Classes | |
class | ActionMgr |
class | ActionsEnable |
class | ActionsInit |
class | ActionsRecover |
class | ActionsSetup |
class | ActionsStd |
class | ActivityEnabling |
class | ActivityInitialising |
class | ActivityRecovering |
class | Config |
struct | ConfigSet |
class | DataContext |
class | DbInterface |
class | Device |
class | DeviceConfig |
Device Configuration class. More... | |
class | DeviceFacade |
class | DeviceFactory |
struct | DeviceControllerData |
The DeviceControllerData struct. More... | |
class | DeviceLcsIf |
class | DeviceMaker |
class | IConfig |
class | IDevice |
class | IDeviceConfig |
Device Configuration class. More... | |
class | IDeviceMaker |
class | StdCmdsImpl |
class | TaskSetup |
Typedefs | |
using | CfgBool = devmgr::common::ConfigSet< bool > |
using | CfgShort = devmgr::common::ConfigSet< short > |
using | CfgInt = devmgr::common::ConfigSet< int > |
using | CfgUInt = devmgr::common::ConfigSet< unsigned int > |
using | CfgDouble = devmgr::common::ConfigSet< double > |
using | MapCfgBool = std::map< int, CfgBool > |
using | MapCfgShort = std::map< int, CfgShort > |
using | MapCfgInt = std::map< int, CfgInt > |
using | MapCfgUInt = std::map< int, CfgUInt > |
using | MapCfgDouble = std::map< int, CfgDouble > |
Variables | |
constexpr auto | CONFIG_DEFAULT_PROCNAME = "devmgrServer" |
constexpr auto | CONFIG_DEFAULT_FILENAME = "" |
constexpr auto | CONFIG_DEFAULT_SCXML_FILENAME = "Supervisor.xml" |
constexpr auto | CONFIG_DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL = "ERROR" |
constexpr auto | CONFIG_DEFAULT_DB_ENDPOINT = "" |
constexpr int | CONFIG_DEFAULT_DB_TIMEOUT = 2 |
constexpr auto | CONFIG_DEFAULT_REQ_ENDPOINT = "tcp://*:5578" |
constexpr auto | CONFIG_DEFAULT_PUB_ENDPOINT = "tcp://*:5568" |
constexpr auto | CONFIG_DEFAULT_DICTIONARIES = "fcf/devmgr/server/primary.did" |
constexpr auto | CONFIG_DEFAULT_FIT_PREFIX = "FCS" |
constexpr unsigned int | CONFIG_DEFAULT_CMD_TOUT = 60000 |
constexpr auto | CONFIG_ENVVAR_DBHOST = "DB_HOST" |
const short | SRV_STATE_NOT_OPERATIONAL = 1 |
const short | SRV_STATE_OPERATIONAL = 2 |
const short | SRV_SUBSTATE_NOTREADY = 1 |
const short | SRV_SUBSTATE_READY = 2 |
const short | SRV_SUBSTATE_IDLE = 3 |
const short | SRV_SUBSTATE_ENABLING = 5 |
const short | SRV_SUBSTATE_ERROR = 10 |
const std::string | SRV_STATE_NOT_OPERATIONAL_STR = "NotOperational" |
const std::string | SRV_STATE_OPERATIONAL_STR = "Operational" |
const std::string | SRV_STATE_UNAVAILABLE_STR = "Unavailable" |
const std::string | SRV_SUBSTATE_NOTREADY_STR = "NotRead" |
const std::string | SRV_SUBSTATE_READY_STR = "Ready" |
const std::string | SRV_SUBSTATE_IDLE_STR = "Idle" |
const std::string | SRV_SUBSTATE_INITIALISING_STR = "Initialising" |
const std::string | SRV_SUBSTATE_ENABLING_STR = "Enabling" |
const std::string | SRV_SUBSTATE_ERROR_STR = "Error" |
const std::unordered_map < short, std::string > | SrvStateMap |
const std::unordered_map < std::string, short > | SrvStateStrMap |
const std::unordered_map < short, std::string > | SrvSubstateMap |
const std::unordered_map < std::string, short > | SrvSubstateStrMap |
const std::string | KEY_CONTROL_STATE = "state" |
const std::string | KEY_CONTROL_SUBSTATE = "substate" |
const std::string | KEY_CONTROL_STATUS = "status" |
const std::string | KEY_CONTROL_STATE_STR = "state_str" |
const std::string | KEY_CONTROL_SUBSTATE_STR = "substate_str" |
