Mapping; an example can be found within the CCF Package: “protocols/aravis/lib/resource/config/ccf/protocols/aravis/avtMapping.yaml”.

If this does not work, it will probably be necessary to implement a dedicated Communication Adapter for the camera in question. Minor modifications of general interest, may be accepted for the CCF Aravis Standard Communication Adapter.

Simulation Communication Adpater

This adapter provides in-application simulation. This means that the Acquisition Thread, executing the Communication Adapter “Receive” method, may have a higher CPU load compared to if the simulation is implemented in an external process.

The simulation provided in this release, is based on playing back the image frame contained in a FITS image cube.

The simulation respects the exposure time, but frame rate and windows parameters are not taking into account in this release. This will be added in a future release as well as other types of simulation, based on generating articificial data. Latter means it is not necessary to provide a FITS file to be used as input for the simulation, but predictable simlated images can be generated for test purposes.

A small tool, “ccfGenFitsCube”, is provided to generate a simple FITS cube to be used for the simulator.

Standard Processing Recipe Adapters

For this release only one Standard Processing Recipe is provided:

  • Centroiding Recipe.

The provided Standard Recipes are based on the ICS ODP Component, which again is based on CPL.

Centroiding Recipe

The Centroiding Recipe finds the coordinates of an object, located in the center of the given images, within a certain window. To actually find the centroid, it uses internally the function “clipm_centroiding_gauss()”.

The Configuration Parameters are as follows (example):

proc1.recipe1.adapter:       "ccf::stdrecipe::RecipeCentroid"          "TestCentroidRecipe"

The Setup Parameters are as follows (example):

proc1.recipe1.enabled:           true
proc1.recipe1.max_centre_error:  0.5
proc1.recipe1.max_sigma_error:   3
proc1.recipe1.robustness:        7

proc#.recipe#.enabled (Boolean)

Enables/disables the recipe

proc#.recipe#.max_centre_error (Double)

Maximum error from the center to consider the search for the cemtroid as successful.

proc#.recipe#.max_sigma_error (Double)

Maximum sigma error of the fitting the Gaussian.

proc#.recipe#.robustness (Integer)

Number of iteration for obtaining the centroid accurately.

Note, the size of the central window in which the location of the centroiding is executed, is computed as (lower left, upper right) corners of window: “(((width / 4), (width / 4) + (width / 2)), (((height / 4), (height / 4) + (height / 2)))”.

While running, the Centroiding Recipe updates the results in the OLDB, e.g.:


The OLDB status keys are of the form: “<CCF instance name>.recipes.<recipe instance name>.<key>”. The keys are:

sigma_error_x/y (Double)

Output sigma error in X/Y.

centre_error_x/y (Double)

Output centre error X/Y.

centre_intensity (Double)

Intensity (value) of centre pixel.

centre_x/y (Double)

X/Y coordinate of centre pixel.

error (Boolean)

If true, indicates that the centroid searching failed.

error_msg (String)

Error message (if available), in case an error occurred.

max_centre_error (Double)

Maximum centre error specified in the configuration. If the error is above, this will lead to failure of recipe.

max_sigma_error (Double)

Maximum sigma error specified in the configuration. If the error is above, this will lead to failure of recipe.

last_update (Double)

Time since epoch of las update.

probe_window (String)

Status of probe window used ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)).

robustness (Integer)

Maximum number of retries.

Standard Data Publisher Adapters

In this release, two Standard Data Publisher Adapters are provided:

  • FITS File Publisher.

  • DDT Publisher.

These are described in the following.

FITS File Publisher

The FITS File Publisher provided for this release, is a basic implementation that only generates FITS files without extensions nor does it generate FITS cubes; this is planned for a later release.

The specific Setup Parameters provided for the adapter are: (String)

Basename used for generating the output filenames. The names are of the form: “<>[_<ISO 8601>].fits”, where the ISO is prepended to make the name unique, when “” is false. (Integer)

Indicates the maximum volume in MB of the output data generated during a Recording Session. (Integer)

Indicates the maximum number of image frames to be handled during a Recording Session. (String)

Format of the Output Data Product files. Valid options are: Single, Cube, MEF. Only “Single” is supported in this release. (Boolean)

If set to “true”, the same output filename is used, which is basically the specified “”. This is used for test purposes to avoid generating a lot of files on disk. (String)

The recording mode. Valid options are: 1: All: All frames are recorded. 2: I:<#>: Every ‘#’th frame is taken. 3: P:<period>: A frame every <period> second is recorded.

In this release, only “1: All” is supported.

Note, the FITS Data Publisher is not responsible for any ‘cleaning up’ such that all output files generated, must be removed by the client/user. When ‘overwrite mode’ is used, however, the same file is always written.

DDT Publisher

The DDT Publisher publishes data into the DDT data handling infrastructure to allow for distributed access and for displaying in the DDT image widgets.

When using the CCF DDT Publisher, it is important to ensure that the properly configured instance of the DDT Broker is running, otherwise CCF Control will not start.

The DDT system as such, is not documented here. Refer to the DDT user’s manual for further information.

The specific Setup Parameters provided for the adapter are: (Integer)

Name of the DDT stream used for publishing the data. (Integer)

The URI of the DDT Broker to use when publishing. E.g., “zpb.rr://”. (Double)

Can be used to limit the rate with which data is published in the DDT system, to avoid overloading the DDT and the execution host.