FORS 1 Blue CCD Upgrade

Implemented Readout Modes

The tabel lists the available modes after Comm1. 2-port readout is always done through ports R Ch. 1 and R Ch. 3.

Module: ccdF

Mode Description Binning
0 eng. test mode, 100 kpix/4ports 1 x 1     2 x 2
1 50 Kps/2ports/low_gain 1 x 1     2 x 2
2 50 Kps/2ports/high_gain 1 x 1     2 x 2
3 50 Kps/4ports/low_gain 1 x 1
4 50 Kps/4ports/high_gain 1 x 1
5 100 Kps/2ports/low_gain 1 x 1     2 x 2
6 100 Kps/2ports/high_gain 1 x 1     2 x 2
7 200 Kps/2ports/low_gain 1 x 1     2 x 2
8 200 Kps/2ports/high_gain 1 x 1     2 x 2
9 225 Kps/2ports/low_gain 1 x 1     2 x 2
10 225 Kps/2ports/high_gain 1 x 1     2 x 2
11 225 Kps/4ports/low_gain 1 x 1
12 225 Kps/4ports/high_gain 1 x 1
13 625 Kps/2ports/low_gain 1 x 1     2 x 2

Last update: May/08/2007