const std::string | KEY_CONFIG_REQ_ENDPOINT = "req_endpoint" |
const std::string | KEY_CONFIG_PUB_ENDPOINT = "pub_endpoint" |
const std::string | KEY_CONFIG_SUB_ENDPOINT = "sub_endpoint" |
const std::string | KEY_CONFIG_EXT_PUB_ENDPOINT = "ext_pub_endpoint" |
const std::string | KEY_CONFIG_EXT_SUB_ENDPOINT = "ext_sub_endpoint" |
const std::string | KEY_CONFIG_DB_ENDPOINT = "db_endpoint" |
const std::string | KEY_CONFIG_DB_TIMEOUT = "db_timeout" |
const std::string | KEY_CONFIG_SM_SCXML = "scxml" |
const std::string | KEY_CONFIG_FILENAME = "filename" |
const std::string | KEY_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL = "loglevel" |
const std::string | KEY_CONFIG_SERVER_ID = "server_id" |
const std::string | KEY_CONFIG_SERVER = "server" |
const std::string | KEY_CONFIG_DEVICES = "devices" |
const std::string | KEY_CONFIG_DEVFILE = "cfgfile" |
const std::string | KEY_CONFIG_CMDTOUT = "cmdtout" |
const std::string | KEY_CONFIG_TYPE = "type" |
const std::string | KEY_CONFIG_DICTIONARIES = "dictionaries" |
const std::string | KEY_CONFIG_PREFIX = "fits_prefix" |
constexpr auto | CI_IDENTIFIER = "identifier" |
constexpr auto | CI_SIMULATED = "simulated" |
constexpr auto | CI_IGNORED = "ignored" |
constexpr auto | CI_ADDRESS = "address" |
constexpr auto | CI_SIM_ADDRESS = "simaddr" |
constexpr auto | CI_TYPE = "type" |
constexpr auto | CI_PREFIX = "prefix" |
constexpr auto | CI_NAMESPACE = "namespace" |
constexpr auto | CI_MAP_FILE = "mapfile" |
constexpr auto | CI_FITS_PREFIX = "fits_prefix" |
constexpr auto | CI_ALIAS = "alias" |
constexpr auto | CI_CFG_FILE = "cfgfile" |
constexpr auto | CI_CTRL_CONFIG = "ctrl_config" |
constexpr auto | RPC_INIT = "rpcInit" |
constexpr auto | RPC_ENABLE = "rpcEnable" |
constexpr auto | RPC_DISABLE = "rpcDisable" |
constexpr auto | RPC_STOP = "rpcStop" |
constexpr auto | RPC_RESET = "rpcReset" |
constexpr auto | CI_STAT_SUBSTATE = "substate" |
constexpr auto | CI_STAT_STATE = "state" |
constexpr auto | CI_STAT_STATU = "status" |
constexpr auto | CI_STAT_LOCAL = "local" |
constexpr auto | CI_STAT_ERROR_CODE = "error_code" |
constexpr auto | CI_STAT_ERROR_STR = "error_str" |
constexpr auto | DB_CONTROLLER_PREFIX = "lcs" |
constexpr auto | CAT_STAT = "stat" |
constexpr auto | CAT_CFG = "cfg" |
constexpr auto | CAT_RPC = "rpc" |
constexpr int | STATE_NOT_OPERATIONAL = 1 |
constexpr int | STATE_OPERATIONAL = 2 |
constexpr auto | STATE_NOT_OPERATIONAL_STR = "NotOperational" |
constexpr auto | STATE_OPERATIONAL_STR = "Operational" |
constexpr auto | STATE_UNAVAILABLE_STR = "Unavailable" |
const std::unordered_map < short, std::string > | StateMap |
const std::unordered_map < std::string, short > | StateStrMap |
constexpr int | SUBSTATE_NOTREADY = 100 |
constexpr int | SUBSTATE_READY = 101 |
constexpr int | SUBSTATE_INITIALISING = 102 |
constexpr int | SUBSTATE_ERROR = 199 |
constexpr auto | SUBSTATE_NOTREADY_STR = "NotReady" |
constexpr auto | SUBSTATE_INITIALISING_STR = "Initialising" |
constexpr auto | SUBSTATE_READY_STR = "Ready" |
constexpr auto | SUBSTATE_ERROR_STR = "Error" |
constexpr int | SUBSTATE_OP_DISABLING = 205 |
constexpr int | SUBSTATE_OP_ERROR = 299 |
constexpr auto | SUBSTATE_OP_DISABLING_STR = "Disabling" |
constexpr auto | SUBSTATE_OP_ERROR_STR = "OpError" |
constexpr auto | FITS_PARAM_ID = "ID" |
constexpr auto | FITS_PARAM_NAME = "NAME" |
constexpr auto | FITS_PARAM_STAT = "STAT" |
constexpr auto | FITS_PARAM_DEVSIM = "DEVSIM" |
