FORS 1 Blue CCD Upgrade

CCD Test Report

Front view of the Fors 1 upgrade cryostat with the modified front flange
Front view of the Fors 1 upgrade cryostat with the front flange
         The FORS 1 blue CCD upgrade was installed in Paranal between Jan/26/2007 and Feb/04/2007 on the FORS 1 instrument in VLT/Kueyen.

FORS 1 upgrade employs a mosaic of two E2V CCDs. The cooling of the CCD is performed by a standard ESO bath cryostat. This system uses a FIERA controller for CCD readout.

CCD test report for the old FORS 1 system before the upgrade

Further information about FORS 1 + 2:

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Last update: May/08/2007