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Code headers

All printable files must start with a header comment block. This block must have a comment character in the first column (see Table [*]) except for C-language source code where it must be enclosed by the comment characters. The header block must contain the required entries given in Table [*]. The label must start just after the comment character (for C-code in the first column within a comment). The label may be truncated as indicated by lower case characters. If an entry exceeds one line it may be continued on the next. Such lines must either be indented or repeat the section label. In program source code additional comment blocks are required after each routine or function declaration (see Section [*]).
Table: Section labels for documentation in text files.
Label Usage Remarks
+++++++++++ Start of comment block Required
.COPYRIGHT Copyright statement Required, Header
.IDENTifier File name of module Required, Header
.MODULE Type of module  
.AUTHOR Name of creator Required, Header
.KEYWORDs Subject keywords Required
.LANGUAGE Language of module Required, Header
.PURPOSE General purpose of module Required
.COMMENTs Comments Optional
.VERSION Version no., date, etc. Required, Header
.RETURNS Return values for functions Required, Routine
.ENVIRONment Special environment requirements Required
------ End of comment block Required

The general layout of the section can be seen in the example for a User Manual given below. The VERSION section must have the format indicated, namely: version no., date, short description and initials of person making the change. New VERSION sections must be added each time a modification is made. Old VERSION sections must be maintained so that the full history of the module is present.

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Last update: 1998-10-23