constexpr auto | FITS_PARAM_DEVIGN = "DEVIGN" |
using fcf::devmgr::common::CfgBool = typedef devmgr::common::ConfigSet<bool> |
using fcf::devmgr::common::CfgDouble = typedef devmgr::common::ConfigSet<double> |
using fcf::devmgr::common::CfgInt = typedef devmgr::common::ConfigSet<int> |
using fcf::devmgr::common::CfgShort = typedef devmgr::common::ConfigSet<short> |
using fcf::devmgr::common::CfgUInt = typedef devmgr::common::ConfigSet<unsigned int> |
using fcf::devmgr::common::MapCfgBool = typedef std::map<int, CfgBool> |
using fcf::devmgr::common::MapCfgDouble = typedef std::map<int, CfgDouble> |
using fcf::devmgr::common::MapCfgInt = typedef std::map<int, CfgInt> |
using fcf::devmgr::common::MapCfgShort = typedef std::map<int, CfgShort> |
using fcf::devmgr::common::MapCfgUInt = typedef std::map<int, CfgUInt> |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CAT_CFG = "cfg" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CAT_RPC = "rpc" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CAT_STAT = "stat" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CI_ADDRESS = "address" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CI_ALIAS = "alias" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CI_CFG_FILE = "cfgfile" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CI_CTRL_CONFIG = "ctrl_config" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CI_FITS_PREFIX = "fits_prefix" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CI_IDENTIFIER = "identifier" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CI_IGNORED = "ignored" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CI_MAP_FILE = "mapfile" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CI_NAMESPACE = "namespace" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CI_PREFIX = "prefix" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CI_SIM_ADDRESS = "simaddr" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CI_SIMULATED = "simulated" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CI_STAT_ERROR_CODE = "error_code" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CI_STAT_ERROR_STR = "error_str" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CI_STAT_LOCAL = "local" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CI_STAT_STATE = "state" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CI_STAT_STATU = "status" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CI_STAT_SUBSTATE = "substate" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CI_TYPE = "type" |
constexpr unsigned int fcf::devmgr::common::CONFIG_DEFAULT_CMD_TOUT = 60000 |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CONFIG_DEFAULT_DB_ENDPOINT = "" |
constexpr int fcf::devmgr::common::CONFIG_DEFAULT_DB_TIMEOUT = 2 |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CONFIG_DEFAULT_DICTIONARIES = "fcf/devmgr/server/primary.did" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CONFIG_DEFAULT_FILENAME = "" |
no default value to force user to specify config filename since it overwrites the command line options.
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CONFIG_DEFAULT_FIT_PREFIX = "FCS" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CONFIG_DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL = "ERROR" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CONFIG_DEFAULT_PROCNAME = "devmgrServer" |
Default application configuration values.
