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The software described in this manual is intended to be used in the ESO VLT project by ESO and authorized external contractors only.

While every precaution has been taken in the development of the software and in the preparation of this documentation, ESO assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damage resulting from the use of the software or of the information contained herein.

1.1 Purpose

This document is the first part of the User Manual of the Motor Control Module software. It is dedicated to the description of the interface to higher level applications implemented on LCU or on WS. The interface is realized by two SW modules:

mot is the Application Programmatic Interface for LCU applications (functions are programmatically invoked).
motci is the Application Command Interface for LCU and WS applications. This module consists in a LCU process (built using the LCC Command Interpreter) implementing in form of commands most of the API functions.

The present document provides all information necessary to implement applications dealing with motion control.

The author assumes that the reader has a good knowledge of UNIX, C-language, the VxWorks operating system and is familiar with the VxWorks development environment.

In addition to the Introduction, this manual contains the following major sections:

User's Guide describes the operations available with the MCM software package.
Reference Manual contains the description of the functions (API) and commands (ACI) .
Structure and Configuration of the Local Database contains the detailed description of the local database for the motors.
Installation Guide describes how to install the MCM software and make it ready for use.
Error Messages and Recovery provides a complete list of error and diagnostic messages and possible recovery actions.

1.2 Scope

This manual describes the usage of the SW modules mot and motci as for VLT Common Software Release OCT98 or higher.

Note: This release is also compatible with the VLT Common Software from Release DEC95.

The mot SW module is a service layer for control of VLT motor equipment on LCU.

The motci SW module is interfacing the mot SW module with WS/LCU applications via the message system.

The interface of the mot module to the Single Device Libraries (SDL) is not part of this manual and is described in [4].

1.3 Reference Documents

The following documents contain additional information and are referenced in the text.

[1] VLT-MAN-SBI-17210-0001 LCU Common Software User Manual
[2] VLT-PRO-ESO-10000-0228 VLT Programming Standards
[3] VLT-SPE-ESO-17210-0249 CCS-LCU/Motor Libraries Functional Specification
[4] VLT-MAN-ESO-17210-0776 CCS-LCU/Motor Control Module - SDL User Manual
[5] VLT-MAN-ESO-17210-0719 CCS-LCC/Common Access Interface User Manual
[6] VLT-MAN-ESO-17200-0642 VLT Common Software Installation Manual
[7] MACCON GmbH, port GmbH MAC4-xxx User Manual (reshaped and translated in english)
[8] VLT-MAN-ESO-17210-0375 CCS-LCU / Driver Development Guide and User Manual
[9] VLT-MAN-ESO-17200-0981 VLT Software Problem Report Change Request User Manual

1.4 Abbreviations and Acronyms

The following abbreviations and acronyms are used in this document:

ACI / API Application Command / Programmatic Interpreter
CCS Central Control Software
HW / SW Hardware / Software
LCC LCU Common Software
LCU Local Control Unit
DB Local Database
MCM Motor Control Module
SDL Single Device Library
VLT Very Large Telescope
WS UNIX Work Station

1.5 Stylistic Conventions

The following styles are used:

bold in the text, for commands, file names, etc. as they have to be typed.
italic in the text, for parts that have to be substituted with the real content before typing.
teletype for examples.
<name> in the examples, for parts that have to be substituted with the real content before typing.

The bold and italic styles are also used to highlight words.

1.6 Naming conventions

This implementation follows the naming conventions as outlined in the VLT Programming Standards [2].

1.7 Problem Reporting/Change Request

The procedure to follow is described in [9] .

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