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Retrieve MIDAS sources from the midas ftp account

To retrieve MIDAS sources:

% cd /midas
% ftp
Name: ftp
Password: <your_email_address>
ftp> cd /midaspub/09SEP/sources
ftp> get README.sources
ftp> binary (necessary for binary files)
ftp> get 09SEPpl1.0.tar.gz
ftp> get any_other_file
ftp> quit

To decompress and un-tar the MIDAS sources:

% cd /midas
% tar -zxvf 09SEPpl1.0.tar.gz
% ln -s 09SEPpl1.0 09SEP

All files will then be stored in the release directory 09SEP.

User support is offered to all users from institutes using ESO-MIDAS. We can provide help for problems, questions during installation or usage of the MIDAS system. If answers to questions cannot be obtained locally (e.g. through the manuals) or after consulting our FAQ, please feel free to contact us for support.

K. Banse