Classes | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Package Functions | Static Package Functions | Package Attributes | Static Package Attributes

alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui Class Reference

Inherits javax::swing::JPanel.

List of all members.


class  Controls
class  ForceFilter
class  LoggerEditor
class  QuickLoggerEditor
class  TreeL
class  TreeM
class  TreeN
class  TreeR
class  TreeS

Public Member Functions

 LogManagerGui ()
void setFilter (String string)
void setVisible (boolean b)
void populateModel ()
void populateModel (String[] nameFilter)

Static Public Member Functions

static JFrame openFrame (final LogManagerGui inst)

Protected Member Functions

void message (String msg)

Package Functions

Color colorFromLevel (Level x)
void editLogger (final Logger x)
void quickEditLogger (Point p, final Logger x)
Level decodeLevel (Object level)
void doSetLevel (Logger x, Level toSet)
Level activeLevel (Logger x)
Level effectiveLevel (Logger x)

Static Package Functions

 [static initializer]

Package Attributes

TreeM model
JTree tree
LoggerEditor editor
QuickLoggerEditor quickEditor
JSplitPane splitpane
Controls controls

Static Package Attributes

static final Color BG_NORMAL = Color.white
static final Color BG_SELECT = Color.lightGray
static final HashMap< Level,
Color > 
level2color = new HashMap<Level, Color>()
static final Vector< Level > LEVELS

Detailed Description

Allows a User to configure Loggers at run-time.

For a logger L there are:


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.LogManagerGui (  ) 

Member Function Documentation

alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.[static initializer] (  )  [static, package]
Level alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.activeLevel ( Logger  x  )  [package]
Color alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.colorFromLevel ( Level  x  )  [package]
Level alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.decodeLevel ( Object  level  )  [package]
void alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.doSetLevel ( Logger  x,
Level  toSet 
) [package]
void alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.editLogger ( final Logger  x  )  [package]
Level alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.effectiveLevel ( Logger  x  )  [package]
void alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.message ( String  msg  )  [protected]
static JFrame alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.openFrame ( final LogManagerGui  inst  )  [static]
void alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.populateModel (  ) 
void alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.populateModel ( String[]  nameFilter  ) 
void alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.quickEditLogger ( Point  p,
final Logger  x 
) [package]
void alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.setFilter ( String  string  ) 

------------------- API ------------------------ ///

References alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.controls, and alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.Controls.txtNameFilter.

void alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.setVisible ( boolean  b  ) 

Member Data Documentation

final Color alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.BG_NORMAL = Color.white [static, package]
final Color alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.BG_SELECT = Color.lightGray [static, package]
final HashMap<Level, Color> alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.level2color = new HashMap<Level, Color>() [static, package]
final Vector<Level> alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.LEVELS [static, package]
Initial value:
 new Vector<Level>(Arrays.asList(new Level[]{

---------------- Inner Types ------------------- ///

Referenced by alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.decodeLevel(), alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.LoggerEditor.LoggerEditor(), and alma.acs.vmtools.LogManagerGui.QuickLoggerEditor.QuickLoggerEditor().

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