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Tracing the Server

The server can be traced by allowing debug messages into a log-file. Edit the file /etc/syslog.conf and be sure that debug messages are sent to some log-file (e.g. /var/log/mtaped.log. create an empty file with this name first). Add an entry in the /etc/syslog.conf as follow:

local0.debug /var/log/mtaped.log
user.debug /var/log/mtaped.log
if your system does not support the facility local0 (e.g. Ultrix)

Send the signal SIGHUP to the syslogd daemon to force it to reread its configuration file, therefore sending debug messages and others of higher priority from local0 daemon (in.mtaped) to the log-file.

# ps -ax 1#1 grep syslogd 1#1 grep -v grep
(this will tell you the PID number for the syslogd proccess)
# kill -HUP syslogdPID

You can read the messages coming in the log-file by:

# tail -f /var/log/mtaped.log

Petra Nass