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Code Documentation
Proper documentation and comments in the
application code itself are essential. As an absolute minimum of
documentation in the code, each module must contain the elements
- Each code module or file must start with a header comment block
that at least contains the required entries defined in
Table .
- Any routine or function within a code module must contain a
routine comment block immediately after the routine declaration
statement. This block must include the required routine entries
defined in Table .
- All external or global variables (e.g. COMMON's)
must be identified in the module comment block.
- All formal variables in routines or functions must be declared
in separate lines with comments indicating their usages and if
they are used for input, output or both.
- Each major section of the code must be preceded by a comment
describing what the section does.
Usage of meaningful names of variables and functions is recommended to
improve readability of the code. Although the exact amount of comments
compared to the code will depend on the actual module, a general
guideline is that approximately 30% of a module should be comments.
Next: Documentation
Up: Code Standards
Previous: Installation