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The MIDAS Tapeserver Daemon

The installation of the MIDAS tapeserver is NOT included in the default installation of MIDAS, so the first thing you will have to do is to compile and link:

% cd /midas/98NOV/util/tapserv
% make

The MIDAS tapeserver daemon in.mtaped does not use any variable DEVCAPFILE, but it addresses the file /usr/local/lib/devcap.dat if it exists, otherwise the tapeserver addresses tape devices with the generic driver.

If you have configured your own devcap.dat file for client hosts you will have to copy it to tt /usr/local/lib/devcap.dat in the tapeserver host. As superuser:

# cd /usr/local/lib
# cp /midas/98NOV/incl/devcap.dat devcap.dat
# ln -s /midas/98NOV/incl/devcap.dat devcap.dat

The second option (soft-link) has the advantage of using the same file used by MIDAS users, so any modification in the original file will be also detected by the MIDAS tapeserver.

Copy the tapeserver daemon inmtaped.exe to /usr/local/etc

# cd /usr/local/etc
# cp /midas/98NOV/util/exec/inmtaped.exe in.mtaped

Petra Nass