Public Member Functions | Package Functions | Package Attributes

alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.TreeR Class Reference

Inherits javax::swing::tree::TreeCellRenderer.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Component getTreeCellRendererComponent (JTree tree, Object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus)

Package Functions

 [instance initializer]

Package Attributes

JLabel cell = new JLabel()

Member Function Documentation

alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.TreeR.[instance initializer] (  )  [package]
Component alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.TreeR.getTreeCellRendererComponent ( JTree  tree,
Object  value,
boolean  selected,
boolean  expanded,
boolean  leaf,
int  row,
boolean  hasFocus 

Member Data Documentation

JLabel alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.TreeR.cell = new JLabel() [package]

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