
The Data Interface Tools Component (DIT), of the ICS Core Project, provides tools and some standard dictionaries to be used in ELT ICS applications for dealing with “Data Interface Dictionaries” (DIDs) and FITS files.

For the ELT ICS, dictionaries are only used for generating the FITS header and not as a general tool for handling keyword, e.g. in configuration files.

For now, only C++ tools are provided by DIT.


The DIT Component will mostly like undergo some re-engineering when switching fully to the CII services.

Main Deliverables

The present version of DIT, provides the following features:

  • “ifw-hl/core/dit/did”: Provides a library, “ifwDitDid”, and header files defining classes and tools for loading and using dictionaries. The main class provided is “dit::did::Did”.

  • “ifw-hl/core/dit/stddid:” Provides dictionaties providing keyword definitions of common interest. For now, only one such dictionary is provided “primary.did”, which contains the non-hierarchical, mostly mandatory, FITS keywords defined.

  • “ifw-hl/core/dit/fits:” Provides a library with convenience functions, facilitating the creation of FITS files. Note, the baseline FITS I/O SDK to be used by ELT ICS applications for creating and manipulating FITS files, is CCfits.

Source Tree

The first level of the DIT source tree contains the following modules/file:

ifw-hl/core/dit     # DIT component root directory
      ├── did       # Library provided classes etc. for handling DID documents.
      ├── stddid    # Provides common/shared dictionaries.
      ├── fits      # Provides a library with convenience functions to generate FITS files.
      └── wscript   # WAF build script