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CONFIG_DEFAULT_PUB_ENDPOINT = "tcp://*:5568" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CONFIG_DEFAULT_REQ_ENDPOINT = "tcp://*:5578" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CONFIG_DEFAULT_SCXML_FILENAME = "Supervisor.xml" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::CONFIG_ENVVAR_DBHOST = "DB_HOST" |
Application configuration environment variables
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::DB_CONTROLLER_PREFIX = "lcs" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::FITS_PARAM_DEVIGN = "DEVIGN" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::FITS_PARAM_DEVSIM = "DEVSIM" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::FITS_PARAM_ID = "ID" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::FITS_PARAM_NAME = "NAME" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::FITS_PARAM_STAT = "STAT" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONFIG_CMDTOUT = "cmdtout" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONFIG_DB_ENDPOINT = "db_endpoint" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONFIG_DB_TIMEOUT = "db_timeout" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONFIG_DEVFILE = "cfgfile" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONFIG_DEVICES = "devices" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONFIG_DICTIONARIES = "dictionaries" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONFIG_EXT_PUB_ENDPOINT = "ext_pub_endpoint" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONFIG_EXT_SUB_ENDPOINT = "ext_sub_endpoint" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONFIG_FILENAME = "filename" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL = "loglevel" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONFIG_PREFIX = "fits_prefix" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONFIG_PUB_ENDPOINT = "pub_endpoint" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONFIG_REQ_ENDPOINT = "req_endpoint" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONFIG_SERVER = "server" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONFIG_SERVER_ID = "server_id" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONFIG_SM_SCXML = "scxml" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONFIG_SUB_ENDPOINT = "sub_endpoint" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONFIG_TYPE = "type" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONTROL_STATE = "state" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONTROL_STATE_STR = "state_str" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONTROL_STATUS = "status" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONTROL_SUBSTATE = "substate" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::KEY_CONTROL_SUBSTATE_STR = "substate_str" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::RPC_DISABLE = "rpcDisable" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::RPC_ENABLE = "rpcEnable" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::RPC_INIT = "rpcInit" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::RPC_RESET = "rpcReset" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::RPC_STOP = "rpcStop" |
const short fcf::devmgr::common::SRV_STATE_NOT_OPERATIONAL = 1 |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::SRV_STATE_NOT_OPERATIONAL_STR = "NotOperational" |
const short fcf::devmgr::common::SRV_STATE_OPERATIONAL = 2 |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::SRV_STATE_OPERATIONAL_STR = "Operational" |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::SRV_STATE_UNAVAILABLE_STR = "Unavailable" |
const short fcf::devmgr::common::SRV_SUBSTATE_ENABLING = 5 |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::SRV_SUBSTATE_ENABLING_STR = "Enabling" |
const short fcf::devmgr::common::SRV_SUBSTATE_ERROR = 10 |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::SRV_SUBSTATE_ERROR_STR = "Error" |
const short fcf::devmgr::common::SRV_SUBSTATE_IDLE = 3 |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::SRV_SUBSTATE_IDLE_STR = "Idle" |
const short fcf::devmgr::common::SRV_SUBSTATE_INITIALISING = 4 |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::SRV_SUBSTATE_INITIALISING_STR = "Initialising" |
const short fcf::devmgr::common::SRV_SUBSTATE_NOTREADY = 1 |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::SRV_SUBSTATE_NOTREADY_STR = "NotRead" |
const short fcf::devmgr::common::SRV_SUBSTATE_READY = 2 |
const std::string fcf::devmgr::common::SRV_SUBSTATE_READY_STR = "Ready" |
const std::unordered_map<short, std::string> fcf::devmgr::common::SrvStateMap |
const std::unordered_map<std::string, short> fcf::devmgr::common::SrvStateStrMap |
const std::unordered_map<short, std::string> fcf::devmgr::common::SrvSubstateMap |
const std::unordered_map<std::string, short> fcf::devmgr::common::SrvSubstateStrMap |
constexpr int fcf::devmgr::common::STATE_NOT_OPERATIONAL = 1 |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::STATE_NOT_OPERATIONAL_STR = "NotOperational" |
constexpr int fcf::devmgr::common::STATE_OPERATIONAL = 2 |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::STATE_OPERATIONAL_STR = "Operational" |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::STATE_UNAVAILABLE_STR = "Unavailable" |
const std::unordered_map<short, std::string> fcf::devmgr::common::StateMap |
const std::unordered_map<std::string, short> fcf::devmgr::common::StateStrMap |
constexpr int fcf::devmgr::common::SUBSTATE_ERROR = 199 |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::SUBSTATE_ERROR_STR = "Error" |
constexpr int fcf::devmgr::common::SUBSTATE_INITIALISING = 102 |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::SUBSTATE_INITIALISING_STR = "Initialising" |
constexpr int fcf::devmgr::common::SUBSTATE_NOTREADY = 100 |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::SUBSTATE_NOTREADY_STR = "NotReady" |
constexpr int fcf::devmgr::common::SUBSTATE_OP_DISABLING = 205 |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::SUBSTATE_OP_DISABLING_STR = "Disabling" |
constexpr int fcf::devmgr::common::SUBSTATE_OP_ERROR = 299 |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::SUBSTATE_OP_ERROR_STR = "OpError" |
constexpr int fcf::devmgr::common::SUBSTATE_READY = 101 |
constexpr auto fcf::devmgr::common::SUBSTATE_READY_STR = "Ready" |