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The Config Script

Located in the directory /midas/98NOV/install/unix is the front-end of the installation of MIDAS to the operator. It offers a menu of other options that are executed when selected by the option number. To execute the config script type:

% cd /midas/98NOV/install/unix
% sh config

The config script will generate the following output on the screen:

     1 - list of MIDAS packages available
     2 - select only MIDAS core
     3 - select all MIDAS packages
     4 - select MIDAS core and packages of your choice
     5 - preinstall MIDAS
     6 - install MIDAS
     7 - update MIDAS
     8 - setup MIDAS
     9 - clean MIDAS
    10 - help
     q - quit

     Select: (option number or q to quit)

Petra Nass